I was told that that the Iframely plugin might help me with being able to have Instagram posts show in my Flutter app WebView.
Is this possible? I’ve tried a few things but no success.
]]>Is there a way to insert parameters into the [iframely]URL[/iframely] shortcode, e.g. &iframe=card-small
we are experiencing inconsistent behaviour of the embed preview in the Gutenberg editor.
1. https://twitter.com/i/events/1366508952377192448
yields a different result from
2. https://twitter.com/FBIDenver/status/1440421552042897415?s=20
In the frontend both embeds are displayed in Iframely card layout. (Iframely setting: iframe=card)
But in the Gutenberg editor URL 1 displays in Iframely card layout whereas URL 2 displays as standard Twitter embed layout.
Can you confirm this behaviour?
in the Optional API query-string params setting we have iframe=card.
Now we have the case where we need to get the standard embed code with wp_oembed_get($url, $args) function in our code.
Since Iframely is intercepting this call, there is no chance to get a standard embed code like we would get with the setting iframe=0.
We tried remove_all_filters() for all of the filters that are being added in iframely.php. To no avail. Also tried disabling caching.
How can we make wp_oembed_get() return standard embed code when the setting for Optional API query-string params is iframe=card and the setting Don’t override default embed providers is not checked?
I′m trying to embed a Tableau Public viz using your plug in. While it does it successfully, the layout of the visualization changes completely. Is there a way to maintain the same layout as in the original dashboard?
]]>Does Iframely not with the recent posts displayed on the homepage of WordPress? I’m getting titles and some text on homepage of the default twentyseventeen theme, but no images and a gap underneath.
]]>Does this plugin support the editor in BBpress topic replies?
]]>Ever since the start of the year (probably the last time I ran a WordPress update) My IFramely API hits have spiked pretty hard to the point where its just told us that we’ve lost API access till we pay more or wait till February.
Its my understanding that WordPress is supposed to cache the embed responses for AT LEAST a day (maybe longer) so I’m not understanding why we are getting so many hits per url per day on article we wrote a long time ago.
Anyone else seeing this?
]]>Hi, thanks for the great plugin!
Quick question, I imagine the setting for gif allows for cut-off at a certain max limit. Looks to be either 8 or 9 seconds. I posted some gif’s from giphy and the ones that were 10 seconds don’t make it all the way to the end.
Is there a way to adjust, or add a fix to allow extended time (or void this restriction all together)? I have oembed on a phpbb forum and there’s a file which allows custom settings, but didn’t see anything like that in your plug in, just wondering if there’s a way.
Thanks for the help,
I have such high hopes for this plugin, but I can’t seem to get it to work. Embeds show up fine on the editor, but never show on the front end. Just URLs.
]]>I’m so glad to have found an alternative from the baffling embedly. Thank you!
Just curious, and this may be because I don’t understand embeds all that well, but after disabling the plugin, I would expect my single-line URLs to return to single-line URLs, yet the embed remains. Is there any way around this? If not, could you explain the behavior in toddler terms (okay, preteen terms)?
]]>I was wondering if I could use iframely to display a Google doc. I tried using just iframes but it puts in borders and scrolling.
]]>I used to be able to add the url of a post and iframely would convert it to a responsive embed.
That no longer happens
I recently updated to the latest iframely update and any new posts I attempt to insert are not working. The embed code is not generating. It still works on my old posts however which seems especially odd. (old post example: https://www.rebeccascomics.com/index.php/2016/09/09/sad-monster/)
(new post example: https://www.rebeccascomics.com/index.php/2016/09/12/kc-zine-con-2016-monsters/)
I tested the URL on iframely and they work. I tried to delete the post and create a new one without any difference. Thanks for your help!
Would be great.
Awesome sign up and configuration process.
i’ve just wanted to ask if it is possible to set the featured image from a link posted with iframely. I embed a lot of gifs on my website
Any solution?
is it possible to configure the Plugin to use a self-hosted Version of Iframely (https://github.com/itteco/iframely)?
Best Regards,
Just wanted to know how can I make the video autoplay. I tried adding ?autoplay=1 to the url but it doesn’t works.
Can you please help me?
Thank you!
it used to be that i could type in [iframely]https://thewebsitechartiwanttodisplay[/iframely] and the chart would appear
HOWEVER, now when I do that, all i get is a line of text describing that chart (which is clickable) but the chart does not appear!
Thanks for this plugin.
The website image shows up inside the post just fine:
But on the blog page, the thumbnail of the post does not show an image, just the title:
(top of third column from left)
Any suggestions?
Lovely implementation, though it seems to be incompatible with Jetpack Shortcakes (which, I think, subvert oembed). Has anyone reported this? Any ideas if there’s a workaround? Thanks!
]]>Using the short code it only puts a link on the page and does not show the page at all!
]]>Hello, I was pleased to have an embed such as
working on my profiles. they seem to have stopped working in recent updates though. Is this a known issue?
I am wondering if iframely does this? Can a user add their twitter name, and then have their twitter feed on display? I played a bit, but it wasn’t obvious if it can be done.
I am tying to do some styling. I have checked previous support which gave me a clue, but I still can quite get it.
using the inspector I can find
#iframely-content {
width: 100%;
-webkit-justify-content: center;
-ms-flex-pack: center;
justify-content: center;
-webkit-align-items: center;
-ms-flex-align: center;
align-items: center;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
which I add
text align; center;
which centres pinterest embeds when using chrome inspector.
I am happy to centre all embeds, but I haven’t been able to get this right either using iframe css in custom css either.
using the css above in custom css, it doesn’t pick up the stylings even with !important. I am at a bit of a dead end on this. Can you help me on this one?
Thanks for your previous reply I am trying to solve the problem as you suggested.
I need to embed Iframely inside of the category pages.
I am trying to use the following code as suggested by https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/the_widget:
<?php vthe_widget(‘Iframely_Cache_Hook’,'[iframely]https://www.slideshare.net/AdrianoTravaglia/decreto-legislativo-di-recepimento-della-crd-iv[/iframely]’ ); ?>
This code should call your widget by using the class name: “Iframely_Cache_Hook”
And then I pass the argument: ‘[iframely]https://www.slideshare.net/AdrianoTravaglia/decreto-legislativo-di-recepimento-della-crd-iv[/iframely]’
What is wrong? I need to add the ifremly to category page because I have some slideshare that appear inside of the preview.
Thanks again
]]>Hello, thanks for the plugin it works very nicely on mobile.
My problem is when I look at the page with a desktop.
My page is for instance: https://danilonl2.polito.it:8080/formazione_new/index.php/leggi-ed-altri-atti-normativi/
The iframe looks too big since I wish to have some content on the right part of the page.
How may I avoid the iframe to use all page width?
Thanks in advance
]]>Installed plugin to test on a site with issuu naked links in post content.
Preferred the native WP embed (the iframely put the issuu content into a black bg which I cannot edit).
Deactivated and then even uninstalled the plugin, but issuu urls are still being intercepted and embeded from cdn.frame.ly
src. Why? Are you storing some settings in the DB?
Only way round this issue is to hook embed_oembed_html
post embedded and rewrite the html injection code by calling wp_oembed_get()
It would be really nice if entering this
to get converted internally & automatically to
Suffusion Theme 4.4.7 (child theme)
Easy Digital Downloads 1.0.3
I need to embed a page generated “on the fly” by an Easy Digital Downloads [EDD] widget into a standard WP page on the same site. About the widget:
I tried the shortcode and entered the URL in the right place—it didn’t work:
I would LUV to use it instead of extensive time-intensive labor involved in manually adding linked images to tablepress charts:
If your plugin could support the pages generated by the EDD widget, it would automatically display linked images leading to commercial downloads.
Possibly relevant… My site is in the construction stage, so unlike mainstream social-networking portals, SEO indexing is discouraged until it “goes live.”
Is this plugin right for my purpose? If so, please teach me how to do what I need to do.
Many thanks for your advice, Anna