The Image Alt Text plugin is a very useful tool with a user-friendly interface, which makes it easier for us to use effectively.
I’ve tested the plugin on a website with 2,000 to 3,000 images in the media library, and it works well. The plugin successfully loads all image data at once via Ajax in the data table without any issues.
However, I also tested the plugin on a client’s website with a much larger media library (around 36,000 images). After activating the plugin and accessing the Image Alt Text menu, the images failed to load, and the admin side displayed a critical error.
The ‘Bulk Alt Text’ button doesn’t produce the same output as the individual ‘Copy Name to Alt Text’ option. For example, the post name ‘Bingo torta bez pe?enja’ is converted into the alt text ‘bingo-torta-bez-pecenja’, making it look like a slug rather than the actual post name. In addition to dashes being inserted between words, which negatively impacts image SEO, non-English characters (like ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) are also removed, further reducing the quality of the alt text. At the moment, Bulk Alt Text is SEO suicide. But it can be fixed, if you read further.
In contrast, the individual ‘Copy Name to Alt Text’ option generates the correct output: what appears in the Name column becomes the alt text.
Request 1: If possible, please improve the speed of the individual ‘Copy Name to Alt Text’ function by preventing the page from refreshing every time the link is clicked and returning to page 1. This would allow us to track our progress without constantly navigating back to ‘Media with Alt’ and searching for our previous work. The changes should only disappear when we manually refresh the page or adjust the number of items displayed.
Request 2: We’re missing a link to the post where the image is attached. Having this would allow us to quickly jump to the post content for review.
Request 3: Please add the ‘Copy Name to Alt Text’ option in the ‘Media with Alt’ tab so we can fix previous issues, if we have it. It would be really useful to correct some previous mess, but not type it manually. You could also include an option for bulk overwriting alt text, so it would do every single image, regardless of the Alt text status.