Hi @labelblanc
I also love this plugin, but my software security scans report that it is abandoned and so is a security threat. I understand that even a beautifully perfect plugin will receive this report if (for example) it has not been updated in 2 years, yet it is actually still safe, the absence of an update still triggers this warning.
My clients are not happy to continue unless the reports are clean, and I have no way to substantiate if the software is OK or not.
I imagine this is the case for other developers using the plugin.
Is there any chance you could submit a new version to the repository, to bring it up to date so that I can continue using it without the glaring reports?
cheers, and thank you for such great functionality.
Thanks in advance, Han
Gday @labelblanc
I love love love this plugin, but my software security scans report that it is abandoned and so is a security threat. I understand that even a beautifully perfect plugin will receive this report if (for example) it has not been updated in 2 years, yet it is actually still safe, the absence of an update still triggers this warning.
My clients are not happy to continue unless the reports are clean, and I have no way to substantiate if the software is OK or not.
I imagine this is the case for other developers using the plugin.
Is there any chance you could submit a new version to the repository, to bring it up to date so that I can continue using it without the glaring reports?
cheers, and thank you for such great functionality.
hello, I like this plugin, but I have published posts and concept posts.
When I use the button to go to Save and Next, it also brings me to a concept post.
But I only want to be taken to the published posts. Is this possible?
Thank you
I have a custom post type that has added fields using ACF and the form is used for visitors at the front end. Does it work on the front end?
]]>First of all THANK YOU FOR THIS AMAZING FREE PLUGIN! It’s a staple in all the sites I build for clients and makes the task of adding/editing a large number of pages so much easier!
My question is whether you have a plan to add an “orderby” parameter to the settings page (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=save-and-then) where we specify Actions to show etc…
I have another plugin, which is very useful, called Post Types Order (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/post-types-order/) which re-orders my posts and then I use “orderby” => “menu_order” in my wp_query args. If you could add this as an option (and maybe even ASC vs DESC) on the settings page it would make this very amazing plugin even better!! (let me know if you’d like me to fork and pull request on github)
]]>This plug-in sounds ideal. Does it work with Gutenberg?
]]>Don’t get me wrong, this plugin is already awesome.
But when using Visual Composer on a long page I have to scroll up to your button because the default one on the sticky bar isn’t updated by your plugin.
Also, I use keyboard plugins like CTRL+S (“Save with keyboard”) and it would be nice if it worked with that too.
I’m certain with Jquery you could modify this to work with both above by intercepting the form on submit.
Go on… please ??
right now I’m finding it not as easy to use as it could be.
]]>Thanks for the great plugin! I’ve got a suggestion, would it be possible/easy/feasible to add Save and close functionality? I’ve used to open posts in new windows, edit them, and close after that. Such a function would cut this queue by one action.
]]>Can you set the z-index to 99 on the drop down for us GeneratePress users? GeneratePress uses a toggle just below the update button that has a setting that conflicts with this (it puts the toggle up in front of the drop down). While I could adjust my css values in each of my WP installs, I prefer to help make your already amazing plugin just a tiny bit better for those that are already using GeneratePress. I know it’s probably not as many as you might care about but it is just such a simple fix and it does make sense since it’s a drop down. By the way, I reviewed your plugin, nice work on earning all 5 stars too! ??
I’m having an issue where the dropdown menu in the improved save button is hidden. It flies out but does not extend outside of the publish container. Is this an overflow hidden issue? Anyway to resolve this?
EDIT: Yes, div.postbox sets overflow to hidden.
EDIT 2: WP-statistics is adding the CSS line, problem solved!
]]>Hi dear
I like me suggest a option for skip drafts
Thanks for support
]]>I am having an issue where you need to click on the Publish and Return button multiple times to get it to respond. WPs normal buttons all work fine. Any ideas what might be causing this, I have check for JS errors but none are being reported.
]]>Hey there,
Great work on this plugin! I encountered an issue which I have resolved but I thought I should let you know about it. I performed an import to populate my database, therefore many post_dates are the same. When I clicked on “Update and Next” the plugin was skipping several posts.
Here’s the problem:
Your function get_adjacent_post() checks for the adjacent post based on post_date with the “>” and “<” operators. This skips the adjacent post if they have the same post date, which they did in my case.
Here’s how I solved it:
First I changed the operators to “>=” and “<=”. Then I added an additional WHERE clause to disregard the current post because “>=” and “<=” will always return the current post. This fix was applied on lines 92-95 of class-lb-save-and-then-utils.php.
$op = $dir == 'next' ? '>=' : '<=';
$op2 = $dir == 'next' ? '>' : '<';
$order = $dir == 'next' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
$exclude_states = get_post_stati( array( 'show_in_admin_all_list' => false ) );
$additionnal_where = 'AND p.ID '.$op2.' \''.$post->ID.'\'';
Finally, I added p.ID to the orderby clause on line 110 to ensure that WordPress grabs the next ID if the post_dates are equal.
ORDER BY p.post_date, p.ID $order LIMIT 1
There’s probably a better way to achieve this but since I am not familiar with your plugin I figured I should let you know about my experience so you can consider including a solution in a future update. Also, I understand that my situation might be too localized to warrant a bug fix. Thanks again for the super work on this plugin! It is extremely useful!
]]>Can we also edit the text shown on the button? That would be a nice touch please
]]>In seems in the latest version of wordpress, both the core update button and also this plugins update button is shown.
can you please release the german translation of your plugin. It seems to be totally translated and only needs to be approved.
Thank you.
]]>I have got some conflict with MyMail plugin CSS, so I added some !important override, which works ok anywhere else.
Please include to next version. Thx
]]>Hi, please, can you add czech translation to your awesome plugin ?? thx
A “Save and Return” option would be a very useful feature in you plugin.
I often use the frontend for accessing the post editor (fx. via a filtered product grid) and then it would be very helpful if I could just save and return to that specific page after editing the post (product).
]]>It would be really helpful if their was a checkbox next to options like “Update and List” on the settings page where you could tick to tell the plugin to return to the referring page when pressed. So for example lets say you have another plugin that displays a list and then opens the post page editor and the user presses the Update and List button. At the moment it takes them to the Post List page rather than the plugin page that they came from which is confusing for the user. Please would you consider adding this option. Thanks.
]]>Hi, I used this plugin before and I really really like it… so first of all thank you for making it available!
I just installed it on another website and get this error when trying to activate:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_called_class() in /webroot/xxxxx/web/new/wp-content/plugins/improved-save-button/lib/class-lb-save-and-then-settings.php on line 54
Is this a bug? I have a fresh new wp install, the latest version, basically no other plugins installed yet. I would love to be able to use this one again.
I’ve implemented a duplicate function in your great “improved save button” plugin. And I’ve also translated it into german.
Are you interested in my code?
Just give me your contact details.
What about adding support for using the translation system on www.ads-software.com?
]]>There are colors conflict, if I have own scheme via plugin “Admin Color Schemer”, the blue is hardcoded in your css. I think, that is not needed
.wp-core-ui .lb-sat-dropdown-menu-shown .lb-sat-dropdown-button.button {
/* background-color:#EEE; */
/* border-color:#999; */
/* -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 2px 5px -3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); */
/* box-shadow:inset 0 2px 5px -3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); */
.wp-core-ui .lb-sat-dropdown-menu-shown.lb-sat-set-as-default .lb-sat-dropdown-button.button {
/* background-color:#1B7AA6; */
/* border-color:#005684; */
/* -webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1); */
/* box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1); */
border-left: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2)
updated SCSS -> https://codepen.io/anon/pen/rxzbmV
]]>Hello, I used this plugin before and had no problems, was great! Thank you! I tried to install it on another website and got this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_called_class() in ……/wp-content/plugins/improved-save-button/lib/class-lb-save-and-then-settings.php on line 54
Could this be a bug in the latest version? I would love to use this plugin again, it’s great otherwise. Any idea please?
Thank you!
I’ve not tried this plugin yet, but could you explain the ‘save & next’?
If I search my posts for ‘foo’, so that I have a list of filtered posts, does ‘Save & Next go to the next record in my list or next record in the WP posts table?
I don’t have access to my WP platform, so i cannot test this out now.
I have updated to the newest version of Improved save button (1.1). I am also using Visual Composer 4.7.4. If i activate 1.1 of Improved save button, the visual composer button disappears on the edit screen in pages, posts and every other post type. In addition, the improved save button also does not appear. This must be a conflict between these two plugins. Can you look into it?
first of all – excellent idea for plugin.
We want to ask you
Is there an option to have Improved Save Button in Media manager?
If we can – it will be grate. This will be in great help for a lot of users.
Best regards
]]>Hi, I really live this plugin and was wondering if you would consider adding the same feature for the “Save as Draft” button as this would be really useful of me. Thanks.
]]>I always view my post in the front end after I’ve saved/published it. Maybe a useful option here?