Is it possible to change the fields of the form? It is a bit big as a widget in the sidebar so I would like to delete some fields.
]]>Hi, at first this is exactly the plugin what i was looking for.
So i have some things that i need to change:
I need it in german and i dont need all fields that can be filled.
Is this possible for my own to change it?
]]>Hello, every time I submit a candle I receive the following error: “Sorry, but there was a problem with submitting your candle. Please ensure all required fields have been supplied and that you entered the CAPTCHA code correctly.” I see also, that after the submission the candle goes I draft, so is this error message just misleading?
]]>I downloaded this plugin a while ago as I run a Wartime Site and would love to have people light a candle to their loved ones. However I cant make head or tail of the instructions. Can some one please do a fools guide if poss. I’m not hot on short codes.
thanks in anticipation
Is this plugin still being supported? I’ve managed to install it in a sidebar on a post. Once the form has been submitted, it automatically resubmits the form again, every time the page is refreshed instead of showing the form again. I had to disable the recaptcha because it wasn’t showing up, but was causing an error on the submit. Also having other issues, such as changing the height/width is not affecting the candle image shown on the page.
Another problem. When a new candle is actually submitted, it simply replaces the previous one instead of showing both.
]]>I like this add-on. I’d love to use it. Unfortunately, it just won’t work
the recaptcha function, specifically recaptcha_get_html collides with recaptcha from the Paid Membership Pro add-on.
Changing the function name in recaptchalib and the call for the function in shortcodes to match causes the Recaptcha to not show at all… which would be fine, but upon entry, the recaptcha failure triggers.
(I don’t have time to fully debug what is going on. I hoped for an add-on that would just work)
Also, this the user to manually edit the shortcodes.php file in order to add your own recaptcha Site and private keys.
Finally, there are so many hard-coded text strings. ?? I had to change the text in 3 files to remove the term “prayer”. Most add-ons allow the change of a single language definition file.
]]>Gostaria de saber como devo proceder para traduzir
]]>I installed this plugin (and modified it a lot to work with my template) and ran a the PHP Compatibility plugin on my site for checking compatibility with PHP 7.2 and the below files were identified as not being compatible. Is there any chance you could update this plugin (or just this file) to be compatiblie with PHP 7.2? My site is not live yet, but when I go live, it will be on the PHP 7.2 and I’m afraid this plugin won’t work for my client.
FILE: /home/xxxx/public_html/beta/wp-content/plugins/in-memoriam-light-a-candle/lib/recaptchalib.php
218 | ERROR | The constant “MCRYPT_MODE_CBC” is deprecated since PHP 7.1 and removed since PHP 7.2
219 | ERROR | The constant “MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128” is deprecated since PHP 7.1 and removed since PHP 7.2
221 | ERROR | Extension ‘mcrypt’ is deprecated since PHP 7.1 and removed since PHP 7.2; Use openssl (preferred) or pecl/mcrypt once available instead
221 | ERROR | Function mcrypt_encrypt() is deprecated since PHP 7.1 and removed since PHP 7.2; Use OpenSSL instead
Thank You!
]]>I ran into the issue with having to update the recaptcha key. The instructions say to update echo recaptcha_get_html(‘SITE_KEY’)
recaptcha_check_answer(‘SECRET_KEYspots but it seems those spots have changed.
After some googling, reading and scrunching my face a whole bunch as I tried to suss out where to put the recaptcha keys, I finally had sussing success ( and I believe all the face scrunching paid off to ) of where to place the keys.
Find the answer below
We will edit the shortcodes.php in two spots and that makes this the part where you save a backup copy of shortcodes.php before modifying the file.
Edit 1!
Search in the shortcodes.php for $captcha = recaptcha_check_answer( – you should find it at line 367, then go down to line 371 and replace between the ” the number you find there with your Secret Key from your recaptcha registration. (Yes, go get your keys… First!)
Edit 2!
Search again in the shortcodes.php for echo recaptcha_get_html, you should find it at line 609. Take your Site Key from your recaptcha account that you created above and replace what you find between the(”) next to echo recaptcha_get_html at line 609.
Save, upload, reload your form and feel mighty groovy that the error is now gone.
To the plugin author, My most hearty thanks for creating this plugin as it fit exactly what I needed to accomplish.
To everyone please have a most awesome day!
]]>I have created a translation to Russian language. But when you place the translation file in-memoriam-light-a-candle-ru_Ru.po space in the folder language, the translation is not used and all remains in English. Tell me how to use translation file?
]]>It does not seem to be sending notification Emails on any/all New Submissions… Can you point me to the file or files so that I may troubleshoot the issue?
]]>headers already sent by (output started at ../class.in-memoriam-light-a-candle.php:699) in ../public_html/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1210
]]>How do we change the notification email, it defaults to admin, which our hosting admin receives. We need it to go to the person that will be reviewing and approving. Can we have more than one email as well?
]]>This question has already been asked. But maybe the author can see this one and reply. Please…
How to resolve this: An internal error occurred: 53186A234F2D9.A231603.3600A1E7
I tried to replace the 2 google keys on the shortcode.php file but I I can’t solve the error.
On the shotcode.php file on line 186:
thers is: ‘6LeCFegSAAAAACCQCRacwYkqX37CSKWtrowfkP9K’,
then on line: 290 there is another key/s code as follow:
echo recaptcha_get_html(‘6LeCFegSAAAAANwMXR-_3SOkC6POym9IVa2HgWCO’);
Now according to the instructions since there are 2 keys to replace in the existing file on whicj line is located the SITE KEY
similarly on which line is located the code line for SECRET KEY.
Are both keys located on the same lime?
If that is the case which key iss to include first and how ti include the secon.
Many thanks in advance
I found something like this:
Is somebody able to use it in memoriam script ?
<?xml version = “1.0” encoding = “utf-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN”
<title>change picture</title>
<script type = “text/javascript”>
function changeImage()
var img = document.getElementById(“img”);
img.src = images[x];
if(x >= images.length){
x = 0;
var timerid = setInterval(changeImage(), 1000);
} }
var images = [], x = 0;
images[0] = “candle1.jpg”;
images[1] = “candle2.jpg”;
images[2] = “candle3.jpg”;
<body onload = “changeImage()”>
<img id=”img” src=”startpicture.jpg”>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>change picture</title>
<script type = “text/javascript”>
function displayNextImage() {
x = (x === images.length – 1) ? 0 : x + 1;
document.getElementById(“img”).src = images[x];
function displayPreviousImage() {
x = (x <= 0) ? images.length – 1 : x – 1;
document.getElementById(“img”).src = images[x];
function startTimer() {
setInterval(displayNextImage, 3000000);
var images = [], x = -1;
images[0] = “candle1.jpg”;
images[1] = “candle2.jpg”;
images[2] = “candle3.jpg”;
<body onload = “startTimer()”>
<img id=”img” src=”candle.jpg”/>
<button type=”button” onclick=”displayPreviousImage()”>Previous</button>
<button type=”button” onclick=”displayNextImage()”>Next</button>
Thank you
]]>Hi, I would like visitors to be able to create their memorial candle without it having to be approved. This there a way to turn it off or remove it?
]]>we are getting this error message on the form, I see your instructions to update the keys in the shortcode.php file, we downloaded it and do not see a spot to enter the keys?
Help please.
]]>How show the candle only 7 days in site?
and how show the candle lowing with the time?
]]>Hello – thank your the plugin – my son passed last year it it’s just what is needed for his website.
I have a problem that I have quotes(“) by the candle how can I remove them
]]>I need to simplify the contact form:
– remove the category
– remove the captcha
How to do this?
Setting the captcha thing to true as you suggested in another post, works, but there still appears an error message on the bottom. How to get rid of that? It is very confusing to visitors.
2) the category is not useful to me and confusing to visitors. How to get rid of it?
Please respond quickly, I am trying to do this for some very unhappy people who might feel better if they can light candles in a simple way …
]]>dear support,
i installed the plugin, but i need to customize it to fit my needs.
i need to disable captcha for the form, also i need to edit the candle’s image size, and need to make the candle’s image beside the prayer’s name and not above it exactly like the demo. can you please help me?
]]>any clue?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _recaptcha_qsencode() (previously declared in /home2/suraj1/inmemoryglobal/wp-content/plugins/wp-user-frontend/lib/recaptchalib.php:47) in /home2/suraj1/inmemoryglobal/wp-content/plugins/in-memoriam-light-a-candle/lib/recaptchalib.php on line 55
I thank you for the plugin, but I have some difficulties to complete the set-up.
For the plugin I created two pages:
On the first I included the following code: [candles]
(With the above code will list all (admin approved) submissions for all categories.
And according to your instructions to limit the listing (on each page)
I need to enter : ……… [candles category=”10″ per_page=”5″].
BUT ON THIS EXAMPLE THE LIST WILL BE 5 submissions BUT for the category number 10 !
But on my case I have [candles] ALL CATEGORIES, How to I limit the submissions for my above option?
On the second page I entered this code: [candle-submission-form]`
But I would like to remove the GOOGLE SECURITY CODE from the page:
According to your instructions to remove the security code I need to enter:
ct_disable_captcha – ………
But I don’t know where to include this filter and what is the exact code line to enter.
Many thanks in advance
]]>Hi ,
I want to have a button at the end of my pages and posts and whenever someone clicked on the button a candle image appears in comment section.
is it possible with this plugin?
Thank you so much for helping me.