Version 2.0.2 of InboundWriter does not work with WordPress 3.9. I had to disable the plug-in because it messed up with my text editor, not allowing me to see the text in the Visual tab. Needs an update.
]]>The combination of the WordPress 3.9 upgrade and InboundWriter 2.0.2 has resulted in breaking the post editor tab switching. I get the following JS error upon page load:
Timestamp: 23/04/2014 10:34:18 AM
Error: TypeError: Backbone is undefined
Source File: -hiddenurl-/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=jquery-form,hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-ajax-response,autosave,suggest,jquery-color,wp-lists,jquery-ui-core,jquery-&load%5B%5D=ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,heartbeat,post,thickbox,underscore,shortcode,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,m&load%5B%5D=edia-models,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,media-editor,media-audiovideo,wp-playlist,mce-view,imgareaselec&load%5B%5D=t,image-edit,svg-painter,wp-auth-check,media-upload,jquery-ui-position,wp-pointer,word-count,editor,quicktags,wplink,wp-fullscre&load%5B%5D=en&ver=3.9
Line: 394
Latest update in 2012!
I am not willing to “test”… on my blog(s)
This should be updated? not?
Maybe it’s not active anymore?
Support posts stopped 5 month ago…
I’m getting this message when I hit the research button:
“Unable to Research Your Topic
We did our best trying to research your topic, but couldn’t get all the way through.
Please close this window and start again.”
Sorry, I attached this question to another topic by mistake.
Is there a widget for inboundwriter that I could put in my sidebar? This would be really helpful for me.
]]>Hello. Great plugin – I have been using it for the past 6+ months on our blog and it really helps me make sure all our posts are on track with SEO/keyword density.
We’re just in the progress of integrating our old blog into our new WordPress website and our new blog is separated into its own custom post type. Inbound Writer works just fine on the default ‘posts’ post type, but doesn’t seem to work on custom post types, which is pretty useless for me as I’d like to run it on our blog posts too.
Is this a feature that you can add? If not, I’m going to have to cancel our monthly subscription as it won’t be of any use to us anymore.
]]>This is a useful plugin–or would be if it loaded reliably. However, most times it places “The InboundWriter WordPress plugin is loading” on the post screen and it never loads. It is even inconsistent for the same post–sometimes it loads but usually it doesn’t. And there are no error messages to suggest why it isn’t loading.
]]>Can you help me in developing wordpress plugin which match all the posts articles of your blog with recent poplar topics in search engines like google hot trends then provide related topic from the blog with their post title and link at the right bar of blog. Plug-In extract the recent popular topic from different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Also use top seo tools like Alexa to extract recent trends.Also manage the history of selected trends.
Through this plugin I just need to show the list of existing blog post titles which match from hot recent trend of search engines and able show the implemented trends history. just guide me how i implement these thing in proper way to achieve the desire result.
Also tell me related plugin which help me in working.
I posted this question 19 hours ago on the support forum on your website, and it’s still hasn’t been allocated to someone to fix. Why is support so slow?
]]>I signed up for a free account to test InboundWriter before deciding whether or not to upgrade.
I use WordPress, so I installed the plugin. I was asked to register the plugin, but when I clicked on the link, it took me to a new page which only had an error message on it saying, “<removed domain for privacy>/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=inboundwriter”. I’ve tried this several times.
So can you tell me how to fix it please?
Also, what other benefits do I gain from upgrading to a paid account?
No pricing information available on their website.
Just says:
“You may create up to 8 documents per month for free. If you need more documents, simply upgrade your free account for a small monthly fee.”
No way I’m going to get involved with a plugin or company that doesn’t disclose their pricing.
]]>Nothing of the Inbound-writer shows up on the post.
As a Premium user of the service I am disappointed and disappointed again that service is yet to respond to the ticket….
Though the idea behind Inbound-writer is good, the implementation is weaker: service, technical problems (site freezes and plugin that does not work).
]]>When I click on register, it takes me to a page to register for inbound writer.
It pre-fills the email address field, which CANNOT be changed with a different email address than the one I used to register for inbound writer.
Should I just create a new account as work-around?
Why isn’t their an option to connect with an existing account?
]]>When I enable the plugin, it shows me the root blog rather than the ‘site’, which prevents the registration from working properly, probably because it is trying to register the root, which is different than the site where the plugin is installed.
Any ideas?