Hi there,
this looks like e very useful plugin, but I noticed that it as not been updated in nearly 2 years, nor have all the support requests been answered.
– Is this plugin still being developed?
– I have the same question as a (now closed, but unanswered) support request: can I use chapter titles as permalinks? ie.site.com/book1/NameOfChapter1/paragraph etc?
Additional questions:
– Can this be used to group a lot of pages into one book? If I need to put 100 pages into one long post, then there will be problems.
– Can you have more hierarchy: book/section/chapter/paragraph for larger chapters?
If not, does anybody know of a better alternative to ‘publish’ full books using WP with pretty hierarchical permalinks and indexes/links?
]]>This plugin works for post and page, but doesn’t work for custom post type. How can I resolve? Thanks.
]]>Can I get different comment form for each index post using this plugin?
Previously I’m using IntenseDebate and add javascript shortcode before next chapter and the result looks great, but recently it has a bug with comment using twitter account.
Is there an easy way I could use chapter’s name as permalink instead of …/chapter/number/?
For example: …/chapter/my-chapter-name/
Thanks for the plugin by the way it saved me alot of time!