Is version 2.3.0 of Inline Footnotes compatible with PHP 7.4?
Thank you.
]]>I’ve been validating pages on my site and found this part of the code was throwing up an error because color and background-color are empty:
.inline-footnote:visited {
background-color: ;
color: !important;
.inline-footnote span.footnoteContent {
background-color: ;
color: !important;}
Once I set colours, then they had values (of course). It might be good to hard code in some initial values.
]]>I read an old comment saying that we should update to a version that limited the width to 300px. I have that version BUT my url links are still falling outside the box. I will keep trying to fix but any help would be great.
]]>I just installed your plugin, I dig it and I’m using it. Thank you, kindly. A feature I ask you to consider implementing is an option for eliminating the title attribute in the <span> tag used by the $footnoteContent variable. The problem is that, in at least some browsers, the title displays as hover text (as with an img title attribute). This overlays or repeats the legit inline footnote content with the same text when hovering over the footnote symbol. This is what the chappie was writing about in the “Getting TWO pop-ups!” message.
Thank you for your consideration, and thank you for the swell plugin.
]]>I am experiencing two forms of pop-up. One is formatted correctly and one isn’t.
When I CLICK on the footnote number, the correctly formatted pop-up appears (following the css set out in “.inline-footnote span.footnoteContent” in the plug-in files). BUT, when I HOVER over the footnote number, an additional, unformatted, pop-up appears (rather like a tooltip or mouse-over). So, where I have hyperlinks that show correctly in the formatted pop-up, these appear as regular text in the unformatted pop-up.
I am aware of the option to “show footnote on hover”. What I am experiencing is NOT that. I am describing what happens when that option is un-checked. I have, of course, tried checking it, but then I get TWO pop-ups simultanously when I hover (ie both the formatted and unformatted pop-up).
The problem occurs in the standard WordPress 2019 theme as well as the tailored theme I am using.
I am not able to provide a link, because I am currently using Inline Footnotes on a developmenmt site on my PC. But I have taken some screenshots which I have uploaded to here:
]]>Now footnote text alignment automatically is controlled by context paragraph. this issue somethise cause problem. For example when context is aligned at center and footnote should be aligned right or left or justified. Like this screen shot:
How could I define text and context alignment independently?
]]>I want to insert some translator footnotes which have numbered in bracket : [1],[2],…When I customise title by bracket shortcode does not work! I used this one:
[footnote title=”[1]”]example[/footnote]
Is there any way to use bracket in title?
]]>Plugin has two background colours: 1-footnote text background colour 2- backgound colour for footnote title. I want to customize background colour for title. Could you help me?
Upgraded to wp5 today and my new posts are not showing footnotes on mobile anymore. Is there something that I should do?
I’m using classic editor with pagebuilder siteorigin, ig this makes any diference.
Gents, Could you please write an example for customizing background colour? I write this one, but it does not work:
[footnote title=”1″, background_color=”#87ceeb”]example[/footnote]
]]>is there a way to “reset” the numbering? my footnotes always start with the number 2. i don’t know why.
]]>I saw the old thread here. But I could not answer there because it was closed.
I just wanted to say, that I would like such a feature.
]]>Hello Gavin,
the google pagespeed test says, that I could save 48% of the inline-footnoes-public.js if it would be minimized.
Just something to consider.
got issues with the display of notes on mobile, how can i make notes responsive?
complete footnote box pop-up on mouse over
I’m trying to add a footnote to a header but it is copying the formatting of the header. If I seperate the footer from the header it drops down to the next line. Is there any way to resolve this?
For example…
<h1> HEADER </h1> [footnote] test footnote [/footnote] //this drops footnote to the next line.
<h1> HEADER [footnote] test footnote [/footnote] </h1> //this keeps the footnote on the same line but takes the style of the header, which I am trying to avoid.
Appreciate the help.
]]>Great pluggin but search for a way to add automatic shortcode footnotes
a button on WP editor or other…
Hello, is it possible to make the footnotes overlap the sidebar?
When the footnote number is located on the right side on the post, there isn’t much space and the footnote looks too narrow and long (too much height and very little width).
See image:
Also, if it’s possible to increase the width of the footnotes (in any case); I think it would be good.
Perhaps adding some CSS to my theme could fix this?
Sorry for the mistakes, I’m not a native English speaker.
Thank you so much for your plugin and your support.
]]>i love this plugin.
how do i exactly disable the hover? i’d like people to click on the footnote to get to the details/notes.
]]>Hi Gavin,
Thanks for this awesome plugin.
I was wondering, is it possible to change the shortcode of [footnote] to something else ([f], for example)?
I’m asking because I have a lot of notes with an old plugin and I want to change them all to yours, since I liked it more. To make this process less of a headache, it’s easier to just change to shortcode to what I have in my old posts, instead of just changing all the shortcodes manually.
Thank you,
Hi gavinr, I really like this plugin, it covers my footnote needs almost perfectly. However, one problem remains:
The size of the footnote number box is so big that it touches the text if you do not leave a blank space between the text and the footnote. So you put in a blank space. But then you decide to use justified composition – and then the footnote number box appears way too far away from the text in some places. Both ways it does not look good.
Here is the link to my site (german) with examples for both:
Footnote 1-6 are with blank space, 7+ are without blank space.
I wish the footnote number box would appear a tiny bit smaller (or with a little transparent border to the left?) so it could fit directly beside the text without touching it, and I do not have to worry about the justified composition.
Best Regards
Hi again,
I’d like to have the ability to use an image as a footnote. I saw that you’d implemented HTML tags, so I thought a simple img src = would work too.
I just put in there as HTML, specifically like this:
<img src="">
Should that work?
]]>First: very nice work, great and clean implementation of this idea.
I’m wondering if you could incorporate (or guide me where in the code I can customize) the ability to choose other characters to demarcate footnotes.
Take a look at for a specific example.
]]>Hey there,
Awesome plugin. I use it for URLs for the most part, and have noticed they only wrap when there are hyphens in the URL. Otherwise the URL continues out past the footnotes box, sometimes long past it.
Can you update this so they wrap?
Most cases work well.
But as the position of footnote close to right side, the shape of popup window begins to crush. (height increases very much and width decreases so far.)
Some case(especially mobile phone), popup window escapes the main frame window completley.(In mobile phone, people can’t see popup window.)
Thanks a lot.
]]>It is strange, but the Footnote Numbering starts with 3 instead of 1?
You can see it here:
Some of my inline footnotes get a little long, but inserting <p> or
doesn’t work. It would be helpful to be able to use these.
Hi there,
Thanks for this great plugin. A decent initial release.
As per my review…
I would suggest it needs to allow the user to customise the short-code. This is especially important for users wanting to switch from another footnotes plugin, which may use a different short-code or allows for a user specified short-code (and the user selected something other than “footnotes”). In my case, I have a great many existing footnotes notated with [ref][/ref].