The plugin is running normally,
However, after inserting the page, garbled text appeared in the editing box,
Perhaps it’s due to poor support for the Chinese language?
For example:
[insert page=’��’ display=’all ‘] in the editing box is invalid
There is no problem with [insert page=’% e5% bf% 83′ display=’all ‘].
]]>We are inserting a page that uses the Kadence modal pop up block and the displayed result is printing the HTML kadence block code along with the modal button:
After the new update it looks like it crash when i use it with wp-bakery.
Check out the footer on this page
Its the same problem on all of our websites.
I created a page and added a Grid block (introduced with WordPress 6.6) with these parameters:
Then I added an Insert Page block on the referenced page and specified the following parameters:
The page displays properly, but in the Gutenberg editor, the layout appears to be ignored and the images are displayed in a single column.
I keep getting fatal error in Woo>Status>Logs >Fatal Error logs.
Uncaught TypeError: property_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, int given in /websites/xxxxxxxxxx/www/html/wp-content/plugins/insert-pages/insert-pages.php:335
Any tips on how to get rid of this?
]]>The plugin works great when the inserted page/content is small. (= Your use case to display simple information.)
But I have another use case: display larger pages with more information. It works too, but the display of the whole page is quite big and is disturbing for the rest of the actual page. So I need a box (iframe) with limited high and a scrollbar within, to show the relevant information on behalf of user selection.
I know I can use a regular iframe, but I like your plugin for its comfortable options in Gutenberg editor. So I want to ask you if such additional options (adjustable high + vertical scrollbars within) are on your list for future versions – or could be added to this list?
]]>Hey inserter
I have a plugin that generates membership info table on a given page X with a shortcode. At every plugin upgrade page x is wiped for all content, so building explanatory stuff for a landing page is pointless.
I have designed a new page that will be my frontend and now I insert the wiping page x in-here. It appears that all css does not reach my frontend page so everything looks narrow like mobile and not in a table.
How it looks in page X
How it looks live (Scroll down for the insert)
FYI: I have placed the insert page block inside group block (width 1280px)
]]>I want to insert page that contains the following
with <p> tags but they are all removed.
I’ve tried the plugin and formatting only seems to be reproduced on the insert page if the source content is created using blocks – not if the Classic Editor or Classic Block are used.
(This applies whether using shortcode in Classic Editor or the Insert Code block in the insert page.)
Is that correct, or am I missing something?
]]>my main question after heavily using IP (Insert Pages) around my website is how does it affect SEO if the page dynamically pulls another page does that pages info help with SEO and keywords?
]]>After update to WP 6.4.3, Insert Page 3.7.7
When I try to insert the block into gutenberg (default wp editor) with any configuration don’t show the content and return the error below. But the page inserted appears at the page/post published.
Error loading block: Invalid parameter(s): attributes
]]>Hi, thanks for Your great plugin! I use it on my projects ??
A little request: it is possible insert custom excerpt on single page insert?
Eg: [insert page=’my-page-post’ display=’custom.php’ custom_except=”My custom excerpt different customized by page contest etc ect…”]
It will be awesome ??
]]>How do I have to insert a page using WPML automatic translation? I use [insert page=’slug-of-page’ display=’content’] on my German pages, but on the English page the German “insert” appears. On WPML I read that “Insert Pages” is compatible with WPML, and in the changelog I found in version 2.8: Feature: Add options page with option to insert page IDs instead of page slugs (users of WPML will need this feature if translated pages all share the same page slug). But it does neither work with slug – nor with ID in WPML automatic translation. Any best practice guide?
I am using your plugin to insert content from pages to Tabs. Problem is on mobile, where when navigated to specific tab that has content inserted, the content show only first time it loads. When you navigate back and click on teaser which leads to tabs again, inserted content wont show. On desktop it loads correctly.
I tried to put some random text befor ethe shortcode where i insert the page and it was loaded fine, but not the page itself.
Any idea why this is happening only on phone?
Thanks for your support.
]]>Updated several plugins yesterday (11/15/23) and today, when editing a page using Insert Pages, all such blocks display “Error loading block: Invalid parameter(s): attributes.”
As other posts with the same error have stated, the published public page renders without issue. It’s just the backend gutterburg editor where the error appears. New blocks with and without custom templates can be added without issue, giving the same error above, but publish and render for the public just fine.
I performed the Troubleshooting mode process of elimination and found that Profile Builder 3.10.5 (Cosmos Labs) is the culprit.
My theme, Kyma Frontech, does not appear to be playing any role. It has never given any issues with any plugins for the last 4 years of usage, despite all the WP and plugin updates.
Hi. Is there a way to limit how much of a page is inserted? For example, can I make it so only 50% of the page B is visible on page A?
My goal is to use insert pages’ block to introduce or tease the content of another page and not to display the entire page in another page.
I thought this would be a common need, but I did search this forum for an answer first and got no relevant results, though I may be using the wrong terminology.
Thank you.
]]>I use Table of Contents and just started dabbling with Insert Pages, which I planned to use intensively, but turns out I have to hold my horses atm ??
When I embed a post titled ‘Red wine spit test’ into another post, what happens is, the table of contents gets appended at the start of the inserted post, instead of at the top of at the top of the parent post.
Does anyone have experience using the Insert Page plugin with Divi?
]]>I’ve used this for years. Went to Gutenberg, converted all my pages to the new codes etc. Insert method normal.
Today tried to insert to a new page. I added block, says Choose a page to insert.
in the URL I type, nothing comes out
I paste the exact URL.
Nothing, still says Choose a page to insert
Not sure what to test. The old pages are still working fine as per now.
]]>When inserting a page/content that was built using elementor, some of the styling is not imported. Example, inserted a Vimeo video using elementor. The inserted content does not import any of the elementor styling for the video.
]]>Hello there,
This is Andr��s, from the WPML?Compatibility?team.
We got an issue reported in our forum related to Insert Pages and WPML
The steps to reproduce it are:
We offered this workaround to our client:
You can find more information about how to implement this wpml-config.xml file on the following link.
Could you please give it a look?
Thank you very much.
what do I need to do to have the embeded page using the same font/fontsize as the page it is insertet in…
This is my web page:
So that page uses lightbox to insert a page. And page inserted also has a lightbox that inserts a page. On the first page, in the lightbox, it renders all, including what should only be visible if clicked on.
This is not directly Insert Pages related but I’m trying here first because it seems related to context issues that arise with Insert Pages. I’m sure there is a simple solution for experienced developers. Let me know and I can move the topic to the main forum.
I have a site with a set of pages where each page uses the same Contact Form (WPForms). I want the form to send the email-on-submit to an address pulled from ACF, as seen here:
It is not working because the callback function, which has to(?) live in functions.php can’t pull postId from context so I need to send that in. Calling InsertPagesPlugin::get_instance()->inserted_page_ids;
doesn’t work there. Tried global variables, set/get_query_vars() which did not work.
The template:
$stack = InsertPagesPlugin::get_instance()->inserted_page_ids;
$context_id = end($stack);
$email = get_field('contact_email', $context_id);
if ($email):
set_query_var('recipient_email', $email);
echo do_shortcode('[wpforms id="1250" title="false"]');
In functions.php:
function wpf_dev_register_smarttag( $tags ) {
$tags['recipient_email'] = 'Recipient Email';
return $tags;
add_filter( 'wpforms_smart_tags', 'wpf_dev_register_smarttag' );
function wpf_dev_process_smarttag( $content, $tag ) {
if ( 'recipient_email' === $tag )
$recipient_email = get_query_var('recipient_email');
$content = str_replace( '{recipient_email}', $recipient_email, $content );
return $content;
add_filter( 'wpforms_smart_tag_process', 'wpf_dev_process_smarttag', 10, 2 );
I’m noticing it would have been perfect if the WPForms shortcode could accept this value as an argument.
Any help will be appreciated while I continue to read WP docs to try and understand contex better in WP. Thank you!
]]>Having a small issue getting custom template to display a Google Maps plugin.
Setup: Using Insert Pages to display CPT/ACF fields, using a custom template.
Issue: ACF has a field type “Google Maps” which can store a Google Maps address. It needs some additional code to fetch and display the location in a map in the frontend:
I got the API key and was able to get the address object from Google, but I don’t know how and where to add the helper code and viewer code in order to make it load and show up in the frontend.
What is the proper way to make the helper code available to the custom template?
Here’s the custom template:
* Template Name: Lodge Template
* Template Post Type: lodge
* Template for displaying ACF for a lodge.
* @package understrap
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
<article <?php post_class(); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<div class="entry-content lodge-content">
$stack = InsertPagesPlugin::get_instance()->inserted_page_ids;
$lodge_id = end($stack);
$emblem = get_field('emblem', $lodge_id); ?>
<?php if ( empty ( $emblem ) ): ?>
Emblem is empty!
<?php else: ?>
Emblem: <img
src="<?php echo $emblem['url']; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $emblem['alt']; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- .image -->
</div><!-- .entry-content.lodge-content -->
</article><!-- #post-## -->
$location = get_field('location');
if( $location ) {
// Loop over segments and construct HTML.
$address = '';
foreach( array('street_number', 'street_name', 'city', 'state', 'post_code', 'country') as $i => $k ) {
if( isset( $location[ $k ] ) ) {
$address .= sprintf( '<span class="segment-%s">%s</span>, ', $k, $location[ $k ] );
// Trim trailing comma.
$address = trim( $address, ', ' );
// Display HTML.
echo '<div>' . $address . '.</div>';
Template loads and displays other elements, but not the map. Tried clearing the cache.
I guess my question is how do I make custom styles and scripts available to a custom template?
]]>Thank you for this plugin, it is exactly what we needed for our project. Unfortunately we’re facing an issue with data context and/or custom templating, and surprisingly I’ve not been able to find others reporting the same on google. Which makes me think/hope we’re just missing something big. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Our setup:
Following this tutorial:
We find:
Please let me know if there is any way we can make “Insert pages” work with custom content templates on full-site editor themes.
Alternatively we could do away with the CPT, move the ACFs to the sub-pages and view them in the sub-page using ACF Views, but in that case the “content” setting will need to pull ACF data from sub-page context (currently it pulls from page context as per your response here,
TYSM for your time!
* Template Name: Lodge Template
* Template Post Type: lodge
* Template for displaying ACF for a lodge.
* @package understrap
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
<article <?php post_class(); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<div class="entry-content lodge-content">
<div class="image">
<?php $emblem = get_field('emblem'); ?>
<?php if ( ! empty ( $emblem ) ): ?>
src="<?php echo $emblem['url']; ?>"
alt="<?php echo $emblem['alt']; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- .image -->
</div><!-- .entry-content.lodge-content -->
</article><!-- #post-## -->
On a website on which I use Insert Pages and the shortcode: [insert page=’15’ display=��all’] is something wrong.
The following text is showing up at the bottom of the homepage:
ao_post_optimize: a:6:{s:16:”ao_post_optimize”;s:2:”on”;s:19:”ao_post_js_optimize”;s:2:”on”;s:20:”ao_post_css_optimize”;s:2:”on”;s:12:”ao_post_ccss”;s:2:”on”;s:16:”ao_post_lazyload”;s:2:”on”;s:15:”ao_post_preload”;s:0:””;}
I hide it with ‘display:none’, a short solution. How can I prevent showing the post meta?
Also I tried to use [insert page=’15’ display=��content’], the post_meta text is still displayed unfortunately.
I am trying to insert a POST into a PAGE created by elementor. Hence no insert page on the toolbar. Tackling this with shortcode, I tried but isn’t working.
The shortcode samples provided were [insert page=’ ‘ display=’content’],
is there a [insert post =’ ‘ display=’content’]?
Still figuring out, please help.
]]>Hello there,
I am trying to insert one page into another (specifically in a popup). The page is created using the Kadence Blocks plugin, but it does not apply Kadence CSS styles or Javascript functions (for example galleries, or icons that are rendered to SVG)
How can I get the styles and functions that are needed?
Now I am sending the links and scripts files but it does not always work (works for galleries but for example, the icons are not shown, no render svg)
I put here my code, the call to shorcode “insert page” is done from my theme file php on the functions.php:
add_action( "wp_ajax_my_action", "my_action" )
function my_action()
if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'wp_rest'))
$id = url_to_postid($_POST['id']);
$links = '';
$scripts = '';
if(has_block('kadence/iconlist', $id)) {
$links .= '<link rel="stylesheet" id="kadence-blocks-iconlist-css" href="' . KADENCE_BLOCKS_URL . 'dist/style-blocks-iconlist.css?ver=' . KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION . '" media="all">';
$array_of_vals = array(
"content" => do_shortcode("[insert page='" . $id . "' display='content']") ,
"id" => $id,
"scripts" => $scripts,
"links" => $links
echo 'Check failed �� Nonce';
And call the function with jQuery, to add the html content in popup:
var modalContent=$("#modal-content-popup");
$.ajax( {
method : 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
url : my_var.ajaxurl,
data : {
id: post_link,
_wpnonce : my_var.nonce,
action : 'my_action'
function(data) {
Thank you very much in advance, I hope you can help me with this doubt.
Best regards,
I use Insert pages on the selector/menu to the left on this pages.
It works nicely – the content of other pages shows.
But, since only is exposed to Googlebot, the inserted pages are not indexed by Google Search. Since the inserted pages are very key content for the page, this is a huge problem.
Are there any ways to fix this?
Grateful for any help!