Plugin Name:
Social Slider Feed
Current Plugin Version:
To protect your site from this vulnerability, the safest option is to deactivate and completely remove “Social Slider Feed” until a patched version is available. Get more information. (opens in new tab)
Plugin URL:
Repository URL:
Vulnerability Information:
Vulnerability Severity:
4.3/10.0 (Medium)
The connection to IG expired back in April. I updated the plugin to the latest version, and then I tried to reconnect the plugin to the IG account. On the IG side, I get a successful connection (authorized app), but on the WP side under the plugin settings, the IG connection is not showing. I tried to create a feed using the account – fails because the account isn’t there. I also tried just creating a feed with the IG username – and that doesn’t work either. Not sure what I am doing wrong here…
]]>This plugin doesn’t work and the developers are providing no support, do not use.
The images weren’t appearing on the webpage where I put the slider (in the console of the browser there’s a 403 error), and the logs indicated to reconnect account in plugin settings.?
I’m now unable to connect my Instagram account, and still receive the message: Insufficient Developer Role (“Ruolo di sviluppatore non sufficiente”).
Please help,
thanks a lot.
My feed wasn’t appearing, and the log indicated to reconnect account in plugin settings. I’m now unable to connect my Instagram account, and receive the message: Insufficient Developper Role
]]>I added the shortcode to my Elementor page and then everything went wrong. It changed my site to a sort of tablet mode, its not showing all my images anymore and when I try to edit the page again it gives me a critical error.
]]>All images in my footer widget aren’t displaying. The console shows they are all returning a 403 error. Any ideas on what I can do to stop them erroring?
Until recently, the Instagram thumbnails were displaying correctly, but recently those are no longer showing up.
So, once I deactivated the Instagram account linkage and tried to re-register, I received the following error message.
{"error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Insufficient developer role"}
Could you please let me know what action I can take to resolve this issue?
By the way, Instagram and Facebook are not linked.
As I already read from other posts, neither the widget nor the shortcode are showing the feed for Instagram and Facebook. Both say “No feed” or show completely nothing apart from the title. I already authorized both accounts and I’m using the 2.1.0 of the plugin with free account. Any suggestion on what is happening? otherwise I will have to delete this plugin and look for another one.
]]>Seeing this error:
Feed query failed! Try reconnecting your account in the plugin settings.
Where is the “Reconnect” button in “Settings”? This error message should be reworded to actually explain what users need to do. There isn’t a sectio marked “Settings” as such, and there’s no “Reconnect” option I could find anywhere.
]]>This page is my sandbox to test out widgets. I have added Feeds in Social Slider 2.1.0 and they are not showing up. I am using Elementor, so videos I have seen stating to add a widget in WP are not applicable. Please advise.
]]>Nothing is showing, I did at one point see “No Posts Available” or something to the effect, but now nothing.
The plugin shows version 2.1.0. I have disconnected and reconnected the Facebook account. I have tried building a new feed. Nothing has worked.
Instagram feed stopped showing in September. I’ve tried relinking the account but it’s still not showing up.
]]>How to disable specific Instagram post images from gallery?
I want to display a slider with 4 images on screen.
The slider works fine but there is only one image full screen at the time.
How to select the number of images to show on screen and how to deal with breakpoints ?
Thank you in advance.
Hi there,
I’m trying to reconnect our Instagram Business Account and I’ve read about the issues that accured about 6 months ago. Should it already be possible to reconnect or is it still an issue?
Nice regards,
The social feed is not being displayed on the mobile version of the site. It is displayed properly in the desktop version.
]]>As said in the subject: Instagram images don’t show on the website anymore, and I cannot edit the settings in the WP backend either, and the backthough I just have entered the license code for Premium version of Social slider widget. “License” in the settings is still in “orange” font so something seems to be wrong with the licensing? Please help.
]]>Hi, I am not able to connect my Instagram account to the plugin. I am getting the below error.
{“error_type”: “OAuthException”, “code”: 400, “error_message”: “Insufficient developer role”}
It seems all Instagram images loaded by plugin (I’m using 2.0.7 version) returns “URL signature expired” if I check in the browser console. And of course they don’t display :/
Have you any idea of the problem?
An exemple : (on bottom)
]]>Hi. I have the latest version of WP 6.0.2 and of the plugin Version 2.0.7 installed. I see the images but not the captions. Can you please advise?
]]>I want to display Instagram images based on hashtags I use in my Instagram bio. That’s why I use #marketing, for example, to only show messages where I’ve used this hashtag (via Allow word in the plugin settings). I tested this before buying this plugin and then it worked. However, it doesn’t work anymore… what can I do to fix this?
]]>Due to Facebook policy updates, adding accounts temporarily does not work. We are already working on fixes. We will try to fix it as soon as possible
]]>I can no longer control how many pictures it shows. Now it’s always 20
]]>I tested this plugin some time ago and it works perfect and had functions i was looking for. However now, when I want to install plugin in website, I can’t connect instagram account. Every time I try I get error_message “Insufficient developer role”.
I tested it on several websites, with newest plugin update, with same results. What can I do to fix this problem?
]]>Update to 2.0.4 breaks instagram feed, rolling back to 2.0.3 resolves the issue.
Please resolve ??
The Instagram slider I am using is showing the same photo for the three feeds I have created. All feeds should be capturing different key words in the allow words setting. I am using Elementor and the shortcode option. I have tried deleting the blocks and adding again. I have deleted the plugin and reinstalled and nothing has worked. It was working last night but not capturing all the Instagram photos containing the key words.
]]>Using (still trying to use) Premium version.
Scroll down page to “Let’s be friends” row.
The personal Instagram slick slider WAS working a week ago.
Untouched, it works for a few days; then stops working for a few days (or weeks), then might work again… later?
Many users seem to constantly experience the exact same issues.
It gets “fixed”, and then (untouched) it fails again… and again.
I have emailed for premium version support, Creative replied… I replied with url and screen captures, still waiting to hear back.
Did the usual… create new feed, cleared caches etc. Still fails to function.
May have to just bail on the Premium version and go with another plugin?
Please advise (us all)?
I’m using
[jr_instagram id=”4″]
On the footer and images are not showing up… again. Thought this was sorted out? This is an Instagram Business Account.
]]>I have installed this plugin free version which comes with slider but is not visible . please us this can be find bottom section.