Hello, how can I change the color of the map and also after hover?
]]>Ustawiaj?c wi?c map? na 500px i dodaj?c list? po prawej wychodz? kwiatki tego typu:
Jest jaki? dobry powód, dla którego szeroko?? kontenera musi by? ustawiona na max 500px i lista zamiast na zasadzie kolumn jest ustawiona paddingiem od mapy?
Dwa – czy to w ogóle jest responsywne?
to add Interactive Polish Map to Visual Composer via Shortcode Mapper you have to (on Shortcode Mapper tab [1]):
On side: Probably hyphen in the name of shortcode disallows to map it in easier way.
[1] /wp-admin/admin.php?page=vc-automapper
przy w??czaniu wtyczki pojawia si? b??d:
Fatal error: Invalid opcode 153/1/8. in wp-content/plugins/interactive-polish-map/snippets/widget_map.php on line 146
Co mo?e by? przyczyn? i jak taki b??d naprawi??
Is it possible to make the map responsive? If yes then how to achieve that?
]]>Hello, after update plugin i have a error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /wp-content/plugins/interactive-polish-map/snippets/widget_map.php on line 142
function() {
How to repair this error?
Thanks for all help.
]]>Is it possible to ad another subregions? for now there are 16 subregions. I would like to use this plugin to create with 21 subregions. I add new spans into css (“w17”, “w18”, “w19”, “w20”, “w21”) and 5 new districts but the plugin shows only error. How can I add new subregions?
I have problem with displaying map in my theme – when we are looking it by direct link: https://bit.ly/1d4HSyw it looks great, but when we are checking page with map from menu, map isn’t working. Probably it’s a problem with animation in this theme, but when I disabled it, problem remained… So maybe you can take me an advice how to fix it?
Best regards
]]>Witam, zainstalowa?em plugin na wersji 3.8.1 wp i wyst?puj? nast?puj?ce b??dy:
w ustawieniach:
Notice: Undefined variable: option in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\interactive-polish-map\interactive-polish-map.php on line 93
i 3 b??dy w wigecie:
Notice: Undefined index: title in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\interactive-polish-map\snippets\widget_map.php on line 78
Notice: Undefined index: type in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\interactive-polish-map\snippets\widget_map.php on line 83
Notice: Undefined index: menu in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\interactive-polish-map\snippets\widget_map.php on line 112
i jak zrobi? dodatkowy opis pojawiaj?cy si? w chmure po najechaniu na dany sektor?
]]>I’ve changed interactive-polish-map\interactive-polish-map.php file – this part was easy. But the most difficult part is for me to change css file using data from new css file on https://winstonwolf.pl/clickable-maps/polska.html website. You can see unsuccesful example here: https://www.test.voiceforeurope.eu/siec-sprzedazy I can compare two different css files, but I see there is a lot of changes, so I wish I could know how to do it correctly. ?? Any simple example would be appreciated. SO the rest will be easy for me and then you can add me as developer here and I will release new plugin version.
]]>Is there a map of the USA and the World similar to this?
W jaki sposób w Interactive Polish Map mo?na zmienia? kolory map? Domy?lnie mam ustawin? niebiesk?, a potrzebowa?bym zielon? lub szar?.