I use the plugin (Boost your mobile site’s revenue with app wall ads in addition to Adsense) version 1.0.1 for the last 3 days now. Although I see the impressions on my dashboard, I can’t see the ads on my mobile (except google ads I use). Do I have to have a special mobile theme?
]]>After logging into the AppWallAds in WordPress Dashboard, it throws an error – I have never been able to see any reports or whatsoever. /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wiziappappwall always show some kind of errors…
117 $this->getDatesFromRange($params['daterange'],$fromDate,$toDate);
118 }
119 else
120 {
121 $toDate = date('Y-m-d');
122 $date = new DateTime();
123 $date->sub(new DateInterval('P7D'));
124 $fromDate = $date->format('Y-m-d');
125 }
126 }
I’ve absolutely no time and date error on my website.