Hello, I need to customize the search widget in a simple way, just changing the text from english to italian in the input field and on the submit button. May be it is very simple, but it is my first time. may you help me?
I have tried to get the iOS Alternate Theme plugin to work for a child theme.
The plugin would be exactly what I look for, and as it has got many stars on www.ads-software.com I assume it should work just fine.
However, I have tried to set the theme to load to
WordPress Mobile (blue)
By ribot, Forum Nokia & James Pearce
This is a child theme which is in a directory named mobile_pack_blue.
It has a base theme that is mobile_pack_base.
I have enterede mobile_pack_blue at line 16 in the plugin, but it does not work.
I would be very greatful for any support help to solve this.
Best regards,