IPU-Chart will be replaced by the Diagram Factory in the near future. The Diagram Factory Plugin is much easier to use because it provides a dialog-based user interface. Try it!
For IPU-chart we will continue to publish maintenance releases.
Attention: Since the two plugins use different library versions (of d3), they can unfortunately not be activated in parallel.
Best regards
Does it support excel files? I need to have a charted based on two excel sheets.
Can its be done, or any workarounds for it; like converting to csv etc.
]]>i get the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare plugin_get_version() (previously declared in /home/dreadstar42/public_html/wp-content/plugins/refer-a-friend-program-for-woocommerce/storeya-refer-a-friend.php:33) in /home/dreadstar42/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ipu-chart/ipu-chart.php on line 23
it seems like there is a conflict with another plugin.
]]>Activated, but no menu!
]]>I just want to create charts from json url file, but there is nothing about this problem in IPU-Chart User Guide. Where is the documantation, please?
]]>CFDB exports to csv what I cannot seem to display the data. I am using the full path which ends in “&enc=CSVUTF8”, not file.csv, this is prbably an issue. I them figured I could use google sheets which will import the data, then I could use that sheet for the path, but again, not a .csv.
So, is there anyway I can use either method to grab the data?
]]>Hi guys,
I love your plugin, but I am a bit lost concerning the possibilities to format the charts, specifically pie charts. Specifically, I am looking for two things:
1) Label a chart
2) Change the formating of values
Regarding 2, I see that there is the possibility to format value in bar charts, using the Tick Format. But how would I do the same for a pie chart? At the moment my pie chart shows values like 2.0 and 3.0, but I would like a presentation in percentages. Is that possible?
Regarding 1, is there a way to display a label for an entire chart?
Thanks and keep up the good work!
is it possible to load chart from csv file directly? I have uploaded the csv file and tyring to make chart by entering the domain url
(uri..(domain name))
Please let me know,
]]>hi, I just have 2 question.
1. When can I except my licenskey to arrive? ??
2. I cant see where I can enter a licence key in the admin view in wp?
I am trying to render a simple line graph using date as my X and numbers as my Y. The data is being fetched from an Oracle database via php, the data is being converted to JSON using json_encode, and then I try to use this object to populate my chart.
I can see both the X and Y axis lines as well as my x and y labels, however the only data point that is showing is a red “NaN”. The JSON data is in the page code, so I’m not sure where the disconnect is.
Here is my JSON:
Here is the page code for the chart:
<div id="kcal" style="width:90%; font-size:0.8em"></div>
<script type='text/javascript' encoding='utf-8'>
ip4.draw({ "template": ip4.lineChart(), "parentElement": "#kcal", "data": { "reader": ip4.dataReader() .data([{"X":"01.01.14","Y":"5716.48"},{"X":"01.02.14","Y":"9197.2"},{"X":"01.03.14","Y":"8626.03"},{"X":"01.04.14","Y":"8584.49"},{"X":"01.05.14","Y":"8823.86"},{"X":"01.06.14","Y":"11267.31"},{"X":"01.07.14","Y":"16840.99"},{"X":"01.08.14","Y":"21822.37"},{"X":"01.09.14","Y":"17236.94"},{"X":"01.10.14","Y":"13153.04"},{"X":"01.11.14","Y":"9934.35"},{"X":"01.12.14","Y":"8040.54"},{"X":"01.13.14","Y":"10475.11"},{"X":"01.14.14","Y":"7728.67"},{"X":"01.15.14","Y":"4925.18"},{"X":"01.16.14","Y":"3143.56"},{"X":"01.17.14","Y":"3112.09"},{"X":"01.18.14","Y":"2734.95"},{"X":"01.19.14","Y":"2318.01"},{"X":"01.20.14","Y":"3247.22"},{"X":"01.21.14","Y":"3360.31"},{"X":"01.22.14","Y":"3291.54"},{"X":"01.23.14","Y":"3193.49"},{"X":"01.24.14","Y":"4404.53"},{"X":"01.25.14","Y":"3854.91"},{"X":"01.26.14","Y":"3203.65"},{"X":"01.27.14","Y":"5464.1"},{"X":"01.28.14","Y":"5895.89"},{"X":"01.29.14","Y":"5728.23"},{"X":"01.30.14","Y":"6510.93"},{"X":"01.31.14","Y":"6321.48"}]) }, "d3": { "yLabel": "Daily Number", "xLabel": "Date" }});
Any help or guidance would be great, thank you!
]]>I love this plugin. I have been searching for similar plugin from a couple of days and it perfectly fits my requirement. I’m going through the below page as I wanted to create a bubble chart. I have observed that tooltip is not working perfectly. Sometimes tooltip is not displayed even the cursor is place on the bubble. It is happening with most of the bubbles. Can you please lemme the solution for this? I wanted to buy this plugin though I have a feeling that it is little expensive.
Odd issue here:
My IPU-Chart Plug-in was working like a charm, but today it suddenly stopped rendering map I had working.
Code is:
[csv id='d115593']ISO-3166-1,Country,CCCS Associate Project Experience in Country,CCCS Company Project Experience in Country,Number of CCCS Associates in Country,
090,Solomon Islands,1,0,0
180,The Democratic Republic of the Congo,1,0,0
226,Equatorial Guinea,1,0,0
643,Russian Federation,6,2,1
626,East Timor,10,0,0
826,United Kingdom,4,2,1
840,United States of America,9,2,5
[chart id="c115593" csv="#d115593" adapter="return data;" type="map.world.countries" category="Country" value="CCCS Associate Project Experience in Country, CCCS Company Project Experience in Country, Number of CCCS Associates in Country" format="s,n,n,n" color="lightblue.darkblue" style="width:100%;height:400px;" title="CCCS Associate Project Experience" description="CCCS Associate Global Project Experience" sort="true" interpolate="none" img="" debug="false"]
The page I am testing on is:
Any ideas what’s happening?
]]>Many thanks for a fantastic plugin.
But New version update disappears graphs
Have been testing this on a local install and also online test sites.
new version at https://www.trulysuperb.com/2013/12/06/ipu-chart/
Old version on wp 3.8 rc1 absolutely perfect & pristine!
Please restore the beauty!
I’m using the framework Pagelines, which results in a broken plugin.
Actually, it’s quite clear, under pagelines, this code is generated and not functioning:
> https://www.stichtingklassiekedans.be/test-2
<div class=”entry_content”><div id=’data’ class=’csv’ style=’display:none;white-space:pre;’>Country,Population China,1343.24 India,1205.07 USA,313.85 Indonesia,248.22 Brazil,205.72</div> <img title=”Top five most populous countries of the world…” src=”https://chart.apis.go…chf=bg,s,ffffff” alt=”Top five most populous countries of the world…” />
In another theme, the ipu plugin is well rendered:
<div id=’data’ class=’csv’ style=’display:none;white-space:pre;’>Country,Population
<figure id=’c793767′ class=’chart’>
<script type=’text/javascript’>
renderChart(“c793767”, “#data”, “”, “”, “return data;”, “bar”, “Country”,
“Population”, “string, number”, “auto”,
“width:100%;height:300px;”, “Top five most populous countries of the world…”, “The top five most populous countries of the world…”, “true”, “linear”,
“medium”, “”, “false”);
Do you see where to problem is?
I updated Pagelines already about this, but after a while of debugging they sent me back to you.
Can you have a look on this? Cause would like to buy this for several websites … and pagelines is frequently used.
I am wondering how the position of the individual bubbles is calculated? I am trying to create a bubble chart where I need to assign each bubble to a particluar spot on the chart, but it looks like the IPU chart software does this on its own.
Is it possible to assign x- and y values to position each bubble on the chart?
Jeroen Breugelmans
]]>I have succesfully installed the IPU Chart plugin but no charts are visible.
I entered the shortcode from the online editor but I get nothing, just a blank screen.
When I look in my WP Admin console, I see a separate tab for the plugin where I can enter a licence key. But I dont` know:
-if I need one
-where I can find one
Thank you.
PS; this is the blog page with the shortcode:
Jeroen Breugelmans
I am having trouble getting the chart to display on my wordpress page. I am happy with the preview on the online editor, but when I enter the data shortcode and the chart shortcode into my wordpress site, the location where I expect the chart is blank. I’ve tested in IE, Firefox, and Chrome. Here are the shortcodes I am using:
[csv id=’data’]Expenditure Type,No. of Projects,Budgeted Amount ($M),Percent of Total ADA – Facilities,5,10.1,15.8 Enhancements,14,15.6,21.3 Facility Renewals,31,28.0,35.1[/csv]
[chart id=”c64471″ csv=”#data” adapter=”return data;” type=”donut” category=”Expenditure Type” value=”Budgeted Amount ($M),No. of Projects,Percent of Total” format=”s,n,n,n” color=”auto” style=”width:100%;height:400px;” title=”Budget” description=”Set a description…” sort=”true” interpolate=”none” img=”” debug=”false”]
Also, I am using wordpress v 3.0.1. Could this be the problem?
Thanks for your thoughts.
]]>Looks good but don’t install and waste time searching for the license information. It wants 2 licenses on activation – basic and premium. Says “Free Basic” but their site has information only for the premium version license. No mention of basic license anywhere on site!
I am using first sample code from https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/ipu-chart/
But I am getting error:
There was an error loading the data: csv
Also I am getting error in Console:
There was an error loading the data: [object XMLHttpRequest]
I am not sure how to solve this. I tried other examples but still getting same error.