Hi, Please could you remove my name from the plugin authors list? I don’t feel confident in being listed as an author due to the inherent suggestion that I know how to fix issues.
]]>I released 0.3.3 with a fix to a bug that was causing drop-down’s, when filtering, to sometimes show empty. I successfully tested just a readme update and a new deployment of 0.3.3.
See https://aubreypwd.com/2014/git-wordpress-org-deploy-script-itempress-updates/
]]>I just wanted to post about this, because right now the product is in alpha stage. I think it’s going to be moving into a more usable/stable state. Just wanted to set 1.0 as a goal to get the product in a production useable state.
]]>0.3.2 fixes a big bug that I found causing ItemPress to be pretty much unusable unless you knew to go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks to make your /items/ work.
See https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/urls-not-working-when-initially-activating-itempress?replies=1 on this bug.
It should be out in about 20 minutes.
]]>I found this error myself when I wanted to add something to a site using ItemPress, and upon activation, I went to Items, added an Item, and tried to view it and got a 404.
This is natural of WordPress, as flush_rewrite_rules needs to be called. I tried coding in a solution today (https://bitbucket.org/aubreypwd/itempress-develop/commits/e239a04049a9ae3e62536d6377acaea58cd66d6a), but the standard way did not work.
So, I wrote in the flush via another hook and it’s called once, stores an option in the DB, and never does it again. This way is NOT desired, and I submitted to Hacks on WP.org: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/unable-to-use-register_activation_hook?replies=1#post-4954351 for help.
]]>I just noticed that the name for the taxonomy ‘label’ is “Labeled.” People can now change the base of all taxonomy in ItemPress, so they should be able to change the actual text that is presented on the front view.
They can change the ‘label’ slug to ‘something-else’, so they should be able to change “Something: “, etc…
]]>It would be really cool if we could somehow decide to move/copy an item to a post or page. I know that this can be done by copy/paste, but it would be better to use a DRY (do not repeat yourself) method using a shortcode.
So, it would be cool to write a post and include item content in using [item id=”9″ slug=”item-slug” title=”Exact Title”]
Shown, it would be great to pull in Items from:
– Post->ID
– Post->slug
– Post -> title (must match exactly)
This would also give me an opportunity to create a media button area that would let me select an item from a drop-down and add the short-code automattically!
]]>There may be another release going out tonight, there are a few things I want to look at:
– Removing flush rewrites because I have been reading that it’s not good
– I am not sure (and I am going back and forth about this), if I should keep the items base at item
I just released 0.3 with a big update to the permalinks that ItemPress uses.
You can now change the base names of items and all taxonomies added to ItemPress, which means you can now have example.com/things/my-cool-item
instead of example.com/item/my-cool-item
or example.com/tagged/item
instead of example.com/label/item
Another big change is to the default base for items, labels, and associations. They used to be items
, items-labeled
, and items-associated
. Now they are items
, label
, and associated
. Again, you can totally customize these now by going to Settings – Permalinks in your WordPress Dashboard!
Since the convinience of mobile is a big deal breaker and WP Mobile doesn’t yet support custom post types, https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/juiz-smart-mobile-admin/ might be an okay solution.
Need to test and determine it’s viability with ItemPress
]]>What do you use ItemPress for? Let us know down below!
]]>We would love to know what you use ItemPress for!
]]>I haven been testing ItemPress in 3.8 (with MP6) and it seems most things are working. As I test more I will add to this list:
– Basic Functionality: Items, Labels, Associations.
– Drag and drop issue from current version (0.2.2) seems to be fixed in 3.8
Users are automatically given an association in ItemPress. I think, when an item gets associated with their term, and the association is a @user, the user should get an email about it.
]]>Currently the labels/categories when editing Items in ItemPress are dis-orienting.
To re-orient the labels I suggest adding/integrating https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/category-checklist-tree into the source permanently.
]]>I like the idea of adding new items via email. WordPress’s post by email does not support custom posts types. Another good reason to be able to do this is to allow services like ifttt.com to automatically create new content based on RSS feeds.
Today I looked into Postie (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/postie/), which according to https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-postie-is-there-a-way-to-post-to-custom-post-types?replies=22 it should be able to support custom post types.
Few questions:
– Do we need to integrate Postie completely into the code?
– Does just recommending you install it and use it a viable solution?
– Can anyone test this?
I would like to replace Trello as my main source of organizing things abd use WordPress + ItemPress to do this.
Things Trello is good at that we want to have (suggest more):
– Organize items into separate projects
– View a project and all it’s lists with cards in them
– Quickly adding new cards to lists
– Moving cards around from one list to another
How it might work differently, yet similar to Trello (any ideas?):
– Have a default starting view of all items sorted by terms/label (will need un-labeled)
– Have a selector of some kind to include/exclude terms
– Saving a selection of terms to be included in a “project” for viewing later
Example (here t3 excluded):
-------- -------- [x] t1
-- t1 -- -- t2 -- [x] t2
-------- -------- [ ] t3
-- a1 -- -- c1 --
-- b1 -- -- d1 -- Saved t1/t2 Filter
-------- --------
WP Admin Visual Concept: https://aubreypwd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Screen-Shot-2013-11-13-at-1.26.27-PM.png
What about the Public?
So this is all awesome beans for doing this in the WordPress Dashboard. What about people who are subscribers? Obviously they will have the classic WordPress post view, but they should be able to share the experience.
Some Thoughts:
– We want to be able to publicly show people the project groups or views
– We will have to code a template to do so (read only)
– What about collaboration? (permissions issue)
ItemPress supports Labels and Associations out-of-the-box, but supports the ability to add additional taxonomies. This can easily be done as a plugin.
The following example shows how to add a “Status” taxonomy to ItemPress using the itempress_add_tax_status
* Plugin Name: ItemPress Status Labels
* Plugin URI: https://bitbucket.org/aubreypwd/itempress-status
* Description: Adds status labels to items
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Aubrey Portwood
* Author URI: https://aubreypwd.com
* License: GPL2
* Tags: projects, project, management, notes, remembering, tasks, bugs, issue, tracker
/* Copyright 2013 Aubrey Portwood (email : [email protected])
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
function itempress_add_tax_status(){
global $itempress_tax;
'label' =>'Statuses',
'rewrite' =>array(
'slug' => 'item-status'
'capabilities' =>array(
'assign_terms' => 'edit_posts',
'edit_terms' => 'edit_posts'
'labels'=> array(
'name' => 'Statuses',
'singular_name' => 'Status',
'search_items' => 'Search Statuses',
'all_items' => 'All Statuses',
'parent_item' => 'Parent Statuses',
'parent_item_colon' => 'Parent Status:',
'edit_item' => 'Edit Status',
'update_item' => 'Update Status',
'add_new_item' => 'Add New Status',
'new_item_name' => 'New Status',
'menu_name' => 'Statuses',
'meta_name' => 'Status'
Pretty straight forward, the code needs to check if any of it’s (the taxonomy’s) term are assigned to any posts, if not, don’t show the drop-down.