This plugin has been abandoned and I was using it to show rotating testimonials on my home page. Version 5.8.1. Dynamik theme. Can anyone recommend a replacement for this. I’m not a developer so need something simple. Thanks.
]]>Hi – I’m switching themes and copying all content over manually. Is there an easy way to import ONLY my testimonials from my old theme’s wordpress dashboard (or via ftp)? Or do I need to copy each testimonial over manually?
You don’t seem to be supporting this plugin any more? Is there another one you can recommend? I was looking at this page but feel overwhelmed:
thanks! Val
]]>Hi – ajax testimonials no longer works with WP 5.6. This was working for years:
echo do_shortcode(“[ic_do_testimonials quantity=’50’ speed=’7000′ fade_in=’600′ fade_out=’700′ group=’writing’]”);
Will you be fixing it? Or can you recommend another testimonial plugin?
many thanks – Val
]]>When I specify a target group for my testimonials (i.e. group=’first thursday’ like on this given page), the first testimonial that displays is from the correct group, but then the next few are not, and furthermore it seems to only scroll through a slim few testimonials before repeating.
Also, my testimonials are cut off and showing the ‘Read More’ option even though I haven’t specified this in my shortcodes.
What’s going on?
]]>It appears that my testimonials are not rotating (only 1 random testimonial is displayed statically on the page). I’m giving the following page as an example
but this is the case on all my pages that have testimonials. I have not disabled AJAX. The shortcode I am using is:
[ic_do_testimonials group=’vendors’ speed=’6000′]
]]>This is my shortcode (and output) [ic_do_testimonials quantity=”5″]
Was working fine pre WP 4.5.2
Any ideas why this would be broken? I have a lot of other plugins but I mean, not sure why they would interfere.
]]>has anyone tried to import testimonials with the Word Press API. I have successfully completed this however I’m having trouble importing the excerpt. The field has just seemed to have disapeared
]]>Hi – how do I update ajax on localhost? I tried the auto-update but get error msg — I’m guessing that only works on website. The easiest seems to be just to delete the old version and install the new one from zip, as I do for wordpress. But if I do that will I lose all the data I’ve entered into “Testimonials”?
Thanks! Val
]]>Hi – I’d like to integrate ajax testimonials into a non-wordpress page as per:
I’ve added this in the header of the non-wp page:
<?php require(‘../wp-blog-header.php’);?>
And just the first testimonial displays. It doesn’t rotate them. Does the plugin require the loop? Because on a wordpress page where I’m using ajax, I’ve added:
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[ic_do_testimonials quantity=’22’ speed=’6000′ fade_in=’600′ fade_out=’700′ group=’writing’]”); ?>
*after” the loop and it’s working fine, all testimonials rotating.
So if it’s working ok on a wordpress page outside the loop, do you perhaps know why it won’t rotate on a non-wordpress page with no loop?
thank you! – Val
]]>The Read More link and author are the only items that are displaying on our client’s site. I’ve tried disabling almost all of the plugins but no changes. Any recommendations?
is there a possibility to add arrows on both sides of the testimonial, so that the user can choose his own reading speed? Up to date, I only get the testimonials to rotate at defined speed, but there seems to be no chance to stop the rotation or click next/previous testimonial
I really appreciate any idea.
]]>Since upgrading WP to 4.2.4 IvyCat Testimonials has been conflicting with the Page Builder by SiteOrigin plugin. With both plugins activated my whole site whitescreens, where they were working together (and the site works fine with either plugin activated). I have tried rolling back both plugins to earlier versions, but there is still an issue.
I have brought this to Site Origin’s attention already, as I initially thought that it was just their plugin that was broken. Having discovered that there is a conflict I thought it best to make you guys aware too.
]]>Hi — I have a bunch of scripts for my superfish and hamburger menus. If I disable them, then I can get ivycat testimonials to work. Otherwise when the menu scripts are enabled, then ivycat’s testimonial #1 displays, then this fades out into a blank screen (instead of #2 & #3 etc testimonials).
The problem is they’re my main menu, so I can’t permanently disable them. Is there any other way I can get ivycat to work?
thank you! Val
P.S. here’s the js’s that won’t allow ivycat to work:
<script src=”1nav/jquery.js”></script>
<script src=”1nav/hoverIntent.js”></script>
<script src=”1nav/superfish.min.js”></script>
<script src=”1nav/velocity.min.js”></script>
(function($){ //create closure so we can safely use $ as alias for jQuery
// initialise plugin
delay: 1000, // one second delay on mouseout
animation: {opacity:’show’,height:’show’}, // fade-in and slide-down animation
speed: ‘fast’, // faster animation speed
cssArrows: false // disable/enable true/false generation of arrow mark-up
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// hamburger toggle
$(“#navwrap”).on(“click”, “.mobile-menu”, function() {
var myNav = $(‘#menu’);
if (“:visible”)) {
myNav.velocity(“slideUp”, function() {});
} else {
myNav.velocity(“slideDown”, function() {});
// mobile submenu toggle
$(“#navwrap”).on(“click”, ‘.sf-menu li’, function() {
var thisList = $(this);
if (thisList.hasClass(‘mobileShow’)) {
thisList.find(‘ul’).velocity(“slideUp”, function() {
} else {
$(‘.sf-menu li’).removeClass(‘mobileShow’);
thisList.find(‘ul’).velocity(“slideDown”, function() {});
]]>All works great except this one issue. In the widget the ‘Read More…’ link goes to
The proper URL is
What do I edit to fix?
]]>Hi there,
I just updated Avada (my site’s theme) only to find that the background of Ivycat is no longer transparent ( footer). Please let me know if there’s a fix for this available or in the pipe.
Thank you very much!
]]>This plug-in is great. It is easy to use and it is my go-to plugin for making client websites. It is great for placing in a side bar and on dedicated testimonial pages.
Although I realize photos can be added into the body of the testimonial, I do wish I could set a featured image. I’d like to be able to set a featured imagine to ensure consistency of the displayed image and reduce the opportunities for content writers to make mistakes. I may take a stab at adding in a featured image myself, but having it be part of the official plug-in would be great for keeping my plug-in up to date and for those that know less php than me.
]]>I am using the testimonials slider.
When I use the tag ajax_on=’no’ the testimonies no longer rotate. I just get a static testimony that changes with page load.
Is that normal? If there is a js conflict, how do I trouble shoot those?
]]>great plugin, used it a few different times. But it currently seems to conflict with Blubrry PowerPress (when running Genesis framework and wordpress 4.0.1).
The result is that a PowerPress podcast player displays in some of the testimonials.
]]>Hi, love the plugin! How hard would it be to add numerical pagination to the list instead of the existing next/previous links? Cheers!
]]>Hi, I’m trying to implement testimonials into a site for a client, but I’m coming up with a couple problems. Any assistance you can offer is greatly appreciated!
First, some additional attributes to the shortcode are not working properly for me. I can change the number of posts that appear on a page, but the num_words, more_tag, and link_testimonials do not appear to be changing anything. Here is my shortcode:
[ic_do_testimonials display='list' num_words='40' link_testimonials='yes' more_tag='Read More']
I have not installed any plugins or made any major changes since installing this plugin.
Secondly, when I click to go to the next page of testimonials, I get a 404 error. It tries to add “/2” to the end of the url, but there’s nothing there.
Thanks for taking a look!
]]>Hi Patrick – you asked me to start a new support topic. My testimonials no longer rotate. It’s frozen on one single testimonial. It stopped working this week. It’s been working fine for ages (vers 1.4.2).
When I go into wordpress plugin panel, I see the plugin is no longer activated (I never deactivated it) and when I try click Activate I get the error msg “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class IvyCatTestimonials in /home/[login name]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ivycat-ajax-testimonials.php on line 45″
When I check line 45 of that php file it’s:
“class IvyCatTestimonials {“
And I ftp’d in and checked that the file is still there.
Ivycat, the creator of the plugin, is my site host. But it’s also stopped working on localhost. I’ve not done anything. I never changed anything on the page. The only thing that happened is that ivycat server went down this week. But that shouldn’t affect localhost! The funny thing is, in the plugin list in the wordpress panel on localhost, I can click Deactivate + Activate, but it makes no difference. The testimonials are frozen on one testimonial, they don’t rotate. Both online and on localhost, they’re frozen on the first testimonial.
thanks for your help! – Val
I had the plugin installed and it was working great! Really happy with it! I updated my site and now the testimonials are not rotating on my front page. Was wondering if this is due to the new wordpress update?
I have a screen grab of my widget settings to upload but I cannot find a way to upload the picture to the forum box…. but I can tell you that I have it listed to show all my testimonials, with text display at 0 so it shows all and 8000 millisecond rotator 1000 fade in fade out – disable ajax box is not checked, neither is link to all testimonials.
Any help would be muchly appreciated
Thanks for a great and neat plugin.
When I use it, I get a script error on line 90 of ivycat-testimonials-scripts.js
Error: TypeError: jQuery.browser is undefined
Looks like it’s wrong with some browser-filter.
Have a look here: -> look for the “Vores under siger:” section.
]]>The shortcode isn’t pulling testimonials only from the group I indicate
e.g. [ic_do_testimonials group=’babies’] also pulls from the adults and elderly groups
]]>Hi Eric,
when I active debug true on WordPress,
I have this and another error similiar these:
Strict standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method IvyCatTestimonials::start() should not be called statically in C:\wamp\www\udilab\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 429
Strict standards: Non-static method IvyCatTestimonials::get_testimonials() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\wamp\www\udilab\wp-content\plugins\ivycat-ajax-testimonials\ivycat-ajax-testimonials.php on line 202
how can I fix it?
thank you
]]>Hi, whenever I click on “View Testimonial” or a link to the testimonial I get a 404. Could it be the theme I’m using (Velocity) or am I doing something wrong with the plugin?
]]>Really nice plugin. However, having looked through this forum for a solution. It is unusable in it’s current state.
No matter what changes I make to the CSS – they have no effect. The widget displays tiny text – stuck.
#ivycat-testimonial h3 {
/* removes header */
display: none;
#ivycat-testimonial .ict-content,
#ivycat-testimonial footer {
font-size:100%; – this has no effect
/*text-transform: none; /* removes all-caps */
line-height: 1.5;*/
Any suggestions, much appreciated. If I can’t sort this, I’ll have to keep looking.
First of all, thank you for a great, so user-friendly and easy-to-use plugin. I just installed version 1.4.2 on Genesis theme and added 18 testimonials. I had an issue with Not found error, that was mentioned in some other topics here but after re-saving permalink settings, the links for testimonials worked.
I put the widget on the sidebar:
In settings I customized title, under “Display Testimonial Group” I chose all groups (and I did not create any categories or groups – I want to use all). Under “How many testimonials in rotation?” I put 18. Under “Number of Words (0 for all)” I put 0. For Testimonial Rotation Settings, I put 8000 for Testimonial Rotation (miliseconds), 1000 for Testimonial Fade In (miliseconds), 1000 for Testimonial Fade Out (miliseconds).
However, the testimonials do not rotate. The first one that I added always comes up and never changes for anything else (not upon reloading or anything else).
I tried to deactivate all other plugins but testimonials still wouldn’t rotate.
Please, let me know what else I can do to make it work!
]]>It says in the plugin’s FAQ that HTML can be used in the content area – my HTML (paragraph formatting, links) is being stripped out, I just get one large text block. Is it not possible to use HTML formatting anymore? Otherwise I can’t link to a client’s page, and can’t use this plugin that I thought was so great when I found last week…
]]>Is it possible to show the testimonials in the widget in random order? Or is there another way to do it besides the widget?
Thanks, this is a great plugin.