Just upgraded to WordPress 4.4.1 and now, when a title in Accordion is clicked, the fold opens up okay but a blue box appears behind the Title line and behind the Accordion frame.
This problem is also occurring with Squelch Accordion and Synved WordPress Shortcakes. Looks like a WordPress issue.
Anyone have any ideas please?
]]>Currently the plugin uses WP_PLUGIN_URL to get the plugin URL. This has as a downside that WP_PLUGIN_URL doesn’t check if SSL is used, so it always refers to http.
One should use plugins_url() instead.
j-admin.php, line 18:
$g_JAY__plugin_directory_url = plugins_url('', __FILE__ );
My accordions stopped working here: https://c2servicesfinanciers.com/assurance-collective/
Here’s the shortcode I use:
[jaccordion size=”small” theme=”overcast” active=”1″]
Some title::
Some text
Some title::
Some text
Is it a jQuery loading order issue?
Can you please help me, my client will go berserk ??
How can I create a button without a link-target?
No URL and no “#” as standard?
Thanks for your help.
I was really frustrated with the height of the accordion content div. After some research and testing I found that in the jay.js file on line 34 if you replace autoHeight: false
with heightStyle: "content"
things work much better.
Is the developer actively monitoring these forums? If so, would heightStyle be a better option?
]]>I have installed this on another client site and just installed on exactly same theme and plugin base but no “Insert SHortcode” in the WYSIWYG editor.
The domain isn’t on line, it’s actually on my server in a datacentre and I’m tricking my Hosts file to view the site. No idea if there’s some reverse DNS going on or something? That’s the only thing I can work out from a geek angle that might be stopping it.
Any ideas?
]]>In 1.407 I found accordion titles overlapping the triangle icon.
I fixed this by changing query-ui-1.8.9-custom.css as follows:
/* fix for accordion titles overwriting icons /*
/* replace this: .jayq-smoothness .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header a { display: block; font-size: 1em; padding: .5em .5em .5em .7em; } with*/
.jayq-smoothness .ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header a { display: block; font-size: 1em; }
If someone could tell me how to do this in a child theme it would be much appreciated.
Also needed to apply fix to “Height of Accordion Panes”.
Can anyone recommend an alternative to Jshortcodes please?
I’m using J Shortcodes to create 7 columns of text with images.
Some of the columns have more text than the others so I wanted to change the font of those specific columns so that they all look the same in mass.
I’ve tried <font size="2"> Text </font>
but it doesn’t seem to be working.
Is there another way I can do this?
]]>As of today.
Worked fine before.
See https://albertaventure.com/2013/08/launchpad-165-days-before-launch/ and https://www.albertaoilmagazine.com/canadas-greatest-oilman-peoples-choice-awards/
]]>I have different content in each of my sections and it seems that there is code forcing all accordion heights to be same height, leaving a lot of white space underneath the content of some of my sections.
I can not manipulate with CSS either. Thanks.
It seems after last wordpress 3.6 update J Shortcodes plugin is no more compatible with the wp version. When J Shortcodes plugin is activated it creates conflict with Lightbox plugins, not just a specific one , but all kind of lightbox plugins .
]]>On the plugin page you show “model=”93,179,349,175,179” but I cannot find anywhere what these numbers represent nor if there are any other ones. I would like to try to build a page based on these but without any explanation what the numbers mean I’m taking random guesses. Please let us know what they mean.
]]>Hi Thanks for your great plugin.
Can this work with contact form 7?
The idea is to let the contact form 7 open up in a lightbox when the call to action button is clicked.
]]>Hi, I have a problem with this plugin. While “jbutton”, “jbox” and “jcolumns” works well, both “jtabs” and “jaccordino” give unorderd lists for the titles, this titles link to the contents which are placed below this unordered list.
Thi is the code for what is seen using “jtab”:
<div class=”jtabs”>
<div id=”jtabs-1″>Contenuto 1 …</div><div id=”jtabs-2″>Contenuto 2 …</div><div id=”jtabs-3″>Contenuto 3 …</div>
Thank you for your help
]]>How do i make this so its 2 boxes not three wide do i have to put open and closed tags so it comes out three boxes in a row??
[jbox border=”6″ radius=”12″ shadow=”5″ title=”This is me” icon=”/_IMAGES/gleb_60x.png”]content…[/jbox]
[jbox color=”blue” vgradient=”#fdfeff|#bae3ff” title=”Custom blue gradient”]content…[/jbox]
[jbox vgradient=”#d8d8d8|#ffffff” shadow=”7″ jbox_css=”border:4px solid #9d9d9d;” title=”Custom gray gradient”]…[/jbox]
Regards Peter
]]>Hello everyone.
J-shortcodes is updated to 1.407 with possible fix for many jQuery-related issues. Please re-check
]]>Just wanted to highlight an issue I’ve just had with the J Shortcodes plug in. It stopped a script within NextGen Gallery working because apparently J Shortcodes uses an old version of javascript?
Here’s the thread where I was trying to get to the bottom of it. My posts are towards the bottom. Thanks
Found that this plugin conflicts with the Jetpack sharing module. When I click on the print icon for instance, it just loads exmpale.com/#print and doesn’t open the print page. When I disable the J-Shortcodes plugin, it works.
Also noticed that the example print button accessed from the Dashboard does work. I tried the solution here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-j-shortcodes-hard-coding-to-jquery-144why?replies=6 in an attempt to address maybe a jquery version conflict but no dice.
Any ideas?
]]>The only way to describe that it breaks many commercial plug ins
]]>I want to have the headline as a link and the code went all messy. Where do I place it?
Here it is, without links:
[jbox color="white" icon=".../uploads/nemala-logo-site2.png" alt="text" width="100px" height="100px" border="1" radius="8" shadow="1"
Plus, did not manage to place 2 jboxes next to each other.
Any help will be appreciated
is it possible to desactivate jshortcode for a specific page
like not loading jquery from jshortcode for a page in wordpress
thanks in advance
]]>This plugin de-registers the jQuery script alias and then re-registers it to Google CDN, using the wrong version. This is bad! If you want to load a specific version of jQuery for your plugin, just load it for your plugin. Don’t break every other use of the jQuery alias across the site.
I have managed to successfully set up and tailor jtabs to work on one page within the wordpress site I am working on https://jamieflynnbase.com/bio/ and I’m really pleased with it.
However, I have tried to get a little clever and add it to another page but it doesn’t seem to show up. I wanted to set up nested tabs on the blog page that would display posts by category so I have assigned my blog page in the WordPress settings to a page called blog and my posts show up there as they should, but when I add in the jtabs code nothing changes.
This is the code I have added to the page:
width="500" -- custom width, in pixels
2012 ::
Italy :: wp_query::cat=2012italy&post_limits=10;
Dubai :: wp_query::cat=2012dubai&post_limits=10;
and here’s the site link
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks
]]>How do I remove the borders on these columns? I have not set them at all using the inbordercss
Here is a sample
this plugin needs better enqueing of assets. scripts/styles for the plugins should not be loading on every admin page, nor even on every front end page. shortcodes now have the ability to trigger the loading of the appropriate scripts in the footer. this might not work for styles because of the “flash of unstyled content”, but definitely needs to be done for scripts. i shouldn’t load the gallery scripts on every page if i am not using the gallery scripts anywhere.
I have no icon, nothing at all, to integrate any shortcode from this plugin within my posts – neither in the visual editor, nor in the HTML editor.
How/where can I have a selection of these shortcodes to integrate in my editor?
]]>Hello. I’m using J-Shortcodes version 1.405 on WordPress 3.3.1. I’m having a conflict with the Personal Fundraiser plugin. It won’t allow popup messages or a link back from paypal to the funraising page. All of which are integral to the functionality of Personal Fundraiser. When I switch off JShortcodes it works fine. Any ideas on how this conflict could be resolved? It is not an option to deactivate JShortcodes as they are on nearly ever page of a 35 page site.
]]>I’ve never seen anything like this.
There’s no documentation. There are no example’s of shortcodes. How am I supposed to use this plugin?
Is this plugin no longer developed?
How did this plugin ever get such a high rating?
]]>Is it possible to a class to a button with a link? In need the class to initiate a modal window. Right now I can wrap a span tag around the button text but it not ideal.
]]>Hello there,your plguin looks awsome,what i need to know,can it work if you have other shortcode plugins installed?