Please no forget this fantastic plugin
]]>Just curious if this plugin will receive any updates so that it is compatible with the latest version of WordPress? Looks like the solution I need but afraid to install it since it hasn’t been updated in 2 years or so.
I was very happy to find this Plugin. It solves a lot of my pain.
But now I see that one categorie is shown including on site, which should not be shown there.
The Wishlist-Site from our Plugin is no longer shown from the time I take submenu for categorie called “Onlinesortiment”
Here how it should look like
And this is how it lloks like after creating a submenu for categorie Onlinesortiment
Don′t know why it is shown there. However, do you have any idea how to get it back to primary menu?
Kind regards,
The plugin seems to work, but can’t uncheck the “Replace Current item with Populated Items” while using php 8.
I had to switch back to php 7.x, change the setting, save and them re-update to php 8. Odd.
]]>I used the plugin on many sites but on a new site I have a problem with the Replace Current item with Populated Items which is automatically checked. I have checked this option for a specific menu item and now after saving this option is checked automatically for every new menu item with JC submenu active.
I tried to remove JC submenu on all theses menu items and save but as I set JC submenu active again and save, The replace box is checked for all menu item where JC submenu is active.
This new site is on a PHP 8 server.
Could this be the problem ?
As soon as I enable the jc submenu plugin, the background, colors, … set in elemntor for the submenu are not working anymore.
Just after the installation and activation:
1) Go to:
Wordpress dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus
2) Select your menu.
3) Expand some menu item by clicking on the arrow sign at the end of the menu item line.
I have spent my time to find this.
]]>Hi James,
I’m interested in helping out with maintaining this plugin. Are you open to that?
Plugin does not work with WP 6.0
]]>I have manually sorted product categories that I wanted JC Submenu to use. The plugin doesn’t support this as-is but I found where in the plugin to edit to add the option. In SubmenuModel.php find line 22
private static $order_options = array(
'tax' => array(
'menu_order' => 'Menu Order',
And now you’ll have menu order as an option to order taxonomies.
Now this is editing the code of the plugin which, should an update be released, will overwrite your edit. But sadly this plugin may not be receiving any updates again or if it does maybe the author will add this little fix!
There is an issue with Elementor problem on dropdown menu, when JCMeu is active , it is impossible to set dropdown menu background color on Hello Theme.
Elementor support told me to see with you.
Thanks for help
Menus are no longer automatically populating with JC functionality. I’m not a super-active builder so I can’t say for sure when it died, but probably with the 5.7 update. The functions still appear in the menu builder and *look* like they’re working – you can select everything, save your changes, and they persist as values in the menu builder, but content that’s supposed to populate from the database, e.g. all posts in a given category as a submenu, just never happens.
Because my site’s live I’ve deactivated JC for now, so I can’t show you the issue, but if need be I can re-activate it and fire it up so someone can see what I mean if it isn’t clear. I’ve tried with and without the walker turned on, and I’ve tried deactivating and re-activating the JC sub plugin. I have not tried *deleting* the sub, and I don’t know if deleting/uninstalling the plugin would delete (and recreate on reinstallation) and related data tables or stored queries or what have you, thereby potentially fixing the problem automagically; I’ve got a fair bit of work into my menus and am hoping to not have to rebuild from scratch, but if that’s the only choice I’ve got I will.
Please advise if you’ve had this issue and found a solution! Thanks.
]]>Hello, I’m populating your JC menu with WPB Accordion Menu and I was wondering if you could think of adding the level restriction directly into the menu instead of the widget as I’m not using it but the one from WPB Accordion Menu. I want to use it in a custom mega menu directly and it would be awesome to be able to set directly this in the menu settings = the depth.
Also, I really hope this plugin is going to be maintained. Can you think about making a Pro version so we can support your work?
]]>HI there is a way to add more that one taxonomy terms ? in order to compose a link
eg : i have a taxonomy named “Collections” and one Named “Gender”
there is a way to add an AND/OF for adding additional taxonomy like.
taxonomy Collection AND taxonomy man
taxonomy Collection AND taxonomy woman
Thanks in advance.
]]>Your plugin is just awesome!
I need to populate a menu with attachments pages from a category.
I use
So I can filter the category; But it’s not populating the pages. Nothing in fact.
It work amazingly for other posts but this one seams tricky.
What should I do, or maybe your plugin has better compatibility with another plugin for media categories ?
Please let me know.
]]>Hello, is this plugin still being maintained? a couple of months ago it was working well on my page and now it just stopped working :\
]]>WP 5.5.3
Theme: Ceris
I am trying to create a drop down menu filled with my pot_tag taxonomies.
The plugin works as desired via the menu drawer, but not in the site header. When hovering over the Menu item in the header, no drop-down appear.
Is there a piece of code I can insert somewhere to allow this plugin to work across my entire site?
this is an amazing plugin! Unfortunately, in our eshop we have categories sorted manually. There are several forms of sorting in the jc submenu. But the manual sorting of woocommerce categories, which we have been setting up for a long time, cannot be chosen in the plug-in.
]]>Is it possible to populate a submenu with values from woocommerce products attribute, like brand for instance?
]]>I have a custom taxonomy that contains 3 terms. And I have numerous CPT (custom post types) posts assigned to those terms.
I want my menu to look like this:
– TERM 1
– CPT 1A
– CPT 1B
– CPT 1C
– TERM 2
– CPT 2A
– CPT 2B
– CPT 2C
– TERM 3
– CPT 3A
– CPT 3B
– CPT 3C
Therefore, I am using “Populate from taxonomy” option with these settings…
Taxonomies: my-cpt-taxonomy
Terms: All
Depth: 10
…which I presume is correct(?). But the menu that is produces is just:
– TERM 1
– TERM 2
– TERM 3
I.e., the second level of depth (my CPT items) is not shown – despite me specifying a depth of 10.
Does anyone know how I can fix this problem so my CPT items are also shown? (NB, I still have this problem even after creating a brand new CPT item, so the problem is not date-of-post related.)
]]>Hi! I’ve installed your plugin in my Wordoress Multisite.
I have noticed next: When in your plugin I choose a product_cat/Term in a Category Item in my Menu, the Term is changing to “All” if I close the menu accordion.
To make it work properly I have to save it first with all menu accordion options opened.
Why is not keeping the term I’ve selected?
Many thanks!
]]>The plugin seems to work only when adding a new post.
it should also existing posts or at least add them when newly saved. any chance to implement this? Or is this supposed to work?
otherwise it’s a cool functionality that is really useful to have one less maintenance step.
Hey – I can’t get your plugin to work with the Astra theme. I tried the “enable compatibility with theme custom menu walkers” function, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Any ideas?
]]>I was trying to read your FAQ on the plugin page, but you have the wrong formatting in the readme.txt.
You are using a triple backtick but that doesn’t render well in the .org plugin page. Please see
If I use
// enable compatibility with theme custom menu walkers
add_filter('jcs/enable_public_walker', '__return_false');
with this plugin that make a mobile menu
Responsive menu wordpress
I can′t use this function in populated items for take thumbnails
add_filter( 'jcs/menu_item_args', 'jcs_menu_item_args', 10, 2);
function jcs_menu_item_args($args, $item){
case 'page':
// add blue 10 pixel image before the menu item name
$args->link_before = '<img alt="" src="" />';
case 'term':
// add green 10 pixel image before the menu item name
$args->link_before = '<img alt="" src="" />';
case 'post':
// add red 10 pixel image before the menu item name
$args->link_before = '<img alt="" src="" />';
return $args;
There is another function or hack to make this??
thx for your time
]]>We are trying to set up a dynamic category menu which shows all our categories and nested categories and would like to see your steps to set this up. Your site seems to be down at this link?
This plugin is exactly what I was looking for!
It works correctly with “nav menu” WordPress widget. However, when using it with CrocoBlock widgets (specifically JetMenu plugin), it does not work. It just doesn’t populate the menus…
Would you be able to do some integration with this plugin or something to solve the problem?
Thanks for listening!
This plugin support to add/shows automatic on menu all the product categories/subcategories (250) from a woocommerce site without adding one by one?
If yes, how we can do that? If no, can you add that ability?
]]>Hi, thanks for the plugin, it is very close to what I need and helpful in so many situations.
On my current project I need to show a custom CPT taxonomy (woocommerce products) using all terms but I want to also show the products so you can navigate to a specific product using the menu (say Furniture -> Living room -> A chair).
Is this doable with your plugin?
Thanks in advance.
is it possible, to show the menu in a single post?
Best regards