I use the PRO version of this nice plugin since few years.
But while at the beginning full screen was possible, not the full sceen icon is greyed out so cannot make the video playback in full screen.
Any way to solve that?
Is it just me, or has the plugin stopped working for everyone? Has Youtube changed what it allows, again?
I had a channel of 22 videos nicely displaying and working fine until today when someone pointed out the page was completely blank.
I have had to replace it with a different plugin – I would like to have continued with jcwp, but I can’t leave a blank page.
]]>Hi There,
I use your plugin on a site and really like it. Thank you.
However it be nice to be able to support responsive video integration as provided by https://embedresponsively.com/
I did a quick fix for this where i simply changeed the code in file jcorgYoutubeUserChannelEmbed.js on line 109 to ytObject = '<div class="embed-container"><iframe width="' + settings.videoWidth + '" height="' + (parseInt(settings.videoWidth / 1.78)) + '" src="' + vidLink + '?feature=player_detailpage&origin=' + (window.location.origin) + '" autoplay="' + autoplay + '" frameborder="0" ' + allowfullscreen + '></iframe></div>';
End then you could add following css code to your css file:
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Maybe you might consider something like this in your future update.
Best, daniel
]]>Does this new API absolutely require a playlist ID? The channel I’m using doesn’t have any playlists. I only need to display all uploaded videos from the channel but I can’t figure out what the ID would be. I tried using the “Get” button but it isn’t doing anything. Thanks in advance for any help!
On the front end I get a 404:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=contentDetails%2Cs…-I74C8zLdo&alt=json&start-index=1&maxResults=30&orderBy=published&format=5 404 (Not Found)
I get the error message “youtube-devicesupport”, see: https://www.sak.at.
I am using the latest jcwp youtube channel embed version.
How can I fix this problem?
]]>Is is possible to change the order of the playlist. Using your Youtube playlist feed, instead of the primary feed?
]]>Great plugin! Question. I noticed that the plugin seems to automatically pull thumbnail #1, rather than the selected video thumbnail. I’ve been digging in your code for half an hour trying to figure out where to modify it to pull say 0.jpg rather than 1.jpg (which it seems to pull auto). 1.jpg is a higher quality thumbnail as well, so I’d really like to pull that thumbnail on auto. Where in the code should I mod to accomplish this? Thanks in advance. And again, Great Plugin!
]]>is there a way to get all channel videos and set pagination, like … 6 videos/page ?
]]>thumbnail quality is little low how can i fix it?