I followed the steps as mentioned but still not working. Any help would be appreciated!
I have added the script for the top banner that says ” Click here for Online Booking”
]]>I recently tried to make an update on Jin Menus, but the Save button is no longer visible. How can I save my updates?
Thanks for your help.
This plugin still works I noticed. I love it. Can you update this plugin according to the wordpress notification that is has not been updated last 3 major updates?
Kind regards,
This plugin isn’t working anymore ?
]]>I’ve created a new custom link menu item ‘Book Online’ and included the # within the url field.
I’ve then put in the the code below in to the JinMenu area for the same menu item and it doesn’t do anything. My code I am trying to run is below:
data-he-id=”xxxxxxx” src=”https://healthengine.com.au/webplugin/appointments.js”
Is there a different way that I should be calling the script? Something else I’m doing wrong?
I can get the onclick action working in the top menu on a large screen, but it doesn’t work when the menu is reduced to a drop-down list for a small screen. It also doesn’t work in the base menu created with a widget. I’m using Avada Theme.
I inserted the following javascript code that I know works along with the CSS/HTML? shown later in this message…but I know I’m missing the CSS piece to get the search box to open when clicking on the menu. I’ve tested the plugin too and know it works with basic script. How do I add the CSS/HTML needed for the search box to open? Thank you in advance.
Java Code entered into Onclick area:
[ redacted, that’s too many lines. Please use https://pastebin.com/ and share that link instead. ]
My client’s site is https://texasbariatricspecialists.com/. I have a custom link in the top right button called eStore. I need to add Google Analytics tracking for clicks from that button. I have your plugin installed. When I input the following javascript into the javascript box for that button, I get an error as soon as I go to the website.
code I am using in the javascript box:
_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘Click’, ‘ThisButton’, ‘Yes’]);
window.location =”https://www1.bariatricadvantage.com/service/referrerCode?referrer=TBS”
Error that is on the top of the page with that script in place:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function iconv() in /home/tbs001/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jin-menu/jinmenu.php on line 72
If I remove the javascript from the box, the error goes away.
What am I doing wrong? Also since I installed the plugin I removed the Google Analytics code from the header.php file.
Greg McComish
Hey, sorry for my english …
Your plugin does it work for wordpress 4.6
]]>I want to be able to add an onclick tracking to google analytics for the menu buttons I have right now that are pages. The onclick tracking code I want to enter is below.
onclick=”_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘Click’, ‘ThisButton’, ‘Yes’]);”
The buttons were created by going to wordpress menu then choosing pages I want to add as a button on the left and doing “add to menu.”
Can I do that to the current menu I already have? How would I do that without using the custom link and #? Is that possible? Please help.
I am interested in your plugin as I am putting the phone number of my business in the menu as a clickable item for smart phones although I cant seem to make it work.
My Standard html code is: Click HERE to Call: 04X4 4XX 30X
Above I have replace some numbers with X for privacy reasons. I am running the Avada theme.
I have turned on non conflict mode etc.. but I am a bit lost as what to do next. Thanks in advance for the help
Instead of showing the click event from Google Analytics in my HTML code, it shows an error instead like this:
I tried with and without No Conflict.
I tried with plugins all disabled.
I tried on default theme.
I tried with these 2 code variations:
onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'Booking', 'Book', 'Book Online Button', 'value');"
ga('send', 'event', 'Booking', 'Book', 'Book Online Button', 'value');
Still the Javascript Void shows instead of above code.
Please advise.
]]>how do I add website leaving popup warning. like this:
p.s: update your video tutorial, your tutorial does not matches with your menu option, it has been updated a lot. people are giving one star for a reason, even I was going to do the same. but before that I want to know how much support you provided. maybe I ll change my mind than. And any help ll be appreciated.
]]>Installed JinMenu to check it out. It didn’t do what I was looking for. Now I can’t completely remove it. I still have onClicks for all my navigation items and I’m getting jQuery errors.
Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
It’s not breaking the page, but I’d really like to remove all of this. I couldn’t find a contact other than Skype on your website…so I’m giving this a shot. Please help.
i have to call something like this
doesn’t work.
i tried
function(‘<?php echo $user_id; ?>’)
function(‘\”<?php echo $user_id; ?>\”‘)
and so on. nothing happened.
if i will give manually, for an example, ‘1’ … it works well.
any hints to resolve that problem?
regards form austria
]]>Hi Rohit Kumar Chowdhary,
I am install plugin. But in custom menu ‘Onclick Java script code field’ not display in admin side menu field.
My wordpress version is 4.3.1 . Please help me how can i display this field in admin side menu so, i can add my java script code in menu.
I tried JinMenu and have also found that it is NOT working in the latest versions of WordPress (v4.3, in my case). I fully appreciate that Rohit, the creator of this plugin, may have other priorities in life beyond maintaining this plugin, so I’m only offering the following (possible) solution for those seeking similar functionality.
I found this https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/add-javascript-to-nav-menu-1#post-5887552 answer within the WordPress forums had the details that I needed to get an onclick event working in my navigation.
]]>Hello, I installed, but my entered on click do not works ;(
Where could be the problem?
]]>Hey I really need this plugin to work here is the error I’m getting:
Notice: Undefined index: menu-item-jin in /public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/jin-menu/class.draw.php on line 225
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I have submenu items that link to categories, when I enable your plugin all these links become “javascript:void(0)” and don’t work anymore. Please fix. Thanks
I don’t get the Jin Menu, plugin doesn’t appear to do anything ??
]]>Activated plugin and added javascript to custom menu item:
No code gets added to the menu on the frontend and the alert doesn’t appear when I click the menu item.
]]>Hi, i have a menu with some hover in css and php, but i wanted to add the javascript to use onclick events. I just wanted to show the submenu onclick instead of hover but the added code is not working…
Can you please help me?
Even when not active in admin area shows the “Jin Menu” option and I do not know what to do to solve this problem.
]]>At the top of the administration panel displays the following message:
]]>Warning: Missing argument 2 for draw::jin_nav_edit_walker() in /home/mysitehome/public_html/pruebas/wp-content/plugins/jin-menu/class.draw.php on line 238
I really loved this plugin but need some help here.
When I click on menu item it should open up a whitebox/lightbox with the list of Categories/Tags on that whitebox?
Can you help me with the code?
]]>Love this plugin even did a tutorial on it. https://bit.ly/19M9NyE. however it seems to conflict with jet pack stats have you heard this yet?
]]>hi i want to use this plugin to add a function ‘add to favorites’ in my menu
i think this plugin is great to do that
but few bugs are in it
Can you debug this please ?
best regards