Do I need to use another plugin or are there older versions available?
The images are not rotating any more.
]]>I got the same problem as superflymonkeyboy and could resolve it by not putting any height and width in the shortcode an changing line 166-171 in “jj_ngg_jquery_cycle.php”:
if($width != '' && $height != '')
$width_d = " width=\"" . $width . "\"";
$height_d = " height=\"" . $height . "\"";
if($width != '' && $height != '')
$width_d = " width=\"" . $width . "\"";
$height_d = " height=\"" . $height . "\"";
} else { //use image dimensions
$width_d = " width=\"" . $image->meta_data['width'] . "\"";
$height_d = " height=\"" . $image->meta_data['height'] . "\"";
]]>Hey, after searching around to get a navigation for this nice plugin I worked something out that works for me.
1. Get the full jQuery cycle plugin (not the lite one used in this plugin) from (I just replaced the code in the jquery.cycle.lite.1.0.min.js; not sure if its necessary at all)
2. In jj_ngg_jquery_cycle.php change line 198
$output .= "\n jQuery('div#" . $html_id . "').jjcycle(";
$output .= "\n jQuery('div#" . $html_id . "').cycle(";
in order to call the new code
3. I changed line 199 – 203 to
if(count($javascript_args) > 0)
$output .= "{" . implode(",", $javascript_args) . ", pager: '#galerie-nav', prev: '#prev', next: '#next',pagerAnchorBuilder: pagerFactory}";
$output .= ");";
$output .= "function pagerFactory(idx, slide) {
return '<li><a href=\"#\">'+(idx+1)+'</a></li>';
in order to get the funcionality
4. Now you place the pagination wherever you want and style it with CSS. I got it beneath the image, line 180.
$output .= '
<div id="pagination">
<a href="#"><span id="prev"><</span></a>
<ul id="galerie-nav"></ul>
<a href="#"><span id="next">></span></a>
Hope it works for you. In my case the pagination is needed in every gallery. If you want it more flexible you might add something like
if($pager != "") { $javascript_args[] = "pager: '" . $pager . "'"; }
in around line 190.
Is it possible to create a “running-photoshow” (like at the bottom of the page in using nextgen? I would like to put the photoshow in the header (theme Weaver Pro II)
If so, which plugin do I need?
Thanks for your answer!
]]>I have this plugin running as a widget in my sidebar and it looks great but it is a bit slow as it is loading the full size images. I only need the thumbnails. Is there a way to switch them?
I have noticed that the sort order I set up in NextGen Gallery panel is never respected.
The “order” shortcode just overrides it:
asc=sorts using filenames
desc=sorts using filenames
these two options are pretty useless unless you rename images before upload.
it would be perfect just using the standard nextgen logic i.e. using the order specified in the nextgen manage gallery > sort feature.
is this possibile?
]]>Is there a way to choose what images you want the the cycle to grab? Right now mine is random, but I would like to choose the images.
thank you, and great plug in!
]]>When I use the max pictures code to limit the amount of pictures that will cycle, it also limits the amount of photos I can view in my galleries. I limited the cycle to only grab 4 images to cycle. Then when i go to my galleries and view one, i can only “arrow” through 4. Is there away that I can have my cycle be limited but not the galleries?
]]>I’d like to be able to change the background of the slideshow, as well as have the images centered vertically. Is this possible? Can’t seem to find where to make changes. Thanks!
]]>Hi, I am trying to make my theme use the actual image title of the image from Nextgen rather than inputting it myself through the title short code. I have tried using the nextgen short code for the captions, but it does not seem to work, any ideas please? I have tried this: [jj-ngg-jquery-cycle gallery=”1″timeout=”1000″speed=”1000″] [template=caption] but it doesn’t work.
Thank You
]]>Great plugin! To show a gallery-view of the random images on click (if no url is in alt tag), I modified the file
jj_ngg_jquery_cycle.php in includes here:
Original from line 148:
if($use_url != '')
$output .= "<a href=\"" . esc_attr($image_alt) . "\">";
changed to:
if($use_url != '')
$output .= "<a href=\"" . esc_attr($image_alt) . "\">";
} else {
$output .= "<a class=\"shutterset\" style=\"background-image:none; padding-left:0px;\" href=\"" . $image->imageURL . "\">";
Original from line 173:
if($use_url != '')
$output .= "</a>";
changed to:
$output .= "</a>";
see for result, under search, above videos.
]]>Trying to get this to work, I’ve ended up with a strange bug. It’s showing every image in my gallery without any css or jquery, no cycling. see here
]]>The problem: portrait photo’s are stretched to fit the slider, but this is very ugly. So i want to center it, and for example keep the height as an aspect. The slider is 275 width (fixed).
I tried several opties, but it just don’t work out for me.. This is my code now:
[jj-ngg-jquery-cycle gallery=”” width=”275″ height=”180″ speed=”1000″ timeout=”3000″ fit=”0″ center=”1″]
Any ideas?.. thnx in advance!
I am using jj-nextgen-jquery-cycle for Image sliding in my WP version 3.2 site.
I would like to add ‘PAUSE’ button somewhere at the bottom of the image sliding. How Can I do that? I know image sliding stops when we mouse over to image BUT AGAIN, I am interested in having ‘PAUSE’ button.
How can I so that? Can you please help me?
]]>Is there anyway to put some CSS styling around the images. I would like to use some padding and borders if possible. Does anyone out there know how to do it?
]]>Everything works fine with the jQuery Cycle NextGEN plugin, everything but I can’t get the next and previous links to work! My a links have the ids next
and prev
I have tried:
1. Editing the
script to alter the defaults so that
2. Writing in a shortcode where the plugin is called:"#next" prev="#prev"]
3. Creating a new script, as per the jQuery Cycle Lite plugin page:
prev: '#prev',
next: '#next',
timeout: 0
I don’t really know enough javascript to troubleshoot, all I do know is that none of this works!
The dev website is at
tia, Jake
i just downloaded JJ NextGen JQuery Cycle slideshow Plugin for wordpress and it works fine but at the top of the picture, in the left corner I see a small round play button each time the picture changes. ( I use a JQuery widget.) How can I hide it?
I tried to embed the slideshow in the wp page using this code: [jj-ngg-jquery-cycle html_id=”about-cycle” gallery=”4″ width=”200″ height=”200″ timeout=”3000″ speed=”1000″ fit=”1″]
…and in this case there is no icon, so I guess it is somewhere in the widget code, because I can find any play icon in the image folders….
Thank you in advance for your help….
This is how it looks:
For some reason the JJ NextGen JQuery Cycle banner appears above the dropdown menus. please see
hover over “our community” and you will see.
Anyway I can fix this?
]]>Is there a way to display image titles for each photo as they display? I see that variable on the Cycle Lite page as one of the examples but have no idea how to integrate it into this plug-in.
Can anyone help?
]]>Hey there!
I’m trying to use this Plugin cause I thought it’s easy to handle.
Lot of Problems solved by readying here, like linking the Images to a Page. Or adding an Border-Image. Thanks a lot!
But now I have a problem I can’t get it…
My Pictures does not fit automaticly into the frame.
Already tried addin own CSS like:
But it doesn’t help.
Could someone help me out there?
But be aware if you want to open the page, it’s a page with adult content!
hi people. im using the jj nextgen cycle in a sidebar, by widget.
im using shortcode and works fine. but i want to disply arrows or next/prev buttons, or ? ?. what is the param to use this? thanks.
im using this SC:
[jj-ngg-jquery-cycle html_id=”apoio” gallery=”15″ timeout=”3000″ speed=”1000″ height=”120″ width=”300″]
Great plugin. Does exactly what I need it to do.
Is there a way to add this as an option to the Nextgen button that gets inserted in the wysiwyg editor?
I’ll be handing this site off to a client and they are not web savvy enough to remember to type out shortcodes. Would be nice if the button in the editor has:
Show As:
Image List
]]>Great plugin, however, I have the width and spacing configured to disp;ay 4 images at a time, and to scroll by 4 each time automatically (no left/right arrows) with wrap set to circular, when it reaches the last image, it starts to display them one at a time rather than in sets of 4 (or however many there are that fit in the space).
Does anyone have a fix for this? I can’t find any other jquery carousel plugins that work with nextgen galleries…
]]>wp_specialchars has been deprecated since 2.8
line 28 of jj-nextgen-jquery-cycle/includes/functions.php
should be
$instance[esc_html($att)] = esc_html($val);
]]>I have inserted the shortcode and nothing seems to be working. it just shows the short code as text. if i insert the standard ngg shortcode it pulls the gallery in no problems. i have deactivated all plugins except ngg and this one and it’s still not working.
any ideas?
you can view it here:
Thanks for this plugin! It’s great. I’m using Thesis. I’d like to add a shadow or border around this slider, I’m using the shortcode and I can’t find where to add some css. I’m pretty new, so I don’t know if I should do it within the html or I tried doing some custom css and calling that out in the css class. Not sure what to do here.
Also, how would I add in a load bar because when the slideshow starts the images aren’t fully loaded, or should I just to pause the first slide to the others get a chance to load beforehand.
]]>Hi there
We love love love this carousel. We are ready to launch our site apart from one issue: we are showing 3 images at a time. After it rotates through about 3 times, it all of a sudden only shows 2 images at a time. Sometimes is also speeds up really fast!
You can see it on our temp url today: We have 3 galleries that are all doing the same thing ( you will see them – Temporary, Mixed and Permanent).
We are hoping to launch this tomorrow (if you look at it tomorrow it will be this url: )
Thank you in advance
I would like to integrate a rotative banner system in the header of my wordpress website.
I installed Nextgen gallery + nextgen-jquer-cycle but I don’t understand where to find the code I’m supposed to add into the header.php file.
Thank you for your help,
]]>Hey, nice, that you implemented the alt-change!
A few things: could you please change the header of the widget from a <h3> heading to <h2> to make it more compatible with themes?
Also: the list-item style could be changed to “none”
Look at the Cycler is strangely aligned, it should look similar as “Suche” or “Chromjuwelen Tweet”.
And I just noticed, the link is gone … now, all the pictures are not clickable anymore.
Source says: only clickable, if ALT is URL.
(i changed this for me, cause I want the images as links)
Or am I doing something wrong?
best regards,