I’m facing an issue with a WordPress plugin I’m using. Whenever I click on a job category on my website, it redirects to a 404 Not Found page. I’ve checked the permalink settings and the plugins installed, but the issue persists.
Has anyone encountered this problem before or have any suggestions on how to resolve it? Could this be a plugin conflict, or is there something else that might be causing the category pages to return a 404 error?
Thank you in advance for your help!
]]>this is the page where i need to add extra fields on job posting form. I need to add start/end time and date fields to it. How can i achive this functionality. Please let me know.
]]>Am no longer being able to publish on wordpress am getting the message “wrong jobs data”
I want to know if it is possible to add the payment system for posting jobs and creating resumes? any tips on how to hook the payment method? I really need this help. anyone here?
]]>On the job board, it will not allow an hourly salary that has a decimal point in it. Has anyone found an easy workaround?
Still supported and updated, not abandoned? The plugin looks updated over two months ago, and the last support question hasn’t been answered.
So I would like to be sure this plugin is fully supported and updated before I install for my clients and get properly involved. It looks like an awesome plugin, so I’m crossing my fingers. Thank you.
]]>I have this plugin set to allow users to optionally register along with submitting the job posting, but for some reason, ‘people’ are able to register without filling out the required fields.
I have the membership settings set to off, so they really shouldn’t be able to register.
Is there a back door I can turn off so the spammers don’t create accounts?
Everything is in English. How can I change the language in Dutch?
Currently, only an admin of a website can decide to include job posts in indexing by search engines.
However, it would be better to allow an author of a job post to make that choice. It would give them more control over what information about their company gets exposed to the internet. Maybe some vacancies should only be visible to a company’s internal network.
The feature can be implemented similar to how UM plugin allows users to index/noindex their profiles.
I am having trouble with my Ultimate Member Hob board which is via JobboardWP.
It seems not to load any locations and I cannot figure out why.
https://jobboardwp.com/ does not seem to work either!
Any ideas?
]]>Is there a way to require users to pay before posting a job?
]]>Hi. Is it possible to publish more than one job? Now in my Job Dashboard I can see the job I’ve published but I can not see any option to publish another one. Is this correct?
]]>Hello is it possible not to link the location to Google Maps? How to disable it? Thanks!
]]>Is it possible for multiple employees from the same company to view the dashboard for their company only? I have situations where multiple employees from the same company will be posting roles, but they’d all benefit from being able to view what others from their company have posted too. I know they can just view the job board, but this method doesn’t really suit our business model as competitor companies can see what others have posted then.
We use JobBoardWP with Ultimate Member to create job boards for our guild members.
We use File Bird to manage our media folders on the site. Over the last month we have had a Json error occur when we attempt to create a new media folder. We are unable to create a folder and the error that appears states ‘Invalid JSON body passed’.
Having worked our way through various steps to trouble shoot the issue including using the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin we’ve found the issue lies with JobBoardWP plugin.
When this is deactivated we are able to create and save new media folders. Do you have any advice you may be able to offer to help us resolve? Many thanks in advance.
]]>Hello, I want to add a featured post on the sidebar. Is that possible? Currently I only added a category for that purpose so only that category will shows up.
]]>I want to change the button tho. I tried to modify the file but it wont work.
What I want is, when you click the “Apply for Job” button it will open the URL directly to another tab. Currently when you click the button it only shows you the URL.
is it possible?
]]>Hi support,
Amazing Plugin.
I have some PHP development skills, how can I add custom fields like select menu and other simple fields type to the Post Submit form?
Thank you <3
]]>We have started using this plugin and we love it, however just recently we have been getting reports that the jobs are not displaying when people go to our jobs page.
When you click on load more jobs, nothing happens. When you refresh the page (Mobile or Web) all the jobs appear, but most people don’t do that and think there is an issue.
Any help appreciated.
For some reason, our job board has begun to become very very slow to load, it sometimes take 1 or even 2 minutes to load jobs on the page.
Additionally, our user’s are not able to edit their jobs or continue from draft. When they click on edit job or continue job, they are getting a blank page with a 0 on the top left.
What should I do? Below see my current settings.
]]>When will the free version be ready for newest version of wordpress?
]]>I’m confused to why no matter what I put in the “Application Contact” it says “Wrong Job’s Data” when I try to publish. I don’t know what I’m supposed to put there. I’ve put in my email address and website page url for the application. If that’s not what I’m supposed to put down, it’s not very clear on what I’m supposed to do. I also tried making it not required like it shows in the plugin’s screenshots when you go to the install plugin page and I’m not sure how to do that either.
Could you help with making the search and location fields produce real-time ajax results instead of typing and hitting the “find jobs” button? How can I achieve this?
Also, I’d like to append the word “ago” to the timestamp that shows on the jobs lists, instead of just “3 days” or “1 month”. So a timestamp could read like “2 days ago”.
]]>Do you have any ways that applicants can attach their resumes and CV as well along with job applications ??
]]>You can see in the link that ” Preview ” is available but ” Submit ” button is not along with it. If submit button is there on the first place then user bounce rate will decrease and it will be more user friendly.
I hope you understand it
It’s a super easy plugin.
Thank You
Yogesh Vyas
Hi! I am using Jobboardwp integrated with Ultimate Member. I would like to avoid the use of WP native email handling when posting a new job and creating a new user with the registration fields at post-job. Instead I would like to use the “Account Welcome Email” or any other template from Ultimate Member plugin instead. Is there a way to do so?
Thank you!
]]>Hi, how can I replace this base slug “job” to other slug? Thanks
]]>I’d like to display the job lists on an archive page instead of the singular page. How can I achieve that? Thanks.
Really cool plugin you’ve built. I’d like to know if I can get the job expiry datepicker to look like that of ACF. I like the look of the ACF datepicker. Image attached.
Having trouble with load-time on the job-list page with shortcode [jb_jobs /]. it takes up to 20-30 sec for the list to load some times (spinner loading). everything else on the webpage loads fast. Even the page with shortcode [jb_jobs_dashboard /] loads within 2-3 sec.
What can be the cause of this?