Hi, I wanted to switch to wp-cli import but I always get the following error, do you have any suggestions?
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function can_update_meta() on null in /wp-content/plugins/jobify-xml-csv-listings-import/jobify-add-on.php:222
Stack trace:
#0 /wp-content/plugins/jobify-xml-csv-listings-import/rapid-addon.php(399): jobify_addon_import(91912, Array, Object(PMXI_Import_Record), Array, Object(Closure))
#1 /wp-content/plugins/wp-all-import-pro/models/import/record.php(3224): RapidAddon->import(Array, Array)
#2 /wp-content/plugins/wp-all-import-pro/models/import/record.php(333): PMXI_Import_Record->process('<?xml version="...', Object(Closure), 2, true, '/pmxi_records', 1, Object(cli\progress\Bar))
#3 /wp-content/plugins/wp-all-import-pro/classes/cli.php(95): PMXI_Import_Record->execute(Object(Closure))
#4 [internal function]: PMXI_Cli->run(Array, Array)
#5 phar:/// in /wp-content/plugins/jobify-xml-csv-listings-import/jobify-add-on.php on line 222
Logo not showing in front side if upgrade to 4.6.4 but shows in admin, downgrading to 4.6.3 works again.
Affecting here too https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/logo-stopped-importing/
I think the import is generally working. I see the logo for the job in the admin panel showing correctly but on the actual listing it shows the default WPJM company.png grey placeholder. Looking into edit the job listing the box for company logo on the right says ‘Set Company Logo’. Is there a way to have the imported logo set for the listing. In your demo video it seemed to do it automatically?
How can i save the wanted job page to a csv file?
When using your plugin to import Resume profiles and referring to the URL for the resume (for example if it’s hosted on an external site) does your plugin import the file to our local database? How is this done?
]]>I am importing 250 jobs but it only creates 1.
Every time it creates a job it replaces it with the next one.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
]]>hello, if import regions- categories and job types from an old wordpress installation, when this plugin import, does import with the same id categories/regions or job types?
If the job posting is imported via cronjob, the WP Job Manager fields are not transferred. All other fields work.
Without cronjob the WP Job Manager fields are transferred.
Thanks a lot for your help,
We are planning to import all our job listings, job seekers and employers to Jobify and we are using most of the WP Job Manager Add-Ons. This plugin is listed on WP Job Manager site.
Currently, we are using Boxwood Technology for our job board, and we can export all the data into a csv file. But we are wondering if we can also import job seekers and employers profiles and accounts using your plugin (we are not just importing job listings).
If we can do that – can job seekers and employers able to login with the new job board?
Thank you so much.
Sincerely yours,