Rating: 5 stars
I recently transfered a site built in 2011 with WP 3.x to a new host. The new site is set up with WP 5.0.4. What a relief to know that I need not redo hundreds of footnotes!
A thousand thanks, Anna
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’ve been using this for many years. Still works.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
I like the plugin and it still works well.
I only had issues with it once when I was writing some LaTeX formulas because I used {{ … }} somewhere which triggered the plugin’s footnote expansion.
You can fix this bug by adding the last 4 lines (the upper two are provided as context) to the for each loop at the end of the php file for the plugin:
$foot_start = strpos($data, $foot_delim) + strlen($foot_delim); //now we're looking through 'the_content' for the actual footnote text (not just inline link)
$foot_end = strpos($data, $foot_delim, $foot_start); //find out how long footnote is
// BLACKHC: fix spurious {{..}}s in LaTeX blocks.
if($foot_start === FALSE || $foot_end === FALSE) {
Rating: 3 stars
The plugin still works (3.5.1), and it’s an awesome method for displaying footnotes on a page, especially if you’re wanting that hover effect, but… I would have given it 5 stars, but removed 1 because the author isn’t actively supporting the plugin, and 1 star because the plugin is coded using 2 year old WordPress methods… most importantly, it loads and parses on EVERY FRONT END page…
Otherwise, the plugin is very light, and does what it’s suppose to.