Is it possible to randomize the slides in the slideshow? This is for advertising in the header of a website and I need there to be no order to them. thanks!!
]]>This is a great plug-in. Most of my visitors connect via their iPhone and other smart phones. This will only increase as more people connect with mobile devices. Unfortunately this plugin is not responsive to screen size. I originally rated this plugin a 5, now downgraded to a 3. (Smartphones outsell pc’s 2:1.) ??
]]><?php if(function_exists(‘jquery-slides’)){ jquery-slides(); } ?> Does NOT work inside the template.
]]>The code <?php if(function_exists('jquery-slides')){ jquery-slides(); } ?>
not works in template source.
I’m a wordpress novice and can’t get JQuery Slides v1.0.1 to work (
I have followed all three steps to the best of my knowledge including creating and publishing three slides, uploaded the php function in my header template, and activated the plugin. I can’t figure out what’s going wrong– my website appears completely unchanged.
My website is:
Any help would be much appreciated!
]]>You should re-consider your work on this…
The short code is not working…
There is no documentation..
No internationalization…
Meteor Slides is another plugin that is working well, has documentation and is available for other languages too… So, please reconsider your work, or at least describe better the features, how it works, known bugs and so on…
]]>It would be awesome if you could add support for multiple sliders! As it is now you can only have one slider per website?