Sadly, for the ones still using this plugin, it makes the website crash with the updapte to php 8.0. Maybe the reason why it’s banned?
If someone knows a good alternative (which doesn’t mixes the CSS, just show a simple menu with accordion options), feel free to propose it.
]]>Hi, anyone know what guidelines this plugin violated? Lack of updates?
]]>The pages were constructed earlier with SiteOrigin page builder where the JQuery menu shortcode was inserted in SiteOrigin’s text widget. These are working fine.
But new pages with the JQuery menu shortcode in SiteOrigin page builder is not possible now.
After using the shortcode in a text or editor widget of PageBuilder, when the page/post is updated/saved, the updated page is not refreshing. Instead, a white page with the JQuery shortcode as error message is displayed.
Also, the old pages which are otherwise ok, if they are edited and updated, they are not displaying either in the front-end or in the back-end.
At the front-end, the page is displaying a blank page.
Tengo un problema con wordpress me da el siguiente error:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: skin in …\jquery-vertical-accordion-menu\skin.php on line 7
English version with thomasdk81 edits:
Thank you to all of you clever and generous people!
]]>Hello guys,
I am sitting for 3 days on a problem which I still can not solve. As I am currently trying to eliminate all the render-blocking CSS in above-the-fold content this plugin shows the last issues. I tried several methods but however can not solve it so far. I am having 5 different Menus set on a page in my sidebar with the Accordion Menu Plugin with the same skin. However, since every new menu is set by a certain ID it requests the CSS code 5 times, which causes a lot of slowing on my page. My idea was to give them all the same ID or at least access to the same CSS skin without opening 5 times the same.
However, I can not find any solutions on that. My web page is:
If someone could help me out on that topic, I would be more than grateful!
Best greetings,
It did not update for 5 years.
It is risk to use it?
Hi, I`m trying to switch to PHP70 via .htaccess:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php70 .php
but after that I`ve got a “blank page” error. In a debug mode there is a message:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; dc_jqaccordion has a deprecated constructor in /xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jquery-vertical-accordion-menu/dcwp_jquery_accordion.php on line 14
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; dc_jqaccordion_widget has a deprecated constructor in /xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jquery-vertical-accordion-menu/dcwp_jquery_accordion_widget.php on line 3
PHP56 is ok.
The plugin hasnt beed updated for a long time… Should I change it or it`s still safe to use and you have some advise, how to fix this php issue?
Thanks, M.
I’m using the plugin with the “demo” theme, i am trying to add some space at the left of the sub-menus so it would not be on the same level as the other content, however i was only able to shift the titles but not the +/- sign, can you tell me how to do that?
Here’s the css lign that i added:
.sidebar-widget #dc_jqaccordion_widget-4-item ul li li a{
padding-left: 52px;
dcwp_jquery_accordion_widget.php needs the following changes:
parent::WP_Widget( 'nav_menu', __('Custom Menu'), $widget_ops );
$this->WP_Widget($id_base, __($name, 'dcjqaccordion'), $widget_ops);
changed to:
parent::__construct( 'nav_menu', __('Custom Menu'), $widget_ops );
$this->__construct($id_base, __($name, 'dcjqaccordion'), $widget_ops);
Could you make this change or add me as a developer to this project so I can?
How can I expand all menu items by default?
Thank you!
]]>Hi there,
How can I change the color of hover link menu item?
Thank you!
Plugin: jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu
Version: 3.1.2
Hope you’ll understand the problem.
Normal situation
1. User clikcs on menu item which is a parent with some sub-items
2. It loads parent page (parent menu item page) and also expands the menu
3. User reads information on parent and then can select sub-item from menu and click it
4. Sub-menu page loads, menu stays expanded
Currently, bad usability functions like this:
1. User clicks on parent menu item
2. Menu expands and page reloads and menu expands again
3. User reads information on parent and then can select sub-item from menu and click it
4. Sub-menu page loads, menu stays expanded
Action number 2 is the problem.
The problem is that if I click on the parent that has it’s own page the user can read then there’s no point to expand the menu before loading the page because the page will load anyway and open the menu again too.
It’s particularly annoying on responsive view because of the slower reaction times on mobile phones compared to PC reaction times.
Try it out, you’ll see what I mean.
Any ideas how to make it so that when I parent menu item has a page and sub-pages then clicking on it will load the parent page and expand the menu not expand-open-expand.
Hope I was clear enough.
I just add SSL to my site and when I make the URL start with https the JQuery Accordion Menu Widget stop working (
Why this happen and how can I solve it ?
I have facing some issue on JQuery Accordion Menu Widget. It has a small scrolling whenever click on left section menu #tab id.
May be some issue with mega menu please check it’s very urgent for me. Please tell me in which file can i change.
]]>Hi I notice this was asked once before but closed without resolution. It’s still a thing – how do we stop the page jump or page blink whilst it loads the sub items? This will be make or break so I would rather fix it.
Thanks in advance.
When I use TwentyTen theme, this problem does not occur, but when I use Travelify theme, the problem takes place. All the menu items remain open, although I expect them to open only when the user clicks on an item. I have tried all the settings. I changed everything in the settings of this menu, but it still remains open. I even removed all the other widgets, but the plugin refuses to collapse the parent items. This is awful. Like some other friends said, there might be something wrong with the CSS, but what should I change in the CSS? This is a big failing. Please help.
Thank you
]]>Hi. Please, I am in panic: I must add other items to the menu, but I can not !!! I add, except, but does not update !!! Is there a maximum number of entries? I am using the plugin in the left sidebar… How do I unlock the number limit? I can send the link of reference? Thanks a lot. Bruno
]]>Hi Guys, i have a issue it works good but I need the second level menu items to be always expanded , tried this:
Im using “JQuery Accordion Menu Widget” plugin in WordPress. I have a basic understanding of Jquery , the plugin by default makes a accordion menu expandable on hover. All the child items are hidden by default. And they expand when you hover on the father item. how can I achieve that this level is always expanded?
This is the code:
I need the
<ul class="thenewmenu" id="menu-main-1">
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-183"><a href="" title="homelink1">Home</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-has-children menu-item-184 dcjq-parent-li"><a href="" class="dcjq-parent active">B&W Photography<span class="dcjq-icon"></span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu" style="display: block;">
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-post menu-item-117"><a href="">The Sea</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-post menu-item-223"><a href=""> Jungle</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-post menu-item-242"><a href=""> Breeze</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category current-post-ancestor current-menu-parent current-post-parent menu-item-has-children menu-item-208 dcjq-parent-li"><a href="" class="dcjq-parent">Writing<span class="dcjq-icon"></span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu" style="display: none;">
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category current-post-ancestor current-menu-parent current-post-parent menu-item-115"><a href="" class="">Post</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-278 dcjq-parent-li"><a href="#" class="dcjq-parent">Reviews<span class="dcjq-icon"></span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu" style="display: none;">
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-276"><a href="">Xavier</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-21"><a href="">Behind the Lens</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-36"><a href="">Charity</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-22"><a href="">Contact</a></li>
I have tried with a bit of CSS that I placed in the Footer. it does the job, but: when hovering, the items start “blinking” trying to “hide” but they appear again. Looks terrible.
.menu-item-282.dcjq-parent-li .sub-menu, .menu-item-278.dcjq-parent-li .sub-menu {
display: inline-block !important;
Maybe I need to produce jquery to say dont do it… how can I achieve this? thanks guys!
]]>I installed the plugin and it is working perfectly. However, it shows a Abola, one point above the first menu item and can not get him at all.
]]>Re. JQuery Accordion Menu Widget;
I have a vertical nav that has main and sub categories. The sub categories are supposed to be in the collapsed state and should expand on click.
What is happening is that on page load, the whole menu flashes (briefly) in the open state especially when there is a slow connection.
My client is intent on me fixing this and I have exhausted all ideas… any help would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have any plans to update this plugin? Although it could work under 4.0, I normally don’t use plugins which are not listed as being compatible with the latest WP version. This is a very nice plugin, I would like to see it continued…..
Peter Luit
]]>Hi y’all,
I’m building a webstore and i’d like to use this nice plugin to create a clean and structured menu for my productcategories. I installed it and liked it right away! But now i have a problem adding some default settings.
I have 3 levels of categories: 1 main, 1 sub and “1 sub-child”. It looks like this:
– FIRST CATEGORY (top level)
– Sub
– Sub
– Sub-child
– Sub-child
– Sub
– SECOND CATEGORY (top level)
– Sub
– Sub-child
– Sub-child
– Sub
I want (all) my top levels to be expanded/ opened by default. Sub-children may only be visible when their ‘parent’ (sub) is selected. (But that’s already covered in this accordion function).
This might sound strange but i literally searched e v e r y -where for a solution for my problem. Since i’m not familiar with modifying the code of jQuery menu’s i really don’t know what to do. Anyone got ideas about this?
Thank you in advance.
I am using this plugin, but all the parent as well child menus are displaying expanded.
so please help me that how can i rectify this issue
]]>Hi – I am using the accordion menu here: after I migrated the wordpress website from the test site to the live site, some links are still trying to link to the old test site so they’re not working properly – how can I fix that?
Thank you!
]]>Hi All,
I am new to wordpress and I am trying to create a custom theme from scratch.
I am having a problem, the functionality isn’t working using JQuery Accordion Menu Widget the menu appears all expanded.
Within the widget settings I have chosen ‘click’ and clicked:
Auto Close Open Menus
Auto Expand Based on Current Page/Item
I have already tried (and haven’t helped) include:
disabling all other Plugins
testing with only one menu active (currently there’s 2 menus on the page 1 using the plugin)
activating and de-activating all other widget options and variations.
After lots of reading and digging around I am still unable to find a solution. I have been days at this.
Any thoughts and help gratefully received.
]]>Hi there,
Amazing plugin – thanks!
I’m finding that the drop-down menu doesn’t collapse on mouse off, but rather stays expanded until I hover onto another drop down item. Is there a way to achieve this?
PLEASE NOTE: I’ve selected ‘Close Menu’ in the options, but none of the options seem to make a difference.
Many thanks for all your work with this
]]>Hi there,
This plugin is almost perfect! The only thing I’m trying to work out is how to lose the animation effect. I just want the final status.
can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance
]]>This doesnt work for me in chrome or safari. Its fine in firefox.
I can see the inline style attribute of the ul containing submenu go from display:hidden; to display:block; but visially there is no change
]]>Hi everybody,
I’ve a problem with the plugin,
it work perfectly on desktop / laptop,
however, the dropdown is not working correctly on iphone.
The sub menu goes down correctly, but the problem is that the other menu doesnt go down, so it’s impossible to click on the submenu who drop as they are hidden by the others list menu . . ..
If anybody can helpme with this . . will be amazing,
thank you ??