Rating: 5 stars
We hope you will update it regularly and develop it
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Want a Wikipedia “cite web” template style footnotes plugin on your WordPress blog? Janiko’s “JReferences” is your choice.
JReferences supports named footnotes, and re-using any footnote up to 25?times, with neatly enumerated letter links to jump back to every single reference, just as we know it from the WikiMedia CMS.
JReferences fully supports rich text in fields, beside its capability of generating a hyperlink from an article title and a URL provided as separate values.
JReferences’ easy-to-customize “/wp-content/plugins/jreferences/class.jref-reference.php” source allows to add whatever field we may need, beyond disabling the “title” requirement. Generic (rich-text) footnotes are then also supported.
JReferences may even be used alongside Mark?Cheret’s “Footnotes” plugin set to “[1]”-style references, for a “Citations” section on top of the “Notes” list. JReferences may then be left as-is, and footnotes dispatched by simply using one or the other shortcode.