Hi all,
My website is using WP bakery and it have two languages FR(default) and EN.
When I click FR language option after I visit EN language, it redirect FR and then redirect again EN automatically.
It is happening only for not login users.
I have a staging site and tested by pushing/pulling between live and staging site.
But staging site still working well whether user is logging in or not.
I’ve already cleaned the cache and tried on private browser.
Does anyone know how to solve it? Thank you all.
Hey guys need help site is down and it’s reporting error shown in this screenshot:
Can you suggest a change to the PHP file shown that will allow me to fix this?
I bought this plugin about 4 years ago and my whole podcast website is based on it, so it’d be nice if I can get this fixed.
Thank you ??
]]>`Warning: Illegal string offset ‘Show All’ in /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/plg-hugo-postype/includes/visualcomposer/theme-visualcomposer.php on line 4
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/plg-hugo-postype/includes/visualcomposer/theme-visualcomposer.php:6 Stack trace: #0 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/plg-hugo-postype/plg-hugo-postype.php(84): require_once() #1 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/plg-hugo-postype/plg-hugo-postype.php(43): hugo_ThemePlugin->hugo_getMultipleFile(‘/home/alhome5/p…’, ‘php’) #2 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): hugo_ThemePlugin->beau_Visualcomposer(”) #3 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-settings.php(556): do_action(‘after_setup_the…’) #6 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-config.php(97): require_once(‘/home/alhome5/p…’) #7 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/alhome5/p…’) #8 /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-blog- in /home/alhome5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/plg-hugo-postype/includes/visualcomposer/theme-visualcomposer.php on line 6
There has been a critical error on this website.`
I don’t know if i have the right to publish here but the plugin seam no more supported.
I have launch today a plugin use to translate WPBakery directly in each element
Falang for WPBakery
It’s done for Falang but i think with a little modification it can be done for qTranslate-X users too.
If you are interessed just contact me on my faboba.com contact form.
PS: if the post don’t support the wordpress rules just delete it.
]]>Recent products appear in a product sidebar. When the name is different in both languages, the codes [: pb] [:] or [: en] appear. Only the title referring to the language in which we are navigating should appear!
]]>When I’m working on the translation of the main page through the bakery front editor using the English/Dutch language dropdown in the bluetopbar the full English translation is lost and is set back to the main (dutch) language.
Using the backend editor and the qtranslate-x plugin switching with the language tabs seems to work normally, but going to front editor is when it all goes wrong.
This is very frustrating losing work because of this issue..
anybody any ideas what is going wrong.
(have the newest versions of wordpress and of the bakery and qtranslateX plugins)
I’ve installed WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X and also Health Check & Troubleshooting, I believe there is conflict as I have to enable troubleshooting mode to make changes to the site. Just wondering if this is a known issue?
Thank you
]]>it was a mistake. if possible, please delete the post. Thanks
]]>I am using Version 4.3.5 of Visual Composer and WP Version 4.8
The issue is that for every page I used to be able to view/edit all the widgets using the Backend Editor for visual composer.
But they are all missing now. And so I can no longer edit the pages. What’s going on?
The WP site I need help with is nomadereader.com
]]>We’d like to be able to Embed a PAGE or POST within a Visual Composer layout .. so that the page content in that small element of the overall Vis Comp layout could be managed through the regular WP page/post edit/WYSIWYG mechanism.
Visual Composer is of course great to drop in graphic or dynamic or scripted elements.. but simple text/content to edit we find hard to setup easily for our users.
At present we use the elements for text and title sections ..
but this means a typical user needs to update the content
i) without WYSIWYG
ii) in a tiny wee field of a small popup window
… (rather than in a large clear page)
All in all that leads to a situation where an end user is scared to make any text edits at all.
We’d like to use the Visual Composer to setup the overall look of sophisticated/compex pages, but make it so those pages also can have the text edited
E.g. So we could add (a Vis Comp element) that contains some PHP to embed a specific post or page setup to contain the content .. and even link with a custom EDIT button ..
And then give the user the consistent WP/WYSIWYG experience for editing plain content !
]]>It’s frustrating. I built my site on Highend using visual composer, and now I can’t update it. When I try to edit a page using visual composer, it won’t load. It just spins forever. I have deactivate ALL other plugins, as well as my varnish caching, no change. The worst part is that I can’t get support. When I try to use the support link on WPBakery’s website, I just get a server error. They have no other means to contact them.
]]>apenas alterei como se fosse uma página e apareceu esse erro.
I installed the plugin but is not working, I’m using the 4.11.1 version of Visual Composer, I read in the directory that the plugin is compatible up to and version 4.1.10. Is there any solution?
Many thanks!
]]>I updated my WordPress installation to 4.5 recently and came to know the body section of the page edit mode is disabled for other languages.
Apparently the wpbakery visual composer’s backend editor mode is disabled and I don’t have an option to edit the content like I should have. Please make the plugin compatible with the latest installation of WordPress.
Would like this to be fixed soon enough.
When we transferred our website-in-development (www.dev.sondervick.nl) to the actual website (https://www.sondervick.nl) the WPBakery plugin didn’t get transferred automatically. When I try to update it I get this message:
“License is activated om another domain: https://dev.sondervick.nl”
The company that designed our new site can’t fix this for me, they say. We can’t access the old site anymore (doesn’t exist anymore). So my question to you is how can I transfer the licentse to the new site?
Our license key is: 91e97b07-e1bb-47b0-9767-…. (the rest I cannot read).
Can you help me out?
Thanks in advance, with kind regards,
Anneke Dupont
Sondervick College Veldhoven Holland.
I am using
ultimatum 2.8.9
Wordpress WP 4.4.2
Visual Composer
Using qTranslate X is always giving me my posts like this:
my content
my content
It does translate the content, put outputs it anyway like shown above.
Also: is there a way to keep the permalinks the way they are. (without alternating them to …/en/…? Thats important, otherwise page-links don’t work anymore. (I only need the translation inside of a post, and there only for text. Menues and other things don’t have to be translated…)
I am working on a local host momentarely.
]]>Is Visual Composer 4.7.4 available for download? If so, could you please provide me the link?
The installed Visual Composer version is 4.3.3, but when I try to update it I get the message stating the plugin is current version.
Also, why do I not see a separate WPBakery Visual Composer plugin in the plugin store? I only see the combination of WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X, which I have also installed. I was thinking maybe Visual Composer was combined in the WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X plugin, but when I de-activated the basic WPBakery Visual Composer plugin and therefore only had the WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X plugin active activated, my web pages did not display correctly.
]]>On Visual composer I can choose custom styles for each div, as like padding, margin, etc.
The problem is that when I change a padding value, for example, on English, I have to change for each language also. There is an other way?
Thank’s a lot! And thanks for this plugin!
]]>this problem is occurring on my website. It resolves automatically and appears to at some time
Fatal error: Cannot call overloaded function for non-object in /home/healthblow/public_html/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/include/classes/core/access/class-vc-current-user-access.php on line 25
I use the plugin and the LSW on the menu section and when i click to change language, it redirects me to the homepage with the page translated but not the menu. On the language menu item i use this URL #qtransLangSw?type=AL but everytime redirects me to the home page and not in the current page translated. I use visual Composer 4.5.3.
Thank you
]]>Hi John,
Using all the latest versions:
Ultimatum Version: 2.8.5 (Theming Framework)
Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.3.0
Advanced Custom Fields: qTranslate by funkjedi version 1.7.9,
qTranslate-X by qTranslate Team version,
WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X by qTranslate Team version 1.0,
WPBakery Visual Composer by Michael M – WPBakery.com version 4.8.1a,
How to reproduce:
01. Create Field Group in ACF
02. Name it for ex.: [:fr]Mon groupe Test[:en]My Test Group[:]
03. Create a loop with Visual Composer:
0301. Visual Composer hangs
Solution to fix:
01. Go into your database with phpMyAdmin;
02. Search the databe for “Mon groupe Test”;
03. edit the “posts” table where you have the “Mon groupe Test” entry;
04. change it from [:fr]Mon groupe Test[:en]My Test Group[:] to a simple (without qTranslate-x tags):
Mon groupe Test;
0401. Visual Composer loads and behaves just fine.
Kind Regards,
I have problem with page name link – page name is translated in all languages, but in my page link allways show only defoult languages name ?!
How to solve this big problem ?
Thanks in advance…
]]>Dear developer,
I was hoping that your plugin would fix the disappearing contetn rows in visual composer, while editing the second language contents.
After several rows the content just created disappears after saving.
The content is visible on the website, but in the vicual composer it looks like it is missing. Changing to code view displays the content.
I am using the latest Vellum template by Parallelus.
Hope you can solve this issue. Kind regards.
Is this plugin still being updated? (looks like the last updated as in April)
Just worried about compatibility issues with the latest version of wordpress and visual composer, as well as security vulnerabilities not patched, etc.
]]>It appears as though when you switch languages, for example from English to French or Spanish, then view a non-cached page (something fresh) that was built with Visual Composer, then switch back to English, it doesn’t. The page remains in the foreign language. Deleting the WP cache clears it up.
If you try the same on a page that does not contain Visual Composer codes, it works properly.
Any ideas?
]]>Hello i’ve just a problem
when i add a “porftolio grid” in a page
and i choose only 1 category from “porftolio grid settings”
in the porfolio page appears all categories!
I thind it’s a code problem.
Can you help me please?
]]>I use updated wordpress in my website and install this plugin but I realize that there are no changes in any page or special function that added in my page editor.. can you provide more details or screen shots so that it’s easy to know how this plugin works.