thank you for your great plugin !
I have an issue, when I want to share by email I just have an error message, and the ajax calls returns false :
"success": false,
"data": [
"Erreur en essayant d\u2019envoyer votre message. D\u00e9sol\u00e9 pour \u00e7a.",
"From": "Gilles [email protected]",
"Reply-to": "Gilles [email protected]",
"Bcc": ", [email protected]"
", [email protected]",
"Luxethika \u2013 Casa del Presidente"
And the event log in my back-office says
Attention !?Le dernier e-mail que votre site a tenté d’envoyer n’a pas abouti.
Source de l’e-mail : Nobs ? Share Buttons
Mailer: Brevo You must provide at least one recipient email address.
Could you provide some help ?
what can I do to completely immobilize the social media icons?
I’m not talking about the “Show only social icon?” option.
my goal is to get a completely fixed set of icons.
]]>Is it possible to use this with Elementor’s Loop Grid?
]]>Hello! It seems that the share buttons on some Iphone devices don’t work very well.
Can you confirm this? And if so, can we expect a fix for this?
When I click the Pinterest share button, it just opens a new tab with the blog post in it and does not share to Pinterest at all. How can I fix this?
Thank you!
]]>Hello Geoffrey,
Your plugin run perfectly on the articles and it’s great.
I’m also using the plugin Wp job manager. I’ve checked the checkbox on the plugin settings to display the social icons. But they don’t display. So i’ve used the shortcode [juiz_sps] but only twitter and linkedin are displayed. What can I do to choose the social icons I need ?
I also tried this shorcode : [juiz_sps buttons=”twitter, linkedin, facebook”] but it doen’t work.
Actually,I would prefer not to use shorcodes, I’m not sure if the client will be able to use it.
Could you help me ?
Thank you.
J’ai remarqué plusieurs problèmes sur le bouton de partage par mail.
Tout d’abord, quand je remplis le formulaire, l’email est envoyé au mail renseigné dans le champ “Votre e-mail” et non à l’email renseigné dans “E-mail de destinataire(s)”.
J’au vu l’erreur qui corrige ?a, dans le fichier actions.php, nous avons ce code :
if ( preg_match( ‘#([,;/n]) et si je mets if ( preg_match( ‘#([,;]), cela envoie bien au destinataire, par contre j’ai WordPress en email de provenance et non l’email qui a été intégré.
Par ailleurs, la fonctionnalité de personnalisation des textes de l’e-mail ne fonctionne pas, je crois que c’est lié au fait que ce soit une popup.
Pensez-vous pouvoir corriger ces bugs ? Nous avons recommandé votre plugin à un client et c’est en le testant que nous avons constaté les problèmes, nous souhaitons conserver ce plugin qui correspond complètement à nos besoins.
]]>I put shortcode snippet to show ShareApi button at post listing and I set my post listing as a default main page. Button share show correctly but link look like doesn’t work correctly on mobile view.
I have 3 post with excerpt (A, B and C) , every 3 ShareApi button use first post (A) link only.
Can you fix it this issue?
Tout d’abord, merci pour ce plugin.
Je voulais savoir s’il était possible d’afficher ou de masquer les boutons des réseaux selon les écrans. Je ne voudrais avoir par exemple le bouton WhatsApp que sur la version mobile du site, ce qui est plut?t logique, mais je ne suis pas s?re que ce soit possible.
Merci d’avance pour votre retour !
]]>Hi, i had to add a little js code to make it work with safari Iphone…
Here for those who have the same problems
var deviceAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var agentID = deviceAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/);
if (agentID) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
window.open(url, '_blank');
or :
var deviceAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var agentID = deviceAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/);
if (agentID) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
window.open(url, '_blank');
Hello there,
This plugin is awesome, but we need more social network. I would like to see Facebook Messenger, LINE and Telegram in the list, is it possible?
Thank you very much.
Je cherche à personnaliser l’objet et le corps du mail envoyé lorsqu’un utilisateur utilise le bouton de partage par mail.
J’ai remarqué quelques problèmes :
– Malgré le fait que j’ai indiqué du texte personnalisé dans le back-office, le mail envoyé ne contient qu’un lien vers la page et le nom du produit en objet.
– L’adresse mail à laquelle je recois le mail est celle du champ “Votre adresse mail” et non “Adresse mail du destinataire”.
Est ce normal ? Me manque-t-il des paramètres à modifier ?
Guillaume Derrien
J’ai découvert votre plugin il n’y a pas longtemps.
Il est super.
Mais la je viens de l’installer sur un site mais j’ai un bug d’affichage au niveau du back office de wordpress.
voir image :
Est ce que vous savez d’où vient le problème ?
Bien cordialement
I’ve just installed your plugin with these options :
Social networks : LinkedIn and Twitter
Display settings : shortcode only
In a blog post, i use shortcode (Elementor) : [juiz_sps]
=> The 2 buttons are well displayed
Then, I activated “Facebook” social network
=> Facebook button is not displayed (only LinkedIn and Twitter buttons are displayed as before)
If I use shortcode [juiz_sps buttons=”twitter, linkedin, facebook”]
=> the 3 buttons are displayed
I tried to deactivate/activate plugin, but no change.
I’d prefer to use only shortcode [juiz_sps] with general options.
Can you help me please ?
I’m running WP 5.8.1 / PHP 8
I’m receiving this error when using this plugin (version 2.1.1) on a PHP 8 project
Deprecated: Required parameter $text follows optional parameter $type in /var/www/html/public/app/internal-plugins/juiz-social-post-sharer/inc/utilities.php on line 351
Is there a fix coming soon?
]]>While using developer tools on a web page, I noticed the following javascript…
Uncaught SyntaxError: "" string literal contains an unescaped line break
This error was being caused by the line starting with text: ” in the following script generated by your plugin…
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
if ( navigator.share ) {
let shareurl = document.location.href;
let btns = document.querySelectorAll(".juiz_sps_link_shareapi button:not([data-bound])");
const canon = document.querySelector("link[rel=canonical]");
if (canon !== null) {
shareurl = canon.href;
btns.forEach(function(el) {
el.closest(".juiz_sps_link_shareapi").removeAttribute( "style" );
el.setAttribute( "data-bound", "true" );
el.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
await navigator.share({
title: "How To Protect WordPress with CloudFlare Firewall Rules",
text: "How To Protect WordPress with CloudFlare Firewall Rules - OVERVIEW
CloudFlare recently added Firewall Rules to all accounts, including",
url: shareurl,
console.info("Successful share");
} catch(err) {
console.warn("Error sharing", error);
It looks like you could use some esc_js() calls on your javascript string outputs.
]]>Hello Folks,
Before you post suggestions for this plugin, note that I try to keep public a roadmap for it. I take you best ideas and put it in that list to be able to work on it later.
If you don’t see your suggestion there, feel free to open a ticket here in this forum.
Thanks you for your help and understanding ??
Here’s official documentation https://core.telegram.org/widgets/share
Seems super simple for you. If it was just adding another case statements in php i would do it but you have add svg and more for one button.
J’utilise depuis un petit temps ce plugin pour les articles de mon blog.
Jusqu’à maintenant, je n’avais aucun souci mais récemment, j’ai utilisé les éléments rétractables pour F.A.Q. qui sont disponibles sur l’éditeur de page WP Bakery.
Je vous laisse visualiser le résultat lorsque vous ouvrez chaque petite croix pour la réponse à chaque question de la F.A.Q.
Comme vous pouvez le voir, les ic?nes de post sharing s’affichent après chaque réponse et cela est inesthétique avec les ic?nes qui sont déjà reprises en fin d’article.
Auriez-vous une solution à me proposer pour ce problème ?
Dans votre plugin Juiz Social Post Sharer, la fonction
est présente 4 fois dans le fichier /admin/jsps-admin.inc.php
Si cela peut vous aider, la solution serait de remplacer l’expression
create_function( '', 'return "";' )
function(){return "";}
Merci pour ce plugin très bien con?u.
]]>As mentioned in this support thread that was somehow closed before being fixed, there are some PHP issues with 7.3 and can be fixed easily. When will the update be released?
]]>I was installing your most excellent plug-in on a web site yesterday and found these entries in the debug log…
[11-Jul-2018 16:47:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/juiz-social-post-sharer/admin/jsps-admin.inc.php on line 192
[11-Jul-2018 16:47:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/juiz-social-post-sharer/admin/jsps-admin.inc.php on line 195
[11-Jul-2018 16:47:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/juiz-social-post-sharer/admin/jsps-admin.inc.php on line 201
[11-Jul-2018 16:47:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/juiz-social-post-sharer/admin/jsps-admin.inc.php on line 211
I looked at those line numbers and saw code like this…
add_settings_field( 'juiz_sps_temp_submit', get_submit_button( __( 'Save Changes' ), 'secondary' ), create_function( '', 'return "";' ), JUIZ_SPS_SLUG, 'juiz_sps_plugin_main' );
The web site is running on PHP7.2, and the php.net documentation does say this function is depreciated.
To future proof these lines of code, you should probably replace create_function( ”, ‘return “”;’ ) with the WordPress defined function __return_empty_string(). So the example line of code above would become…
add_settings_field( 'juiz_sps_temp_submit', get_submit_button( __( 'Save Changes' ), 'secondary' ), '__return_empty_string', JUIZ_SPS_SLUG, 'juiz_sps_plugin_main' );
Thanks again for your work on this great plugin.
]]>Bonjour Geoffrey,
J’utilise ton excellent plugin depuis quelque chose comme 5 ans, donc pour commencer, je te remercie pour ce formidable travail.
Cela dit, le compte de partage ne fonctionne plus du tout depuis quelques temps.
Tout est à jour de mon c?té, j’ai désactivé et réactivé le plugin et viré les plugins autres qui me paraissaient possiblement conflictuels. Je ne sais plus quoi faire ??
D’où mon message. Aurais-tu une idée de ce qui dysfonctionne ?
Merci à toi !
recently I saw that using the Facebook button doesn’t show first lines of some articles or just nothing from the article (only a link to the blog) !
It works fine with other articles…
No problem with other buttons detected…
I don’t understand why and ask your help…
Example of working article:
https://ecollart.xyz/avoir-plus-de-temps-pour-decrocher-son-gsm-cest-possible/ : this is an old article that I simply updated.
https://ecollart.xyz/voici-le-loup/ (published by mail, Thunderbird + Postie)
Examples of article missing first lines:
Example or article with just a link to the blog and no content:
Not sure if it is related but problematic articles above were published using Open Live Writer. I use it since a while and published articles looks ok on my site…
Thanks for any help or hint coz I am a bit lost !
Eric Collart
The words Share the post on Facebook,Google,LinkedIn and then the snippet after that. How do I get rid of those extraneous words, please.
It does go way if I run it through Facebook debugger but people just don’t remember or know how to do that.
Thank you.
]]>I just used the “Loco translate” plugin to add missing strings to the German translation. Can I upload it anywhere to be included in the next release?
Cheers, Tim
Is there the ability to integrate the YOURLS URL shortener (https://yourls.org) so that all links are being shortened and tracked? Thx!
]]>I just installed the plugin and it looks great.
I wonder if it can be aligned center. Is this possible?
I found some interesting behavior. Juiz Social Post Sharer does not shows the count of shares on twitter despite my Twitter account added to NewShareCounts.
I presume the problem is at the Twitter nickname setting on Juiz Social Post Sharer.
My Twitter account is PraktiQCorp (with uppercase ‘P’, ‘Q’ and ‘C’), and with such name it has been added to Juiz Social Post Sharer.
But after saving the Twitter nickname setting on Juiz Social Post Sharer it becomes on lowercase letters like as praktiqcorp. How we can fix it? We wouldn’t to change Twitter nickname.
Dear all,
The “print” button is present in canonical url,
but does disappear with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page)
Any idea ?
Thx a lot and regards