Hi, on a site I’m developing, I had to make custom paragraph and heading blocks, because I needed to have different options in the toolbar. Anyway, the issue is that the flag to add icons doesn’t show up in the toolbar for my custom blocks. Any help on how to enable it? Thanks!
]]>I’ve been testing WordPress 6.4-RC1 (along with Gutenberg 16.8.1) and experienced the same behavior that was reported a few months ago in: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/jvm-rich-text-icons-block-editor-shows-whitespace-instead-of-inline-icon/
The icons don’t show in WP-Admin. I’m not sure if this is because I’m using a custom icon set using the jvm_richtext_icons_css_file
hook or if the problem applies to Font Awesome as well. However, I was able to load my icons in the admin with the following filter:
function jvm_richtext_icons_admin_block_styles() {
if ( is_admin() ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'jvm_richtext_admin_icons', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/assets/icons/icons.css' );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_assets', 'jvm_richtext_icons_admin_block_styles' );
I briefly looked for a way to fix this in the plugin’s init
file but didn’t see a clear way.
Reporting it here if others are having this problem with 6.4 of if you wish to release a new version with a proper fix.
class loads the necessary CSS and web font.Block Editor:
Frontend vs. Block Editor — Screen Recording
Frontend vs Block Editor — DOM Inspection:
Hey Joris,
First of all, great plugin!
Used the plugin in a couple of my projects already to load custom icons into my themes.
But in the block editor the custom icon previews don’t seem to show up anymore like they used to before.
See for example this image: https://dsc.cloud/443672/Scherm-afbeelding-2023-03-22-om-10.47.12.png
In this image you can see that in the overview of all the icons there are no previews available, but within the editor itself it seems to be working fine.
(Good to know that I also enqueue my icons.css to the editor itself outside of the plugin.)
Also I had the problem that within the block editor that the font would not load except when I would add the entire url to the icon assets within the icons.css file.
For example:
The original url in my icons.css was “fonts/icons.svg”, which should normally load “https://my-site.nl/wp-content/assets/icons/fonts/icons.svg”. But in the editor it tried to load “https://my-site.nl/wp-admin/fonts/icons.svg”.
To solve this I added the entire url to my icons.css but I would like to know if it is possible to fix this in some way since this would not work great between staging and production.
Thanks in advance for your reply! ??
Hi, thanks for providing such a great plugin.
I would appreciate it if you could verify the following two points that seem to be defective.
【1.Icons not showing in site editor】
In the following environment, if you insert a paragraph block on the site editor and select the icon from the block toolbar and insert it, it will be blank (the icon is displayed normally on the front end)
【2.Paragraph block becomes uneditable】
If you try to add a paragraph block in the following environment, it will say “An error has occurred in this block, so it cannot be previewed.” and the block cannot be edited.
By the way, by stopping your plugin, you can edit normally, so it seems to be a problem with your plugin (I haven’t verified it with other blocks).
WordPress version 6.2 is RC, so there may not be any problems when it is officially released, but I am writing this message just in case.
I prepared an image of what I thought was a problem, but it didn’t seem to be possible to upload it on this forum, so I sent it as text only. I would appreciate it if you could try to reproduce it in a test environment.
]]>no display of any icon, clean install, maybe awesome fonts disabled?
]]>Hi, when I upload an svg, it doesn’t get added. I tried different ones
*/@font-face{font-family:FontAwesome;src:url(fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0) format(“woff2”),url(ontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0)
(ont … –> mus be (font …
]]>The plugin works well and is exactly what I need to help my non-dev users be able to add icons easily to posts. But I’ve encountered a issue that could be a issue. When inserting a icon at the beginning of a paragraph block, the icon picker UI is loaded partially off-screen and obscured.
]]>Hi, my site which is very small was running into out-of-memory errors when this plugin was installed. After disabling it the errors went away. I don’t want to jump to conclusions here, but maybe memory consumption of the plugin is something you want to look into.
The error seemed to occur every time in the mo.php wp-core file.
PHP message: PHP Fatal error
: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /[my-website]/wp-includes/pomo/mo.php on line 328
I know I can increase my memory limit, but I feel like a small plugin like this one shouldn’t have such a huge impact on memory, so will keep it disabled for now.
]]>Thanks for the plugin and the approach you have taken with it. Kudos.
I don’t know about you but I have a few problems or removing an icon once I’ve added it. Particularly when at the start of a block (i.e. icon in front of Heading). I know I can edit HTML of block or page, but many editors find this too daunting. Same problem with replacing an icon – the icon doesn’t seem to be selectable and then replaceable (like a typical Media element would be).
A thought I had was that maybe in the icon insert modal, you could have a “Remove all icons in block” button. Obviously it would be great not to need that at all, but as I realise the block editor is not amazingly robust, this may be a feature worth implementing.
FYI I’m using WordPress 6.0.2, clean install.
]]>As of version 1.0.9 an admin page has been added that allows SVGs to be uploaded via WP-Admin. I think this is great for those who don’t want to create their own custom icon files and load them with filters. As an advanced user I’d like to see some improvement when the filters are being used to load icons.
This may be by design but I had some confusion over that if “Custom Icons” is selected from the icon set menu the icons will not load. Perhaps one solution here would be to add a “Custom Icon File” option.
Another idea would also be to show an admin message when the filters are being used to let the end user know a custom file is being loaded to let them know “Default (Font Awesome)” must be selected.
As a developer I really like the simplicity of this plugin and the ability to use filters to register a custom icon set. As of version 1.0.9 a settings page was added to WP-Admin. I’d like to request a new filter to disable this page. For now I’ve done it by adding a few filters, which I know won’t prevent someone from directly accessing the page but does a good enough job of hiding it for my needs:
function admin_remove_menu_pages() {
remove_submenu_page( 'options-general.php', 'jvm-rich-text-icons' );
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'admin_remove_menu_pages' );
function disable_plugin_settings( $actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context ) {
if ( array_key_exists( '0', $actions ) && in_array( $plugin_file, array( 'jvm-rich-text-icons/plugin.php' ) ) ) {
unset( $actions['0'] );
return $actions;
add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', 'disable_plugin_settings', 10, 4 );
(Aside, but I’d also recommend giving the settings link an array key like settings
as with the solution above it’s possible that the numeric array key will change and the above will break)
A filter to disable this would be great as it will allow advanced users the ability to disable the WP-Admin settings at the code level.
]]>Hello, I have used your plugin for a few years, and recently the option to “Type to Filter” after you click the Insert Icon w/ Flag button above an editing window (specifically a WP Bakery Text Block) has stopped working. I can no longer search the icon library and instead, the searched text I attempt to type in the field amends the content within the Text Block at the cursor location where I wanted to insert my icon. I know how to use the HTML code to manually insert icons, but am training a new client to edit their site, and this would be helpful to have working again for them to use icons in text areas without having to understand how to do it via HTML instead. Any suggestions to fix the “type to filter” issue? Thanks in advance!
]]>Hallo! I’m testing out 5.9 RC3, and it looks like the icons aren’t available in RichText fields within the Site Editor, just wanted to let you know! ??
]]>I have no idea what causes this effect.
But essentially, when I load the page in the front end with an icon set by the plugin, then the server / hosting CPU starts at full throttle and loads practically nothing.
It will probably be a conflict, but in the meantime I want to point it out.
now I don’t have time to follow this plugin, but I still wanted to report.
WP version: 5.8.3
THEME: Theme Dokan + dokan child (custom theme)
DokanVersione: 2.3.7
Di: Tareq Hasan
Advanced Editor Tools (già conosciuto come TinyMCE Advanced)
Disattiva | Impostazioni
Estende e migliora l'editor a blocchi (Gutenberg) e l'editor classico (TinyMCE).
Versione 5.6.0 | Di: Automattic | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona Angell EYE Updater
Angell EYE Updater
Disattiva | Rollback
Manage activations and updates for premium extensions to Angell EYE plugins.
Versione 2.0.17 | Di: Angell EYE | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona annasta Woocommerce Product Filters
annasta Woocommerce Product Filters
Settings | Aggiornamento | Iscriviti | Disattiva
Filter the products of your Woocommerce shop by category, custom taxonomies, attributes, price, stock, on sale products and more!
Versione 1.4.8 | Di: annasta.net | Visualizza i dettagli | Documentation
Seleziona BasePress (Premium)
BasePress (Premium)
Cambia licenza | Cancella iscrizione | Disattiva
The perfect Knowledge Base plugin for WordPress
Versione 2.15.9 | Di: codeSavory | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di BasePress (Premium). Visualizza i dettagli della versione 2.15.10 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Block Editor Colors
Block Editor Colors
Disattiva | Settings
Change Gutenberg block editor colors or create new ones.
Versione 1.2.1 | Di: MotoPress | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension
CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension
Enabled responsive grid layout designs for Contact Form 7 forms.
Versione 4.12.5 | Di: Aurovrata V. | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 4.12.10 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Classic Widgets
Classic Widgets
Abilita le schermate dell'editor classico per le impostazioni dei widget in Aspetto - Widget e Personalizza. Disabilita l'editor a blocchi per la gestione dei widget.
Versione 0.2 | Di: WordPress Contributors | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7
Impostazioni | Disattiva
Solo un altro plugin per moduli di contatto. Semplice ma flessibile.
Versione 5.5.3 | Di: Takayuki Miyoshi | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona Contact Form Entries
Contact Form Entries
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Save form submissions to the database from Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms, Elementor Forms and WP Forms.
Versione 1.2.7 | Di: CRM Perks | Visualizza i dettagli | Go Premium
è disponibile una nuova versione di Contact Form Entries. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 1.2.8 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Cookie and Consent Solution for the GDPR & ePrivacy
Cookie and Consent Solution for the GDPR & ePrivacy
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An All-in-One approach developed by iubenda, which includes functionalities of two powerful solutions that help to make your website GDPR and ePrivacy compliant.
Versione 2.5.8 | Di: iubenda | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona Dokan
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An e-commerce marketplace plugin for WordPress. Powered by WooCommerce and weDevs.
Versione 3.3.2 | Di: weDevs | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di Dokan. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 3.3.6 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Dokan Pro
Dokan Pro
An e-commerce marketplace plugin for WordPress. Powered by WooCommerce and weDevs.
Versione 3.4.2 | Di: weDevs | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di Dokan Pro. Visualizza i dettagli sulla versione 3.4.4. Per questo plugin non è disponibile l'aggiornamento automatico.
Seleziona Editor Full Width Gutenberg
Editor Full Width Gutenberg
Fix the Gutenberg editor width to full size
Versione 1.0.5 | Di: Anibal Ardid | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona EditorsKit
EditorsKit is a suite of page building block options for the Gutenberg block editor.
Versione 1.33.2 | Di: Extendify | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di EditorsKit. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 1.33.3 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Enable Media Replace
Enable Media Replace
Abilita la sostituzione dei file multimediali caricando un nuovo file nella sezione "Modifica media" della Libreria media di WordPress.
Versione 3.6.3 | Di: ShortPixel | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona FileBird
Settings | Disattiva
Organizza migliaia di file media WordPress in cartelle/categorie con facilità.
Versione 4.9.6 | Di: Ninja Team | Visualizza i dettagli | Documentazione | Verifica aggiornamenti
è disponibile una nuova versione di FileBird. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 4.9.9 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona If Widget - Visibility control for Widgets
If Widget - Visibility control for Widgets
Settings | Disattiva
Control what widgets your site’s visitors see, with custom visibility rules
Versione 0.5 | Di: Layered | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona iThemes Security
iThemes Security
Settings | Disattiva
Take the guesswork out of WordPress security. iThemes Security offers 30+ ways to lock down WordPress in an easy-to-use WordPress security plugin.
Versione 8.0.2 | Di: iThemes | Visualizza i dettagli | Get Support
Seleziona Markdown Comment Block
Markdown Comment Block
Add markdown inspired comments to posts that render only within the block editor.
Versione 0.1.6 | Di: RichTabor.com | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies
MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies
Create custom post types and custom taxonomies with easy-to-use UI
Versione 2.2.6 | Di: MetaBox.io | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 2.3.1 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona OnSale Page for WooCommerce
OnSale Page for WooCommerce
OnSale Page for WooCommerce is an extension for WooCommerce. We developed this plugin because WooCommerce has onsale widget and shortcode but it lacks paging, sorting and filtering which you can usually find on regular WooCommerce catalog page.
Versione 1.1.0 | Di: wpgenie | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona PayPal for WooCommerce
PayPal for WooCommerce
Configure | Docs | Support | Write a Review | Disattiva | Rollback
Easily enable PayPal Complete Payments, PayPal Express Checkout, PayPal Pro, PayPal Advanced, PayPal REST, and PayPal Braintree. Each option is available separately so you can enable them individually.
Versione 3.0.7 | Di: Angell EYE | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di PayPal for WooCommerce. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 3.0.14 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona PayPal for WooCommerce Multi-Account Management
PayPal for WooCommerce Multi-Account Management
Configure | Docs | Support | Write a Review | Disattiva | Rollback
Send WooCommerce order payments to different PayPal accounts based on rules provided.
Versione 3.1.5 | Di: Angell EYE | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di PayPal for WooCommerce Multi-Account Management. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 3.1.6 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce
Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce
Premium Support | Go Elite | Tutorials | Support | Disattiva
Configure and maintain your WooCommerce product feeds for Google Shopping, Facebook, Remarketing, Bing, Yandex, Comparison shopping websites and over a 100 channels more.
Versione 10.9.8 | Di: AdTribes.io | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 11.1.4 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona PublishPress Blocks
PublishPress Blocks
PublishPress Blocks has everything you need to build professional websites with the Gutenberg editor.
Versione 2.11.1 | Di: PublishPress | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di PublishPress Blocks. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 2.11.3 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona SEOPress
Impostazioni | Configurazione guidata | Documenti | PASSA A PRO! | Disattiva
Uno dei migliori plugin SEO per WordPress.
Versione 5.2.0 | Di: SEOPress | Visualizza i dettagli
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Seleziona Site Reviews
Site Reviews
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Receive and display reviews on your website
Versione 5.17.8 | Di: Paul Ryley | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di Site Reviews. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 5.19.0 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Stop Spammers
Stop Spammers
Upgrade | Settings | Disattiva
Secure your WordPress sites and stop spam dead in its tracks. Designed to secure your website immediately. Enhance your visitors' UX with 50+ configurable options, an allow access form, and a testing tool.
Versione 2021.20 | Di: Trumani | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona TI WooCommerce Wishlist
TI WooCommerce Wishlist
Disattiva | Impostazioni | Versione Premium | Demo live
Wishlist functionality for your WooCommerce store.
Versione 1.29.0 | Di: TemplateInvaders | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di TI WooCommerce Wishlist. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 1.30.1 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona User Menus
User Menus
Iscriviti | Disattiva
Personalizza rapidamente i tuoi menu con il nome dell'utente e l'avatar, o mostra gli elementi in base al ruolo dell'utente.
Versione 1.2.7 | Di: Code Atlantic | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona User Switching
User Switching
Consente il cambio istantaneo di utente in WordPress
Versione 1.5.8 | Di: John Blackbourn e collaboratori | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona User Verification
User Verification
Verify user before access on your website.
Versione 1.0.66 | Di: PickPlugins | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di User Verification. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 1.0.67 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona Visitors Online by BestWebSoft
Visitors Online by BestWebSoft
Impostazioni | Disattiva
Display live count of online visitors who are currently browsing your WordPress website.
Versione 1.1.1 | Di: BestWebSoft | Visualizza i dettagli | Impostazioni | FAQ | Supporto
Seleziona Wicked Folders
Wicked Folders
Settings | Disattiva
Organize your pages into folders.
Versione 2.18.6 | Di: Wicked Plugins | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di Wicked Folders. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 2.18.10 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona WooCommerce
Impostazioni | Disattiva
Un kit di strumenti per il commercio elettronico che ti aiuta a vendere qualunque cosa. In modo stupendo.
Versione 5.9.0 | Di: Automattic | Visualizza i dettagli | Docs | Documentazione API | Supporto della community | Supporto premium
è disponibile una nuova versione di WooCommerce. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 6.1.0 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration
WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration
Settings | Support | Disattiva
Allows Google Analytics tracking code to be inserted into WooCommerce store pages.
Versione 1.5.7 | Di: WooCommerce | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona WP Activity Log
WP Activity Log
Log Viewer | Free Premium Trial | Impostazioni | Aggiornamento | Iscriviti | Disattiva
Identify WordPress security issues before they become a problem. Keep track of everything happening on your WordPress including WordPress users activity. Similar to Windows Event Log and Linux Syslog, WP Activity Log generates a security alert for everything that happens on your WordPress blogs and websites. Use the Activity log viewer included in the plugin to see all the security alerts.
Versione | Di: WP White Security | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di WP Activity Log. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 4.3.4 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona WP Activity Log for WooCommerce
WP Activity Log for WooCommerce
A WP Activity Log plugin extension for WooCommerce
Versione 1.3.1 | Di: WP White Security | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona WP Maintenance Mode
WP Maintenance Mode
Impostazioni | Disattiva
Adds a splash page to your site that lets visitors know your site is down for maintenance. It's perfect for a coming soon page.
Versione 2.4.1 | Di: Designmodo | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di WP Maintenance Mode. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 2.4.2 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona WP Super Cache
WP Super Cache
Impostazioni | Disattiva
Plugin di caching molto veloce per WordPress.
Versione 1.7.4 | Di: Automattic | Visualizza i dettagli
Seleziona WP Telegram
WP Telegram
Impostazioni | Disattiva
Integra perfettamente il tuo sito WordPress con Telegram. Invia automaticamente gli articoli a Telegram quando li pubblichi o li aggiorni. Può inviare a un canale Telegram, a un gruppo o a una chat privata, con il pieno controllo di ogni aspetto. Ricevi le tue notifiche e-mail su Telegram.
Versione 3.1.5 | Di: Manzoor Wani | Visualizza i dettagli
è disponibile una nuova versione di WP Telegram. Visualizza i dettagli della versione 3.1.7 oppure aggiorna adesso.
Seleziona WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache
WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache
Ottimizza | Impostazioni | Premium | Disattiva
WP-Optimize makes your site fast and efficient. It cleans the database, compresses images and caches pages. Fast sites attract more traffic and users.
]]>Hi, very nice plugin.
I inserted a few icons, but some don’t happear (like facebook for example). Please check at https://prnt.sc/26en2aa or https://prnt.sc/26en317
What can I do?
]]>Hi Joris,
I just noticed that the icons do not appear inside Widget areas.
Do you have any solution to this?
]]>Hi, this plugin is just awesome, does exactly what I was looking for. However I’ve seen some unanswered questions since a month or more, and the last time it was updated was 5 months ago.
Is this still supported? If not, are you open to make it public on GitHub so other people can keep it up to date?
Thanks for this excellent and most needed plugin!
I’d like to report some bugs though:
is deprecated since version 5.8.0 and that block_editor_settings_all
should be used in wp-includes\functions.php on line 5458.class="css-1wkpk1y-Flex-ItemsColumn"
, which is the default style field of .wp-block-image div img
).Apart from that: I like the plugin a lot. So I hope these bugs can be solved.
I like your plugin very much! It allows me for inserting a couple of emoji icons into the posts.
It would be perfect if I could similaryly to icons.json and font-awesome.min.css replace blocks.build.js with my custom file.
I mean if I could use appropiate add_filter function.
At the moment I am changing blocks.build.js inside the plugin.
I have a problem with loading a custom CSS file by calling a filter hook in my child theme functions.php:
1) In my child theme I have added a new folder: custom-jvm-rich-text-icons.
2) I added the emoji-icons.css file to the custom-jvm-rich-text-icons folder.
3) For test purpose the content of emoji-icons.css is exactly same like in wp-content/plugins/jvm-richtext-insert-icons/dist/fa-4.7/font-awesome.min.css.
4) I have added the following snippet to my function.php:
function add_my_css($cssfile) {
$cssfile = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/custom-jvm-rich-text-icons/emoji-icons.css';
return $cssfile;
add_filter( 'jvm_richtext_icons_css_file', 'add_my_css');
The panel opened with the Insert Icon button correctly opens the window with icons, but the icons themselves are not visible. There are blanks there.
What I am doing wrong?:)
Hi, thanks for creating this plugin. Unfortunately there’s an error on activation on some versions of PHP. Fortunately it’s a relatively simple fix.
in init.php on line 110, there’s a comma at the end of the line. As this is the parameter list for a function call, some versions of PHP do not like that at all. Removing the comma, or adding the remaining default parameters will resolve this issue.
'jvm-richhtext-icons-icon-font-css', // Handle.
$fontCssFile, // <-- THIS COMMA HERE
If there is a github repo for this plugin I’d be happy to create a pull request for you to help resolve the issue.
Thanks again!
]]>Hi Joris!
First of all, what a great plugin. It’s really nice and works out of the box, awesome.
I’ve just one small question. Being very busy with the page speed improvements of our clients websites I’m wondering: if I use only let’s say 15 different icons on my website, wouldn’t that make loading a full font awesome style sheet and font a little bit of overkill? Or is this something I don’t need to worry about? What is your thought on this? ??
Thanks already for your reply!