There is a line of code appeared above the tabs after I pressed Save.
<div class=”updated settings-error” id=”setting-error-settings_updated”> <p>Settings saved.</p></div>
Not sure if that is of any significance but thought I would let you know.
]]>The following is on the line under the Plugin title and pushes the description and other colums WAY to the right and squishes them.
]]>Settings | Go Premium” title=”Go Premium” target=_blank>Go Premium | Deactivate | Troubleshoot
Om rebuilding my blog. This is the second plugin installed.
This is the error
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Ifsnop\Mysqldump\CompressBzip2, because the name is already in use in /home/mindte6/public_html/wp-content/plugins/keep-backup-daily/inc/Mysqldump.php on line 1085 rd w
I’ve not touched anything since. Thanks for the help.
]]>manual backups are sent, automatic (daily) backups are not being sent. How can this be fixed?
screen shot:
mails not delivered to spam box, manual backups are delivered in inbox.
log shows only manually sent
Latest version of plugin is installed.
Is there is an option to Dropbox upload? If yes, how can I do this?
]]>Can you please explain what exactly this is for?
Default Settings: For your convenience, we are providing cron schedule from our website to the URL For this purpose, we keep your domain name with us to access it e.g.
Many thanks
WordPress version: 4.9.1
PHP version: 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2
Version of KBD: 1.8.7
1. Click “Click here for latest backup”, and the backup database will be generated.
2. Manually click [Email Backup Now], and the Backup database will be sent to the top mailbox.
3. The cron in WordPress is disabled by me manually.
4. The backup frequency selection is: daily.
5. The timing task is to choose the [custom]
6. Run the custom timed task link, and return my domain name googlo.Me, green.
7. Run the custom timed task link. The existing backup files will be sent to the mailbox by email, but the new database will not be backed up.
8. the database backup size is 1.65MB, not big.
9. The choice is daily, but the frequency of sending emails is too high.
Hi Fahad Mahmood
I like your plugin very much ??
Could it be possible to add the servername to the subject?
Something like that:
$subject = 'Database Backup - ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ' ' . str_replace(array('.zip', '.gz', $kbd_db_prefix), '', basename($zip_file));
That would be very smart.
Thank you very much for your amazing work.
Hello, you can add the option of having a maximum number of backups, ie; Only to have backup of 3 days ago and while the days continue to go these are erased until 3 backup back.
Also, being able to change the location of the backup, I would like to send it all to /home
because at that level it can not be accessed very easily.
I await your prompt reply.
]]>With your awesome plugin only manual backups are send, automatic (daily-)backups are not being send. How can this be fixed?
– No sign of mails being delivered in spam box, manual backups are delivered in inbox.
– Maintain log shows only manually send backups.
– Requirements Console says everything is good, write permissions is checked green.
– Latest version of plugin is installed.
– Plugin installed on:
Thanks in advance for your support/fix.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Finally got a backup plugin that doesn’t break my site. I even went after a long time on my wordpress account just to make this review. Keep up the good work!
Yes, this is just wonderful. Tried many different plugins.. [Won’t name them though… ;)] But this one is simply the best…
This is what the timer says for daily:
Backup Email Expected in 5 days 20 hours 1 minutes 1 seconds
The Backup email timer is frozen and not counting down causing the plugin to not function.
Changing the backup schedule to weekly and saving it does this:
Backup Email Expected in 10 days 14 hours 7 minutes
Changing it back to Daily again and saving it:
Backup Email Expected in 5 days 20 hours 1 minutes
Similar results changing to monthly and yearly.
Requirements Console shows all green.
Cron Job settings at default.
Delete and reinstall does not work.
Plugin was working for some time and then just stopped.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
]]>A heads-up – just upgraded to 1.5.3, and it does not retain the settings.
Thanks for a useful plugin!
]]>Automatic Backup Not Working.
]]>I have about 8 sites that uses weekly backup. Every few days you have an update, and each time it is updated it resets all the settings back to daily. It’s troublesome to go through all the sites and put back on “Weekly” so many times.
I have two sites that I am trying out this plugin on. One site installed and seems fine.
On the other site I am getting this error when I go to the KBD Settings page:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_create_iv() in /home/a/0/e/1045/1045/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/keep-backup-daily/functions.php on line 24
Both are running on the same WP version and same PHP versions. Themes are different however.
Any suggestions?
i have installed your plugin in my blog.
Everything seems to run fine, except that i did’nt receive any backup mail from the server.
I have tried with a couple of different provider ( Gmail and Hotmail),
but nothing changes…
Can you help me!
Thank you!