Hello, could you test the block provided by the plugin in the site editor environment?
I’m getting a notice:
The "kia-subtitle" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered.
Particularly, it happens within WooCommerce product catalog template where I try to display products with subtitles.
It is rendered on the front end but not in the editor.
On the other hand, it works well in singular templates editing.
Thank you!
]]>After updating to the latest wordpress, I cant for the life of me find the KIA Subtitle settings, I remember it was in the customizer as I changed the font sizes, unless I am going crazy. Lol. What am I missing? where is it located now?
]]>This an great plugin, I have said it before, I wish there was a update as it seems it was not updated in the past 2 years, it still works fine actually.
Only thing I would wanted to ask would be if there was a option or css code to adjust the text size when someone views from a mobile?
I tried already this .subtitle {font-size: 50px ; } But no avail
]]>I’m using OceanWp and WooCommerce. I’ve used Kia subtitle plugin to show subtitle of the product in Archive page and it worked. I’m trying right now to show the subtitle also in single product page under the product title. I’ve used this hook but it didn’t work
function kia_add_subtitle_to_single_product(){
if( function_exists( 'the_subtitle' ) ) the_subtitle( '<h4 class="subtitle">', '</h4>' );
add_action( 'ocean_after_single_product_title', 'kia_add_subtitle_to_single_product', 20 );
Hi! I am using the Admin Columns Pro plugin and trying to display a column with the data of the subtitle field, but unlike other subtitle meta fields, the field is not editable in the general list. Why? Is it incompatible? Any other plugins work well and I can edit the meta field data immediately in the list, but there is no subtitle.
Thank you for a great plugin.
It’s working well if adding the subtitle in the Quick Edit options on the Posts page.
But, when I’m adding the subtitle in the new block editor, it doesn’t save the subtitle.
Hi! How do I add a subtitle for product categories? It looks like this setting was forgotten in the plugin, but it is very necessary.
]]>Hi there, I am curious if you have any plans to update this plugin / check for any issues or least have its status that says its tested with current WP. I think its quite nice what you have here and thanks for putting the work!
]]>Hello, I use Kia subtitle on my woocommerce website and i wanted to know if it is possible to place them under the title product on the archives product ?
this is the result i have actually
this is what i want if possible
Thank you in advance,
Best regards
Hi Kathy!
I’d love to donate you 3 coffees but would also love it if I could get this plugin to work for woo-commerce! I cannot quite figure out where to place the code to get the subtitle to show up. Is there a way I can submit my login info and you take a look at it for me. I think I am close to making this work. The short-code version works. I just cannot seem to get it to actually show up as a subtitle. I’ve added the php to the recommend files in your tutorial yet cannot make it work! I also installed the bridge plugin for woocommerce.
Thanks in advance.
I got your plugin installed and working (via the Bridge) with my WooCommerce theme. Love it!
I’m wondering – is there a way to only get the subtitles to display on the actual individual product pages, rather than my category pages? It clutters it up to have so much text there, but I do want it on the products.
]]>Please tell me how to add a value to the default subtitle field so that it is not empty if the manager forgot to write it there. For example, I need the title to be substituted there by default.
The payment system takes the title to generate a list of ordered products in the receipt to the client. We want to replace it with a subtitle, please tell me how to transfer the subtitle of the product to the forms? I tried to change it, but nothing works.
$current[‘name’] = $product->get_title();
If you replace get_title, then it takes the subtitle of the payment page, not the ordered product. What should I change instead of get_title? Thanks
There is provided git code to match with woocommerce which work perfectly
Now how to add subtitle while using Product Bundle extension for woo?
This extension summaries more than one simple product together.
I need to show subtitle in bundle items too.
And thanks for this great plugin ??
How can I make the “subtitle” attribute appear in the export csv product file?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I wonder how I can get KIA subtitle plugin to work with DIVI and Woocommerce? Right now the plugin is installed but not activated.
The subtitle right now comes from a plugin that has been removed from the WordPress resposatory.
I am the designer of the website, but not actually a programmer. Still hoping for help. ??
/ Lena
for a news blog we had to add a second title field and decided for KIA subtitle. But since relaunch, titles without subtitles (german: Dachzeile or header line) do not always make sense. That means, we have to include this subtitle to the rss feed respectively the xml <title></title> tag preferably just before title. I did not find any filter doing just this and I don’t want to add or edit any SEO plugin. Can you help me?
hey there!
I haven’t been able to modify the CSS for this plugin. Is there any documentation or examples? Using a Divi theme; WP/Woo/php/etc all up to date.
]]>The subtitle is displaying fine, but I can’t add it directly to a post. It disappears if I do. The field is there; it just doesn’t work.
I have to go to the posts list on the dashboard and add the subtitle using “quick edit.” If I edit the post, it will disappear and I have to go back and add it using quick edit.
I’m using the Neve theme.
]]>Hi, KIA Subtitles messed up my design after the update. I use the Elementor Builder and have different loops to show different content. In the loops I have added a texteditor with [the-subtitle] and changed the styles the normal Elementor way. After the KIA update yesterday, all my subtitles look terrible (super huge and bold) and doesn’t change according to the Elementor settings. The only thing I can edit is font color, nothing in the Typography tab.
Another problem is that it jumps down to its own row, and is not inline with the rest of the content anymore.
Anyone else with the same problem? Any solution? The site is in maintainance mode so I don’t attach a link, but I can make screens if necessary.
// Lotta
]]>I have a custom post type on my site called “recipe”. It’s note very different from a normal post. When I enable the subtitle support for recipes and try to open one of my recipes,
I get the following error:
“The editor has encountered an unexpected error.”
This is the code for my custom post type, if it helps:
function si_recipe_post_type()
$labels = array(
'name' => _x('Recipes', 'Post type general name', 'si-extend'),
'singular_name' => _x('Recipe', 'Post type singular name', 'si-extend'),
'menu_name' => _x('Recipes', 'Admin Menu text', 'si-extend'),
$args = array(
'labels' => $labels,
'public' => true,
'publicly_queryable' => true,
'menu_position' => 6,
'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-list-view',
'show_in_rest' => true,
'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'comments', 'excerpts', 'revisions'),
'show_ui' => true,
'show_in_menu' => true,
register_post_type('recipe', $args);
add_action('init', 'si_recipe_post_type');
Hi There!
i would like to insert shortcode like [link] in subtitle field but it won’t load or display rather it just appear as text. Is there any way to let it load the shortcode with text.
Thanks in advance!
I strictly want to use this for a new e-commerce site we are building using Beaver Builder and Beaver Builder Child Theme. That said, I have installed both the main KIA Subtitle plugin and the WooComerce Bridge Plugin. And my only goal with your plugin is to add subtitles to products, not articles or anything else whatsoever.
I am basically a neophyte when it comes to PHP coding, so I just not sure what my next move is to make this work. So far, the extra entry field shows up in the product editing area under the main title, and it also shows subtitles in the backend All Products list.
However, nothing shows up on the front end product listings, so I know I’m missing a step. If the fix involves adding PHP code, I am using the Snippets plugin, which makes doing so much safer. That said, what would such code actually look like?
In short, is it something I could copy and paste into a new Snippet that should, in theory, make this all work?
]]>I installed the plugin. Then I can create a new post, and there is a place to add the subtitle (nr. 1 in image below). But now also a second subtitle place (‘block’, I don’t know how to call this) appears, nr. 2 in image below.
What is this? Why is this appearing? And why is it separated from the part [1] where I can actually enter the subtitle?
I have installed the KIA subtitle plugin. I use the GeneratePress theme. I read the FAQ about ‘how do I display the subtitle in my theme’ and ‘where do I add this code?’.
Unfortunately, I need some help here.
In the content.php file I have added the code like this:
[some code before this]
do_action( ‘generate_before_content’ );
<header class=”entry-header”>
* generate_before_entry_title hook.
* @since 0.1
do_action( ‘generate_before_entry_title’ );
the_title( sprintf( ‘<h2 class=”entry-title” itemprop=”headline”>‘, esc_url( get_permalink() ) ), ‘</h2>’ );
if( function_exists( ‘the_subtitle’ ) ) the_subtitle( ‘<h3 class=”subtitle”>’, ‘</h3>’ );
* generate_after_entry_title hook.
* @since 0.1
* @hooked generate_post_meta – 10
do_action( ‘generate_after_entry_title’ );
</header><!– .entry-header –>
* generate_after_entry_header hook.
* @since 0.1
* @hooked generate_post_image – 10
do_action( ‘generate_after_entry_header’ );
[some more code after this]
But this is not working. So, what do I do wrong?
]]>Similar to previous post: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/subtitle-is-repeated-8-times-on-the-order-summary-page-and-6-times-in-the-confir/
Also posted on GitHub: https://gist.github.com/helgatheviking/ffbf9d1c82351fb9220ff91ce61f7518#gistcomment-2952243
WooCommerce emails are repeating the subtitle 6 times after the product title name (i.e. Product name: Subtitle: Subtitle: Subtitle: Subtitle: Subtitle: Subtitle etc.)
Image posted on GitHub.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
]]>Dear helgatheviking,
I am using your subtitle and it works great.
But I would like to use two subtitles. Is it possible to add another one to my existing subtitle-line?
Thank you in advance!
Hi, love your plugin! I currently use it for my Products. I would like to add the Subtitle content to the permalink, so that the auto generated permalink includes both the product title and the subtitle. I’m not too picky about the format it appears as, so long as it’s there. Could you provide me with the code to do this please?
]]>This plugin looks great, but unfortunately does not work in WP 5.03.
The subtitle field on the Edit screen (which oddly is way down below the post, rather than under its title) does display; however, none of the text entered there ends up anywhere. It does not display in post previews, for example.
Also, for older posts which already have subtitles courtesy of ‘Subtitles’ plugin, their subtitles do not display in the KIA subtitle field on the Edit screen. The field is empty, and new text entered there does not overwrite existing subtitles.
Can KIA be updated to work in 5.03?
In the interim, I really need to post today/tomorrow, so are there other plugins that can do this? (‘Subtitles’ no longer works either.)
Thanks ??
]]>Hi Kathy,
I use your KIA plugin and PHP snippet to add the sub-titles to WooCommerce products in cart, checkout, etc. Wondering if you could help me with PHP to do the same for the following:
1. Order confirmation emails
2. Order form for WooCommerce Wholesale Suite plugin
I would be happy to pay you for the work!