@webmarka removed from wordpress database?
This plugin has been closed as of October 13, 2021 and is not available for download. Reason: Security Issue.
PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "post_status" on null in /.../wp-content/plugins/kjm-admin-notices/admin/class-kjm-admin-notices-admin.php on line 1595
Please fix.
]]>I got an error when I activated booked plugin included with the theme Grand tour
A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.
First of all thank you for this great plugin as it helps alot having notices on specific dates.
After latest update wordpress 5.5 noticed some notices get missed. I always tick specific roles of people and “send email” so people know about these notices but while checking these missed ones the ticked category is “0” and “1” and not the role i chose.
will be any update soon?
]]>Hello @webmarka!
Can you convert the pluging to send admin alerts for our customers in wordpress dashboard, so they can see the alert after login ?
I mean we have a main site that we could send alert to all of wordpress dashboard of all of customers ?
Also we could categories customers to send specific messages to each group.
Isn’t it nice ? ??
Tell me about it if you like.
Kind Regards
When shown on front, the CSS class is constructed from the category->slug, which makes i possible to translate category names without affecting the display, and without extra css.
But when shown in Admin, the CSS class is constructed from the category->name, and translating breaks the display, unless one adds extra admin CSS.
Would you consider using the slug also in admin?
Quick fix, to demonstrate, in class-kjm-admin-notices-admin.php line 871
$notice_cat = !empty($notice['taxonomies']['kjm_notice_cat'][0]) ? get_term_by( 'name', $notice['taxonomies']['kjm_notice_cat'][0], 'kjm_notice_cat' )->slug : 'success';
From patch https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/changeset/47585 for WP 5.5
PHP sessions created by a
function call may interfere with REST API and loopback requests. An active session should be closed bysession_write_close()
before making any HTTP requests.
This plugin causes curl error 28 operation timed out after x milliseconds with 0 bytes received
in Site Health on all my sites.
Class Kjm_Admin_Notices_Shared
will start a session in line 116, but I can’t find it is closed.
Can this be used on a multisite install to display same messages to all subsites?
]]>hello just noticed that when i create a notice from the start and tick
“send email” and “admin” if i make a “quick edit seems to remove the options clicked. After i quick edit i opened the regular edit and both options “admin/send email” were unticked.
hope for a fix soon as ill need to check every notice now to see if are ok
thank you
]]>hello has this plugin abandoned?
last month notices “are missed” something is not working correctly
will be updated to latest compatibility WordPress?
]]>Option Hide Dismiss Link not work properly.
The closing button is visible always.
is it possible to add an option to show notice/send email to specific user/customer?
]]>Currently, even after I chceck “hide dismiss link”, the dismiss cross still shows up. We need a permanent reminder that cannot be hidden for our users. How can we disable this ability to dismiss completely?
]]>This plugin would be even better if it enabled users to control WHERE notices are displayed.
Here are some suggested checkbox options:
Post Edit
Page Edit
Media Library
just tried it out with latest wordpress but doesnt seem to work properly.
if you add notice at current tit works
if you make a schedule notice it doesnt work
is this plugin going to be updated or is it abandoned?
I am looking for a plugin that does exactly what this one does. However, it is not compatible with the latest version of WordPress, is there any way an update could be put out soon?
I have recently downloaded your plugin KJM Admin Notices and it is working wonderful. There is one aspect I have come across that I hop you can help me with. I have multiple user roles on my wordpress website and I have 2 roles that I would like to be able to submit notices for the rest of the roles. My two roles are Admin and Owner. When I publish a notice logged in as an Admin role, the notice is immediately published as it should be. When I publish a notice logged in as an Owner role, the notice is not able to be published and is submitted to be reviewed and published by and Owner. I would like to set the Owner role to be able to publish notices the same as an Admin role. Is this possible?
Thank you
]]>The publicity state of the notices change to Private all the time. So, no notice can be displayed.
]]>Hi plugin is very nice
i like
but i have not understand, i have checked in setting page for have a email notification, but not send
and i have checked too for comment, but where can i comment the notice?