Today two of our customer complain that they can not use klarna checkout. this got warning on check. here is log. we not sure why this happen.
{“id”:null,”type”:”GET”,”title”:”KCO get order”,”request”:{“headers”:{“Authorization”:”Basic XXXXXXXXX==”,”Content-Type”:”application\/json”},”user-agent”:”WordPress\/6.5.5; https:\/\/ – WooCommerce: 8.9.3 – KCO:2.13.3 – PHP Version: 8.1.30 – Krokedil”,”method”:”GET”,”timeout”:10},”request_url”:”https:\/\/\/checkout\/v3\/orders\/”,”response”:{“body”:{“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”433cb316-d675-4db8-8294-398aee723913″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”},”code”:405},”timestamp”:”2024-11-25 08:36:21″,”stack”:[“get_stack”,”format_log”,”request”,”get_klarna_order”,”kco_wc_get_klarna_order”,”apply_filtersKCO_AJAX::kco_wc_get_klarna_order : 10″,”do_actionKCO_AJAX::kco_wc_get_klarna_order : 10″,”do_action”,”do_wc_ajax”,”apply_filters00000000000030fe0000000000000000start_content_process : 0″,”do_action00000000000030fe0000000000000000start_content_process : 0″,”do_action”,”require_once”,”require”],”plugin_version”:”2.13.3″,”user_agent”:”Mozilla\/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 18_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit\/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/18.1.1 Mobile\/15E148 Safari\/604.1″}
I am getting the following error when running any PHP script from console. When I deactivate this plugin the error is gone:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Krokedil\WpApi\Request' not found in /srv/www/
Stack trace:
#0 /srv/www/ include_once()
#1 /srv/www/ WC_Klarna_Payments->include_files()
#2 /srv/www/ WC_Klarna_Payments->init()
#3 /srv/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#4 /srv/www/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#5 /srv/www/ do_action()
#6 phar:///usr/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php(1336): require('/srv/www/windme...')
#7 phar:///usr/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php(1254 in /srv/www/ on line 15
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Krokedil\WpApi\Request' not found in /srv/www/
Stack trace:
#0 /srv/www/ include_once()
#1 /srv/www/ WC_Klarna_Payments->include_files()
#2 /srv/www/ WC_Klarna_Payments->init()
#3 /srv/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#4 /srv/www/ WP_Hook->do_action()
#5 /srv/www/ do_action()
#6 phar:///usr/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php(1336): require('/srv/www/windme...')
#7 phar:///usr/bin/wp/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/php/WP_CLI/Runner.php(1254 in /srv/www/ on line 15
Error: Es gab einen kritischen Fehler auf Ihrer Website.Erfahren Sie mehr über die Problembehandlung in WordPress. Es gab einen kritischen Fehler auf Ihrer Website.
Any idea? Thanks.
How do we hide the Klarna Express Checkout button from the Checkout Page? I can’t find any setting in the plugin settings nor in the Klarna Merchant Portal.
]]>Hello Support Team,
My client has Business Account and we must integrate it in Woo Eshop.
I would like to know, how we can test the integration?
Do you have something like testing dashboard?
Thank you!
We have added a custom checkbox to Klarna checkout:
function add_omnisend_kco_checkbox( $additional_checkboxes ) {
$additional_checkboxes[] = array(
'id' => 'omnisend_kco_checkbox',
'text' => 'Hold meg oppdatert p? nyheter og tilbud.',
'checked' => false,
'required' => false,
return $additional_checkboxes;
add_filter( 'kco_additional_checkboxes', 'add_omnisend_kco_checkbox' );
Using this callback function:
function kco_process_checkboxes( $order_id ) {
$klarna_order_id = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_transaction_id', true );
$klarna_order = KCO_WC()->api->get_klarna_order( $klarna_order_id );
if ( isset( $klarna_order['merchant_requested']['additional_checkboxes'] ) ) {
foreach ( $klarna_order['merchant_requested']['additional_checkboxes'] as $checkbox ) {
add_action( 'kco_wc_payment_complete', 'kco_process_checkboxes' );
The problem is that checked is always false:
[15-Aug-2024 12:36:39 UTC] {"id":"omnisend_kco_checkbox","checked":false}
The only way we made it work was by changing ‘checked’ => true, in add_omnisend_kco_checkbox. How can we fix this?
]]>I am using Klarna checkout plugin I am facing a issue. Klarna checkout payment showing in separate template and other payments showing another page. I want to show Klarna with all other payments method in single page and single frame as like standard template
]]>Efter uppdatering till 2.12.6 s? blir alla best?llningar felaktiga och det saknas information b?de i Klarnas portal samt i butikens system vad g?ller betalningen. Alla ordrar som g?rs med Klarna Checkout blir dessutom pausade och det kommer upp ett felmeddelande som en notering i best?llningen i WooCommerce.
“A mismatch between the WooCommerce and Klarna orders was identified. Please verify the order in the Klarna Merchant portal before processing. Best?llningsstatus ?ndrad fr?n Behandlas till Pausad.”
I best?llningen i WooCommerce s? finns det heller inget Klarna order-id angivet. Och i Klarnas portal s? finns det heller inga uppgifter i loggen om att ordern skickats ?ver ordentligt fr?n WooCommerce.
Gjorde flera best?llningar i f?ljd, f?r att kontrollera att det inte var ett tillf?lligt fel.
H?r ?r det lustiga som ocks? bekr?ftar att felet ligger i er senaste uppdatering. Att n?r jag gjorde en rollback till version 2.12.5 s? ?vergick alla best?llningar till Behandlas och pl?tsligt fylldes informationen i noteringarna i order i som det brukar st? n?r ordern ?r lagd via Klarna Checkout. Exempelvis: “Betalning via Klarna Checkout, order ID: e8377033-638a-51fb-a9cb-67b095bxxxxxx”.
Under rubriken f?r best?llningen s? st?r det nu ocks?: “Betalning via Klarna Checkout (e8377033-638a-51fb-a9cb-67b095bxxxxx)” vilket det inte gjorde med den senaste versionen, d?r betalningsrubriken ist?llet var tom.
I Klarna Merchant Portal s? uppdaterades ocks? ordern pl?tsligt med:
“Handlare uppdaterade butiksreferenser
5 juli 2024 15:03, via API
Referens 1: 11779
Referens 2: 11779″
Denna info saknades med den senaste versionen av ert plugin. Skulle vara tacksam om ni fixar detta snarast, d? det st?ller till det ordentligt n?r best?llningar inte kan genomf?ras p? ett korrekt s?tt. Dessutom kan jag ocks? till?gga att pop-up f?nstret med den senaste version var extremt segt, tog en halv evighet innan n?got visades i det. N?r jag gjort rollbacken, s? fl?t allt p? smidigt igen. S? n?got ?r ju helt galet i er uppdatering.
I am using a plugin called
Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce and using some others Klarna plugin.
but problem is the popup not loaded every time. most of the time it not loading and customer can’t pay using Klarna. what I can do now for smooth payments? customer given bad reviews when they can’t pay after tried multiple times.
if there available any plugin related klarna then I will choose them doesn’t matter it premium or free. your plugin just destroy the business.
]]>We having a problem while capturing payment. The create order request and capture request does not match.
Capture response:{ "error_code": "CAPTURE_NOT_ALLOWED", "error_messages": [ "Captured amount is higher than the remaining authorized amount. Capture not possible." ], "correlation_id": "XXX" }
I found that prices are calculated wrong when a shipping fee is used. Create order llok like this:{ "reference": "flat_rate:2", "name": "DHL", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": 9880, "tax_rate": 2506, "total_amount": 9880, "total_discount_amount": 0, "total_tax_amount": 1980, "type": "shipping_fee" }
Capture look this is:{ "reference": "flat_rate:2", "type": "shipping_fee", "name": "DHL", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": 9900, "tax_rate": 2500, "total_amount": 9900, "total_discount_amount": 0, "total_tax_amount": 2000 }
My settings are:
Price for shipping should be 99 sek.
What could be the problem with this miscalculation?
* WordPress 6.5.4
* WooCommerce 8.9.3
* Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce?2.12.4
* Klarna Order Management for WooCommerce ?1.9.1?
Yesterday we had a customer that had live sales, and everyone had trouble when paying with Klarna through the FB built-in browser. Vipps through Klarna worked as expected.
Was there any issues yesterday for Klarna?
Regards Thomas
]]>Hi Klarna Checkout Team,
Thank you for your plugin! When we make an order we get this error message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”83a8253f-59d6-4778-b3d9-4c69f3832805″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
The order itself goes through and emails are sent. If you want to pay afterwards via your customer account it seems to work, at least we are redirected to Klarna. But when you submit the order in the checkout, the error message appears and Klarna Checkout will not appear.
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Crop Thumbnails: von Volkmar Kantor – 1.8.0
Custom Product Boxes: von CodeIncept – 1.0.8
DHL Shipping Germany for WooCommerce: von DHL – 3.6.8
Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce: von Klarna – 2.12.2
Loco Translate: von Tim Whitlock – 2.6.9
PW WooCommerce Gift Cards: von Pimwick
LLC – 1.254
Responsive Lightbox & Gallery: von dFactory – 2.4.7
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order: von Nsp-Code – 1.8.1
Germanized für WooCommerce: von vendidero – 3.16.5
WooCommerce PayPal Payments: von WooCommerce – 2.7.0
WooCommerce: von Automattic – 8.8.3
WP Mail Logging: von WP Mail Logging Team – 1.12.0
WP Mail SMTP: von WP Mail SMTP – 4.0.1
Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce: von Code Parrots – 1.8.5 Inactive Plugins (10)
German Market: von MarketPress – 3.36
Klarna Order Management for WooCommerce: von klarna
krokedil – 1.9.1
Klarna Payments for WooCommerce: von klarna – 3.5.4
Payment Plugins for PayPal WooCommerce: von Payment Plugins
[email protected] – 1.0.47
Post Duplicator: von Metaphor Creations – 2.35
Regenerate Thumbnails: von Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) – 3.1.6
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: von UpdraftPlus.Com
DavidAnderson – 1.24.3
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WooPayments: von Automattic – 7.6.0
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Allgemeine Gesch?ftsbedingungen: #76 – /agb/ Theme
Name: Pralinen Zauber
Version: 1.0
Author URL:
Child Theme: ? – Wenn du WooCommerce mit einem Theme
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an eigene Bedürfnisse anpasst
dann empfehlen wir die Verwendung eines Child-Themes. Siehe Wie du ein Child-Theme erstellst (engl.)
WooCommerce Support: ? Templates
Overrides: pralinenzauber/woocommerce/archive-product.php Version 3.4.0 ist veraltet. Die Hauptversion ist 8.6.0
pralinenzauber/taxonomy-product_cat.php Version – ist veraltet. Die Hauptversion ist 4.7.0
Outdated Templates: ?
wie du aktualisieren kannst Klarna Checkout Request Log
2024-05-15 14:44:57: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”83a8253f-59d6-4778-b3d9-4c69f3832805″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 83a8253f-59d6-4778-b3d9-4c69f3832805
2024-05-15 14:42:28: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”47770483-aec9-40c8-af0b-f9df1011fd67″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 47770483-aec9-40c8-af0b-f9df1011fd67
2024-05-15 14:37:59: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”4fc545b2-9aa8-4c17-a806-afdff8f1096f”,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 4fc545b2-9aa8-4c17-a806-afdff8f1096f
2024-05-15 13:26:06: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”01e47967-1312-4c70-8ac6-b12c8332189d”,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 01e47967-1312-4c70-8ac6-b12c8332189d
2024-05-15 13:23:06: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”e5b1c5a9-f619-46fc-9017-05ce9dc8fdbf”,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: e5b1c5a9-f619-46fc-9017-05ce9dc8fdbf
2024-05-15 13:17:25: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”8150d419-ad07-4f79-8f0c-5eb1b4ce0182″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 8150d419-ad07-4f79-8f0c-5eb1b4ce0182
2024-05-15 13:11:22: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”f9cf2196-72e7-4db0-b163-03b648f8916d”,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: f9cf2196-72e7-4db0-b163-03b648f8916d
2024-05-15 12:32:06: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”9b030f2b-85c7-40f5-9830-09d2ebe87087″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 9b030f2b-85c7-40f5-9830-09d2ebe87087
2024-05-15 12:26:27: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”2d46a887-d4e0-4243-9c2c-fdb5bb04f956″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 2d46a887-d4e0-4243-9c2c-fdb5bb04f956
2024-05-15 12:17:59: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”b7feb6bf-7932-4566-843e-557db61e3de3″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: b7feb6bf-7932-4566-843e-557db61e3de3
2024-05-15 12:12:14: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”d5b1ee7b-608d-40f2-a73a-7cfbc308f768″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: d5b1ee7b-608d-40f2-a73a-7cfbc308f768
2024-05-15 12:06:28: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”8093e2d3-2e43-44a9-ac0a-d72e3d10c491″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 8093e2d3-2e43-44a9-ac0a-d72e3d10c491
2024-05-15 12:03:31: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”ac62b75d-fe0c-40e3-8624-1e57bb5fe16e”,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: ac62b75d-fe0c-40e3-8624-1e57bb5fe16e
2024-05-15 12:00:49: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”4acf4737-775f-4211-88ab-2a49649ec0b8″,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 4acf4737-775f-4211-88ab-2a49649ec0b8
2024-05-15 11:51:52: KCO get order
Response code: 405
Response message: {“error_code”:”HTTP_ERROR”,”error_messages”:[“”],”correlation_id”:”70c02739-fc85-4e45-a51b-cb756e6c531f”,”service_version”:”SNAPSHOT”}
Correlation ID: 70c02739-fc85-4e45-a51b-cb756e6c531f WooCommerce PayPal Payments
Onboarded: ?
Shop country code: DE
WooCommerce currency supported: ?
Advanced Card Processing available in country: ?
Pay Later messaging available in country: ?
Webhook status: –
PayPal Vault enabled: –
ACDC Vault enabled: –
Logging enabled: –
Reference Transactions: –
Used PayPal Checkout plugin: –
Subscriptions Mode: Disabled Admin
Enabled Features: activity-panels
Disabled Features: minified-js
Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2024-05-16 14:46:55 +02:00
Options: ?
Notes: 105
Onboarding: skipped Action Scheduler
Abgeschlossen: 406
Oldest: 2024-04-14 23:34:28 +0200
Newest: 2024-05-15 16:51:09 +0200
Fehlgeschlagen: 4
Oldest: 2023-04-13 09:48:01 +0200
Newest: 2024-04-24 10:02:26 +0200
Ausstehend: 7
Oldest: 2024-05-15 17:06:09 +0200
Newest: 2024-05-20 14:08:47 +0200 Status report information
Generated at: 2024-05-15 16:52:32 +02:00
I hope you could help me!
Thank you and greetings
I would like to conditionally load the gateway through AJAX instead of a page reload but I cannot find a way to initialize it. I imagine that the initialization is triggered by some of the page load events. It would be awesome If it could be done when needed so to speak.
As of a couple of days ago our klarna checkout is not working.
Plugin version: 2.11.7
Woocommerce version: 8.6.1
Theme is custom made
Status logs:
* KCO update order : 200
* Frontend JS xxx: validation_callback from Klarna triggered
Do you have any tips on how I can proceed and where I should check?
]]>Hello Community,
I’m encountering a recurring issue with Klarna payments on WooCommerce where customers are unable to complete their orders after being redirected to Klarna’s external page. This issue seems exclusive to Klarna, as we don’t experience similar problems with PayPal or other payment methods.
We’ve implemented an automation to send reminder emails to customers with ‘payment pending’ status over several days, directing them back to the WooCommerce payment page to finalize their purchase. Unfortunately, one customer reported being unable to complete the payment upon returning to Klarna, receiving a message that the shopping session was terminated due to inactivity for security reasons, advising to restart the order process.
This situation is quite frustrating, especially when customers are willing to complete their purchases but are hindered from doing so.
I’m looking to understand two key points:
Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
]]>We are using Klarna Checkout. I have many customers in Sweden with this problem. So, we have set our product prices including the VAT. In the Woo settings we have different VAT for different EU countries. But our shop is based in Spain with 21% VAT
When adding a product to cart, the correct price shows, but when starting to fill out your details in the Klarna Checkout when you click continue, the VAT price changes and so the product price gets higher. I have now discovered the issue, because in Sweden the VAT is 25%. However, the actual product price should not change!!! Only the VAT.
Can you please help me to investigate this issue?
I made a video when I show the issue.
]]>Hi, I have built a store on the Kadence theme. I have added the plugin “Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce”. I added the production API data and disabled the test mode.
However, the klarna payment method does not show, the store displays the message “There are no payment methods available”. I have sales set up to two countries: Poland and Norway. I am testing the site from Poland.
Other methods such as cash on delivery or payment on account transfer show correctly.
I do not know where to look for the cause?
]]>I have installed Klarna Checkout and it seems to work fine. However, I cannot get the checkout to work in full width? The checkout is being compressed. Is there a way to make it wider? And is there some ways to style the page?
]]>When we go to the checkout page we get redirected to the cart page with the following query string: ?kco-order=error&reason=RGV0IGdpY2sgaW50ZSBhdHQgbGFkZGEgbWFsbGZpbGVuIGbDtnIgS2xhcm5hIENoZWNrb3V0Lg=
(base64 decoded to “Det gick inte att ladda mallfilen f?r Klarna Checkout.”). The english error is RmFpbGVkIHRvIGxvYWQgS2xhcm5hIENoZWNrb3V0IHRlbXBsYXRlIGZpbGUu which decodes as “Failed to load Klarna Checkout template file.”.
We have tried deactivating ALL plugins except for WooCommerce and the Klarna Checkout plugin. We also tried changing theme, but no luck.
]]>Klarna checkout stoped working in checkout. I is stuck in loading popup and on /checkout i throws error to console.
Errors are: Uncaught TypeError: a(…).unblock is not a function in klarna file
Product to test with:
Klarna Plugin version 2.11.6 does not work with WooCommerce version 8.3.1.
You need to get the payment gateway to work.
Add a product to the cart and try to do a checkout and you will see the payment gateway does not work.
On two of our websites, without valid reason, klarna checkout form don’t show at all.
Warning Trying to access array offset on value of type null
1 Plugin: klarna-checkout-for-woocommerce
Warning Undefined array key 0
1 Plugin: klarna-checkout-for-woocommerce
There’s a problem where if you log in as a customer to the webshop, and try to access the cart page, it gives a fatal error.
The error from log:
2023/12/04 14:02:48 [error] 69#69: *107862 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: ?Uncaught TypeError: key(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, bool given in /data/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/klarna-checkout-for-woocommerce/classes/class-kco-logger.php:113
Any idea why this happens, as the site and cart work just fine if you’re not logged in?
Is it possible to use a hook to check if the product that has been bought is a virtual product or a product with a specific ID, and if true, capture the order through Klarna?
As customer checks out on the website they get 3 options for klarna.
But these options are also presented in the actual klarna checkout app.
How can i only present one option on the checkout page on my site?
I am trying to get the Klarna Checkout working for my customers brand new WooCommerce store.
Klarna Checkout production API credentials are working and I am able to pay for order but the payment process is stuck at? and not redirecting back to the shop “Thank you” page.
Do you know how to fix this problem? What details do you need from me?
Thanks in advance!
Before you create a new topic there are a couple of things that can be good to know as there are several ways to how you can find the answers to your questions:
Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce – Support forum
This is a community forum and we as plugin authors are doing our best to help out and solve all issues posted here as soon as possible.
Since this is a forum, someone else might have had the same issue before and there could be a solution posted already. Do not forget to search the forum before you post your issue, this could save you time.
Remember to NEVER post any sensitive information in the forum. The best thing is to get in direct contact with us through our support form we mention below. – Support form
Helpful information before you contact us can be found in the How to prepare a support ticket article.
You can use the support form on to get help from our team.
Product page
Information regarding the plugin can be found here.
Tips & Tricks – Knowledge
Useful blog posts with tips & tricks around the plugin.
In our documentation you can find useful information like how you setup Klarna Checkout, Video guides, FAQ etc.
If you find a bug
If you have found a bug in our software please report that to us through Github.
We find that orders returned through Klarna in the online store are not refunded in the Klarna Portal.
When we click “Refund”, the screen just remains and loads, and when we refresh the page, the status of the order is “Refunded”. At the same time, Klarna is not notified that the money is to be refunded, and the order is not actually refunded.
Can you help us?
]]>Im having problem with one of our costumers when not using iframe mode the shipping is not included when making a order. When I enable iframe mode the shipping gets added in the amount.
But the problem is when choosing Pick up from store/payment it creates a order and mail with wrong information and adds the shipping cost.
So its impossible to understand if this is a Pick up from store/payment.
Please can anybody help?
– Tried cleaning the caches and transients for woocommerce.
I’ve been trying to test and search for a solution to this, and also been in contact with Vipps. I hope maybe you can shed some light on this, or possibly also have a solution.
Most of my customers prefer using Vipps. They are familiar with the GUI and solution. Still, some of my customers prefer paying with Klarna.
As most of my customers prefer using Vipps, I’ve set up Vipps Checkout as the default checkout. You go straight from cart to Vipps Checkout. When in Vipps Checkout, I have a link customers can choose to click to go to the default Woocommerce Checkout. Here they can choose paying with Klarna.
(I know customers can pay with Vipps using Klarna Checkout, though, because many of my customers aren’t familiar with Klarna, they only trust the GUI they know – which is Vipps Checkout.)
The problem is that Klarna Payments (not Checkout) in the default Woocommerce Checkout seems to fail more often than it succeeds. I don’t know if it is the customers who are doing something wrong or not going through all steps or if it is something with the Woocommerce Checkout in general.
What I would like is for customers when in Vipps Checkout, they can click a link taking them to Klarna Checkout.
As I understand Klarna Checkout replaces the standard Woocommerce Checkout, whilst Vipps Checkout has it’s own link. When activating both Klarna Checkout and Vipps Checkout, the problem is that for some reason also the Vipps Checkout fails to load – even when using the specific Vipps Checkout-link. Instead of loading Vipps Checkout it loads the standard Woocommerce cart page.
Do you know of any solution that would work, using both Vipps Checkout and Klarna Checkout?
]]>Was contacted by several customer about an issue with the checkout when customer visited the shop through Facebook’s built in browser (from the Facebook-app). Tested myself and Klarna Checkout doesn’t work there. Just try it yourself, when clicking on “Betala k?p” the Klarna screen is supposed to open, but it just loads and loads forever…
Would appreciate if you could fix this issue asap.