is this plugin abandoned? It would be very sad … ;(
]]>I might have missed something, but: I can’t find a way to customize the Klaro configuration. More specifically, I want to set “acceptAll: true,” and “hideDeclineAll: false,” so that I can have consent options deactivated in the detail view by default but still being accepted with the “OK” Button in the cookie banner. Adding the config options to the klaroConfig variable in the klaro-config.js file did’t do the trick. Suggestions? Thank you ??
i have a problem with the translation and the customization of the consent box text. I’m installed the Klaro Plugin and downloaded the .po file to translate the text. After translation i renamed and saved the file. So i uploaded the renamed .po and .mo file to the language folder on the webspace. But it doesnt translate the consent box text. Is there anything in any file i have to do to get the full translation in German or any other hing i have forgotten?
Thanks for your help!
]]>It would be great if you could implement compatibility to the WPML translation.
I got this from the WPML support:
I can see the plugin is loaded before the wpml is loaded and hence the
WPML filter are not working.
The Query on klaro-consent-manager/klaro.php line 1013 that I have
mentioned should be execute after the plugins_loaded action hook, But
it is loaded in the enqueu_script which is causing the issue. I could
not see an easy fix here as there are a couple of places that need to
be edited.
Invite the plugin author to our go global program so that the plugin
can be made 100% compatible with wpml
Thank you.
]]>Please make the tabs translatable.
General Settings | Style | Advanced
Also the following strings
=> General Settings
Put a link to your privacy policy here (relative or absolute). Put shortcode [klaro type=”review”] and [klaro type=”reset”] to your privacy page so visitor can review, update and reset their consent.
=> Button Text
Reset the default settings
]]>In der footer.php habe ich das externe Script integriert. Es wird ‘anscheinend’ aber nicht geladen / ausgeführt.
<!--[borlabs-exclude-start: 0CmuEgjWH1HMOX1x]-->
<script type="opt-in" data-src="//js.hs-scripts.com/[ID].js" id="hs-script-loader" async defer data-name="hubspot"></script>
<!--[borlabs-exclude-end: 0CmuEgjWH1HMOX1x]-->
Der Originalcode lautet:
<script type=”text/javascript” id=”hs-script-loader” async defer src=”//js.hs-scripts.com/[ID].js”></script>
In the footer.php I integrated the external script. It is ‘apparently’ but not loaded / executed.
The original code is:
What mistake have I made?
Welchen Fehler habe ich gemacht?
]]>This plugin doesn’t seem to support Klaro’s ability to specify cookie names for deletion in the config
name: 'inlineTracker',
title: 'Inline Tracker',
purposes: ['analytics'],
cookies: ['inline-tracker'],
optOut: false,
Looking at the plugin code I can see references to this functionality but it all appears to have been commented out.
Has this functionality been removed intentionally? And are there any factors that prevent this form being re-enabled?
hi damiroquai,
to market better, please, explain whether it is
opt-in or-opt-out
and compared to eu-cookie-law which hasn’t been updated for a long time, can it automaticly block iframes, embeds, scripts and objects?
and please, describe, how to audit all cookies set by website, so they can be enclosed in klaro-consent-manager
Thanks in advance
Hi guys, really enjoy this plugin as it seems to tick every box I have, with the exception of one. Is there a way to edit the “We collect and process your personal information for the following purposes:” text in the consent box? I can’t find it in the settings anywhere.