its nice plugin
but i need set one line above like/dislike button
i realse this code from every ‘post’ and ‘woocomecre’ page
can you help me
I want to show the like count values on a recent post widget how can I achieve that?
I see that the meta key is kodex_post_likes_count but i am not bale to get the values
Really sorry to see this plugin abandoned.
My articles has this plugin and now I have to remove it ??
Dear Support,
It’s really effective plugin i do enjoy to use it
I would like to have further regarding the post rss feed i can’t get the total number count of likes but i am getting the total number of comment i would like to have both number comment and likes. as rss feed refer the url https://blog.creativedesign-web.com/kafe-baloh/feed
]]>I only realised upon launching a simple microsite how the voting worked. Logged in, get_current_user_id(). Logged out, $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] (IP address). This made logged out votes on the same network cancelled each other out. Which wasn’t the desired result.
I read the response to a couple of posts on here and understand the principle of simplicity. I ask you make very clear in the information notes of the plugin how this works. What threw me was the logged in versus logged out. All my visitors are logged out.
Anyway, in the spirit of open source I thought I would share my work around, so it might help someone else. NB: This is a last minute fix and there is no doubt a better method.
In plugins/kodex-posts-likes/public/class-kodex-posts-likes-public.php I changed the get_user_identifier() function line from:
$code = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_COOKIE['my_cookie_name'];
I pasted the random string generator code give here https://kodex.pierros.fr/php/generer-chaine-aleatoire-php/ in functions.php of my theme.
In header.php of my theme I added at the top of the page:
if(!isset($_COOKIE['my_cookie_name'])) {
$cookie_name = 'my_cookie_name';
$cookie_value = kodex_random_string(); // use random string
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), "/"); // 86400 = 1 day
$_COOKIE['my_cookie_name'] = $cookie_value;
Which seemed to be the quickest fix for me. Sure you can vote multiple times on different browsers, clear cookies and vote again. This didn’t matter as there was nothing significant other than a like needed.
Great plugin btw, thanks!
]]>I am getting a message
“Mixed Content: The page at was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘https://kodex.pierros.fr/ws/kpl_buttons/'”
#1 problem
I want to help 1000 business score on the internet. What I want is for visitors to make it easy to give a “thumbs up” and so that I could get to 1.000 easily.
I found this plugin, but it doesn’t do the trick. It works on a page-per-page base. I want it to work for one shortcode that has the same counting counter on every page.
#2 problem
The counter is visible on this page https://www.restoboost.be/contact/ right upper sidebar, but it isn’t on the “blog” page. Because the blog page displays the latest blog posts, I also can’t add the shortcode to the top of the page. Any help on that?
when I click like from my PC and then my colleague click like on his PC, this second one removes my like. Suppose the IP address is used and all computers from our LAN are having the same IP because of router.
Just installed your plugin, but initial display is rendered from cache.
When like button is pressed, the button updates and shows current likes.
When I disable this plugin, it works as expected.
The URL is:
Wordpress is the latest version, 4.7.4
WP Super Cache is version 1.4.9
Any chance to check for cache pluigin and fire ajax update request after page load id any cache plugin active?
I have implemented the plugin on THIS page.
I can only vote a post once. Even if I try to vote again from an incognito window, my vote does not add to the existing ones. On the contrary: my latest vote is subtracted from my previous. Why is that? Does the plugin “know” my IP?
If it does know it, can I disable this feature? How?
]]>I am using the Kodex Posts likes plugin on THIS page, that displays mp3 files with the help of MP3-jPlayer plugin.
The MP3-jPlayer plugin displays mp3 files from the WordPress media library if the code below is in the custom post:
<ul class="podcasts">
<li>[mp3j track="https://urbansunsets.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/urban-sunsets-program-five.mp3" volslider='n']</li>
<li>[mp3j track="https://urbansunsets.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/urban-sunsets-program-four.mp3" volslider='n']</li>
<li>[mp3j track="https://urbansunsets.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/urban-sunsets-program-three.mp3" volslider='n']</li>
<li>[mp3j track="https://urbansunsets.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/urban-sunsets-program-two.mp3" volslider='n']</li>
<li>[mp3j track="https://urbansunsets.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/urban-sunsets-program-one.mp3" volslider='n']</li>
I want to upvote (like) every track on the page, instead of the entire page (which is the plugin’s default functionality).
I came up with:
<div id="tracks_container">
echo do_shortcode('[kodex_post_like_buttons]');
The result of the code above is a single pair of buttons that visitors can use to like or dislike the entire (custom) post, not individual mp3s.
Can I split the_content();
into list items (mp3 players in the front-end) and add echo do_shortcode('[kodex_post_like_buttons]');
after each list item? How?
J’ai installé Kodex Posts Likes et j’aime beaucoup…. tres facile a comprendre, et simple.
Par-contre, jaimerais que les stats de Likes puissent rester plus que 31 jours dans le dashboard.
Je suis a l’aise d’aller editer le code en PHP si il le faut, alors si cela est possible j’aimerais votre aide.
I set the plugin to be displayed automatically at the bottom of the posts ONLY. I don’t need it to be displayed on pages (I mean not automatically).
Now I need to add a like button only on the homepage. But since I unchecked the setting “page” in “Enable for this post types”, shortcodes I add are not displayed.
Is there a way I can achieve that?
]]>Hi, congrats for the plugin.
I’d like to now how i show likes posts per user in author page, i’ts possible?
]]>Hi, me again.
Last week I added the shortcode on the homepage of a sports club website. The aim was to collect fans’ opinions by asking the team would win or lose. It looked quite appealing and visitors voted. But the match is over now and the page should be refreshed with the new match.
For this case, it would be pretty good if I could add something to reset the shortcode (or tell the shortcode to start over) without resetting all the counters on the site.
Can this be done?
]]>Thanks for the plugin! Is that any way to add like button to wordpress comments?
I have a question, I create a new website based on WP and now I must set the last value for the like and dislike. Is it possible to set the value manually?
Est il possible d afficher le plug in a coté des articles en page d accueil ?
Il s affiche bien quand on rentre dans l’article par contre..
merci beaucoup
]]>When our writers are cloning posts, the likes are carried over to the cloned post. Is there a way to reset/remove the tallied likes on the new cloned post?
]]>Hey, great plugin!
Is there any way I could change the color of the boxes and the “hover” color as well?
]]>This is great plugin, I want to add one more feature. Only loged in users should be able to vote without login they should be able to see the like count. Please guide me how to do that. I’m very new to this. Advance Thanks for the help.
]]>Hi, I paste the shortcodes (tried them all) and it doesn’t display anything ??
]]>On ajax load like button don’t work.after refresh once than it’s work on ajax. I have changed some code to work on ajax load. It is working . But for first time you have to refresh. How to solve this problem,
$(‘.kodex_button’).on(‘click’, function(e){
$(‘body’).on(‘click’, ‘.kodex_button’, function(e){
Est-il possible de modifier nous mêmes le nombre de Like via les Champs personnalisés ?
kodex_post_likes_count (valeur)
]]>Hi There.
I have just installed your plugin for my site and it’s working brilliantly.
I just wanted to know if you could tell me how votes are logged i.e. to stop someone voting twice?
Is it done through the current user, ip address, cookie etc?
Many Thanks
]]>I have recently installed Kodex Posts Likes in a site I have created but the people voting the posts are having problems. Often the votes which are made are not updated once the page is refreshed, or on first page load the like button shows the wrong number of votes not the current one, and after the user clicks on the button the right one is showed.
The voting system is being used at the moment for a real contest so it is a problem for me to change plugin or have it function wrong.
You can test the problem here:
Any help appreciated thanks
]]>Notice: Array to string conversion in /wp-content/plugins/kodex-posts-likes/admin/partials/metabox.php on line 19
Notice: Array to string conversion in /wp-content/plugins/kodex-posts-likes/admin/partials/metabox.php on line 24
Dear Pierre,
Many Thanks for your plugin, I am trying to list the custom post type title of individual users, which they liked in their users profile… can it can be possible with some plugin modification or display shortcodes.
My users profile page in a normal WordPress page and is not part of theme, which I build using shortcodes.
Just wondering if the like/dislike information on post list (https://i.imgur.com/bmuduDz.png) is permanent or only shows the last 31 days (as per dashboard info).
Hi Pierre,
first of all: Good job and thank you!
Your simple plugin is exactly what i was looking for.
Now to my question:
Is there way to show the most liked posts in a widget (similar to the overview in the admin dashboard). That feature would be awesome.
Thanks a lot,