I don’t want to sell created NFTs on opensea but only on my own website. Is this possible?
]]>Call to undefined function delete_options()
/public_html/wp-content/plugins/kredeum-nfts/uninstall.php on line 21
I paid the fee and minted.
But I don’t see the sell button.
You can check this url
It seems the plugin doesn’t connect to my WordPress, I have no mint button or collection in my admin panel. Images uploaded have no nft option. I cant either see any NFT storage server link to put in.
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot declare class RestClientException, because the name is already in use in
***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/kredeum-nfts/vendor/tcdent/php-restclient/restclient.php on line 9
I have installed the plug-in and the truth is that it is very good.
The only thing is that there are some PNG files that do not perform the IPFS.
Is there any limitation?
Best regards
]]>How to add Metatags fields from wordpress to NFT?
]]>I made all the initial settings carefully.
Files are stored in NFT Storage service.
When I click on Mint NFT, it says Minting, but nothing happens.
Is it also possible to use the plugin to bring all the created media from my users to the IPFS without minting on Polygon but on another minting process?
]]>Fantastic plugin in. Great work. But I don’t really have a want or need to have my NFTs bundled with everyone elses in the same collection.
Are there any plans to have custom collections on this plugin for Arkane and Opensea?
Your demo video shows how to mint an NTF from the WP admin dashboard. Do you have any plans for making an interface for the user front end?
(Also, this first link on this page is not valid: https://docs.kredeum.tech/about)