As soon as I updated to WordPress 4.2, RPS stopped working or so it seems.
I get a
This username does not exist, or the feed service is down.
message, which means it may only be temporarily down…
I love your plugin, but as my site is in dutch, is there a way i can translate the plugin? So that the “now playing” and the “3 minutes ago” text is translated to dutch.
]]>“Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/content/j/e/n/jennyjenjen/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/lastfm-rps/lastfm.php on line 190” appears in the widget sidebar on public site. Wondering if it’s’s problem and not the widget as has had issues lately. Any thoughts or fixes?
]]>works like a charm, like this very much.
you might want to prepend the css selectors with #main though, as the twentyten default theme will override some as the default selectors are more specific