Hello, so im having problems with custom field plugin i guess. I have created 3 custom fields https://imgur.com/a/xt0rbj7, but on the front end when i complete them i get an error that they are blank.
I’m attaching a video with the problem im having https://imgur.com/a/alAePkN .
Thank you in advance.
Currently, when the dropdown is opened, the arrow does not change direction. It would be helpful if the arrow flipped to indicate that the menu is expanded. This small improvement will enhance user understanding and interaction with the dropdown.
Here’s a video for reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FgncXRwJT6zKkj-p-s6soMBmN5i5WA2-/view
Looking forward to your response.
Currently, special characters are allowed in the first and last name fields, which can cause data issues and confusion. It would be better to restrict input to only letters to ensure names are entered correctly and processed smoothly.
Here’s a screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/OccWJ_Kt5HEU
Looking forward to your response.
The reset password key is currently too long and difficult for users to manage. It would be helpful to simplify the process by making the key shorter and easier to use, reducing confusion for users.
Here’s a screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/ZZ__hddXJkNc
Looking forward to your response.
Currently, it’s unclear which part of the page displays the product name and which part shows the price. Making them more distinct with better labels or improved design would help users quickly understand the information.
Here’s a screenshot for reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HM5D3YGleNrm9yBXSKH7gRAkRzOTmydj/view
Looking forward to your response.
There is an issue with the email field validation. Even when the field is filled, it still shows the message “Email should not be blank.” This needs to be fixed so that the message only appears when the field is actually empty.
Here’s a video demonstrating the issue: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UEZjsZpdCa0pjqukPXcQK3nxrX82xkjK/view
Looking forward to your response.
It would be great if the phone number field could automatically detect the user’s location and pre-fill the country code accordingly. For example, if a user is in India, the field should default to +91
. This would improve the user experience by eliminating the need to manually select the country code.
Looking forward to your response.
It would be beneficial if the transaction details displayed the payment method used. This would allow users to quickly see whether they paid via credit card, PayPal, or another option, making payment records clearer and more transparent.
Screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/b48u_iHLl63K
Looking forward to your response.
I’ve noticed that users can reset their passwords with just a single character, which is a security risk. There should be a validation check to enforce a minimum password length and other security requirements. Please review this issue and implement a fix.
Screenshot for reference: https://prnt.sc/DaNiDzvm0bCQ
Looking forward to your response.
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