I’m wanting to upgrade my site to PHP 7 and when I run the checker I get the following warnings. Will you be fixing this anytime soon?
FILE: /home/hoffman/public_html/wp-content/plugins/enhanced-recent-posts/includes/widget-class.php
Latest Custom Post Type Updates
FILE: /home/hoffman/public_html/wp-content/plugins/latest-custom-post-type-updates/index.php
17 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
]]>The date of items is not being localised, we got “27 January 2016” on a Dutch install.
CPT thumbnails are not displaying correctly, the images are cropped, instead of being resized. This is only occurring for custom post types. All other post thumbnails are resized appropriately, how can this be fixed to not crop the featured image for the custom post type.
I have regenerated thumbnails, altered the display size of the widgets, and still the issue persists.
]]>If I select a specific category to display, sticky posts in other categories display as the first item in it as well. The odd thing is, it doesn’t do it on the home page, single or page but on category pages.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Dev site: https://dev.id8nation.com/
]]>Title of the widget is not displayed in another language, despite being translated by the ‘WMPL String Translation‘ feature. Evidently WPML recognizes ‘Title’ string, but plugin doesn’t output it for some reason.
]]>Hi there
Thanks for creating the plugin. It’s really helping me on my portfolio website.
I’ve been using the plugin as a sidebar widget on certain posts to display related posts with a similar taxonomy. Problem is this can result in the post I’m currently looking at appearing in the side bar which I don’t want. Is there a way to get the plugin to ignore the current post when adding items to the widget?
]]>Hi, Love the plugin thank you for sharing.
I have a problem when trying to use a custom thumbnail via custom field. Custom fields are working correctly for my custom post type but when I upload an image and place the URL as the value using key “thumbnail” it doesn’t work. Could you please tell me how to fix this?
Thank you.
Nice plugin. How can I hide title when there is Thumbnail shown and vice versa eg. when there is not Thumbnail Title should be visible.
I have this plugin in a sidebar and some post have thumbnail and some don’t.
]]>Hi, is there a way to display the most popular posts for the last 30 days using this plugin?
PS: Fantastic plugin with many advanced options.
]]>This was displaying properly but now it’s not. I have it set to publish date and descending yet it lists my oldest posts. I’ve removed and readded, changed to ascending and back…cannot make it show my newest posts.
In the footer here: https://www.makeover.hoffmangraphics.com
]]>Hi guys,
thanks for this awesome plugin. Is there any existing shortcodes to make the plugin work on the page / post or item pages too?
]]>Awesome plugin. I’ve been trying to figure out some CSS that will make the thumbnails round. I’m not getting it to work. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
]]>Is this plugin multisite compatible?
]]>hello sir,
great plugin, I love it.
Is there a way to get the current status of the link and style it with css?
Thank you for your help
]]>Are the dates wrapped in translation friendly code? I’m using WPML for my translation and I’m able to change the format of the date but the words themselves are still in English.
What can I do about this?
]]>I added some lines into your code to fix the orderby meta_key feature.
around line 45 in index.php I added:
$instance[‘meta_key’] = addslashes(strip_tags($new_instance[‘meta_key’]));
AND then around line 100 you had the wrong key for the “order_by” index
I changed to this:
if(($instance[‘orderby’] == ‘meta_value’ || $instance[‘orderby’] == ‘meta_value_num’)
]]>Hi thanks for your great plugin. The strip_tags() that you have applied tot the $excerpt variable seems for the most part to be doing the trick, but the WP [caption] tags (and all their parameters) show in the widget for posts that don’t have an official WP excerpt, where the widget excerpt is being pulled from the post directly. Any idea on how to fix this? Thank you!
I find this plugin can show last modify post 2 week and i see plugin of you.
I hope this wiget can show last update post some category i’m chooose
Can you show me how to do this or update this plugin please ?
Thanks you so much !
]]>i want to add latest custom post type’s publish date to a cell of table in my template..
<th><strong>latest update time</strong></th>
can i do this with your plugin ?
]]>I noticed a small bug under the “advanced settings” section of a widget using this plugin.
The “Show Post” dropdown has two options:
– published date
– modified date
No matter which one you choose, it will still show the modified date.
I traced this to line 211 of the plugin’s index.php file. I’m guessing the fact that even though you chose ‘published date’ is not respected in the code for some reason, thereby displaying the modified date.
Thank you.
I have custom post types (using types plugin) and had posts displayed filtered by taxonomy this all worked great until I installed WPML.
No filtered by taxonomy posts are being displayed on the translated pages.
Is there a way to make filtered posts displayed on translated pages?
]]>Whats about localization, this plugin cannot be translated. So about the excerpt we had to hack the plugin and this must be the next hack because all dates in english!
We cannot update the plugin anymore!!!
]]>I’d like to sort by a custom field (“my_team_order”), but when I enter the custom key into the “Meta key” field on the widget, the widget never retains the value I entered. Is this a bug?
]]>I started a site on a new PHP 5.4 box and got a few errors, one of which is this:
[30-Apr-2013 00:16:37 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /herp/derp.com/web/content/wp-content/plugins/latest-custom-post-type-updates/index.php on line 209
Looking at line 209:
if($instance['randomize']) shuffle( &$posts);
Then reading this:
… results in this:
if($instance['randomize']) shuffle( $posts);
at first thanks for this great Plugin!
We need to show the excerpt like it is added in excerpt-field or generated with more tag.
To limit the excerpt only by a number of caracters is not really usefull cause the cut of sentences is not under control. How can we realize this?
best regards
]]>Hello again my friend. I’m back with another feature request!
I need to update the post date line with a customized output and add the author. I have an idea of how to make this happen but wanted your input first.
What do you think about creating an output field that allows users to template their own text? You’ve already done this with the custom date format field to some extent. I’m thinking something like how you can insert variables into the register_sidebar() function, like $1%s and $2%s etc… that way, the plugin could offer a few hints as to how to use the field and users could totally tweak the output.
Is there any way to add data from custom fields from each custom-post-type post into the plugin?
]]>The latest post titles’ font size is too big and look ugly, could I set it to be smaller ?
I have setup the widget to fetch posts from a specific category and set sort to Publish Date. But the widget orders them from A-Z.
What is wrong? Is it time for another update?
In your previous version i could select from which categories the widget should get posts from. I cant figure out how to do this in the new version. So how do i do this now?