After 4 years of contributing to the community, listening to countless business owners, agencies, developers and hobbyists alike, we’ve come to a difficult decision to sunset our plugins off of
Leads CRM will go into “maintenance mode” effective Dec 1st, 2021 through June 1st, 2022 which at that point will be retired and sunset from During this time, only critical security or support items will be addressed.
While we are retiring the plugin, BizSwoop plugins are not going away, quite the opposite. You can read more about our decisions for sunsetting our plugin on directly on our blog
For now let’s address the changes that will take place if you’re currently using the open source versions of our plugin.
I use the versions of your plugin, what’s going to happen?
Right now, nothing will happen. You can continue to use the plugin as is, but it will no longer receive new updates or support. Without updates, we cannot recommend using this version of the plugin in the long term.
What critical security or support will you address in the Maintenance Mode phase?
Any bugs identified as data security or privacy related. Any fatal errors with core WooCommerce plugin code base. All other bugs or issues will no longer be supported.
I still need your plugin, new features and support, what should I do?
Leads CRM will no longer be maintained and supported on, but will continue to be updated and supported directly from us as a part of our B2B Wholesale Store Plus Product.
To learn more about the change, and follow the future for the plugin, visit us directly at Thank you for your support over the years.
]]>To help us answer questions as quickly as possible please ensure you provide:
1. A link to your site so we can view issues, especially important for issues around appearance or functionality of your website
2. A video of the behavior or bug you are reporting to us for help. You can use a tool like or other screen recording tool.
3. Your WooCommerce system status report and please place a ` on the line before and after your pasted report as you would with code.
Please note, we cannot support premium paid plugins here. All posts regarding paid plugins will be closed with no support. If you have a problem with a premium plugin, or customization, please contact the our support directly at
How do I get my WooCommerce system status report?
Go to WooCommerce > System Status and click on the Get System Report button. Copy and paste this into the thread.
The report contains information on your setup, plugins and versions, and your theme and is really useful when working out problems.
Also before you post…
To rule out plugin and theme conflicts, temporarily deactivate them and re-run your test. If the error no longer occurs, you can find out which plugin or theme is causing your issue, more information here.
If you don’t follow the requested guidelines your post may take longer to get a response.