I recently migrated my blog from a host where PHP 5.5 was used, to a new host where PHP 5.6 is the default. I’ve stayed on Version due to formatting changes that happened, subsequently.
On attempting to activate Version, I got an error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'yield' (T_YIELD), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /home/PRIMARYDOMAIN/ADDONDOMAIN/blog/wp-content/plugins/lifestream/inc/core.php on line 2579
Searching on this error discovered two similar problems:
yield() method conflicts with PHP 5.5+ “yield” keyword at https://github.com/lonnieezell/Ocular-Template-Library/issues/23 ; and
the used yield is a resereved keyword in PHP 5.5 at https://github.com/tractorcow/silverstripe-dynamiccache/issues/19 .
Following through on the fix (on silverstrip-dynamiccache), the function yield was renamed to yieldControl.
In Lifestream inc/core/php, there are four instances of the function “yield”, that I replaced with yieldControl. (There are also two instances of yield_many, which I’ve left alone).
Uploading and reactivating, I got and error message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'yield' (T_YIELD), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /home/PRIMARYDOMAIN/ADDONDOMAIN/blog/wp-content/plugins/lifestream/extensions/amazon/extension.inc.php on line 11
So, it seems as though this error occurs in many of the the extension.inc.php files within the extensions directory. Making the change (including in many extensions for dead web sites) revived the plugin.
]]>I have a Google Plus profile with a vanity URL
I added just “+JesseSVicCovertInvestigations” as my Google ID number for Google Plus but I get this error:
There were errors with your request:
Failed to open url: https://googleplusrss.nodester.com/+JesseSVicCovertInvestigations (cURL error 28: connect() timed out!)
Is it something to do with my vanity URL do you think?
]]>It looks likes lifestream support for twitter is based around the v1.0 api.
If you use Lifestream to pull a twitter feed now it produces this error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><errors> <error code="68">The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/overview.</error></errors>
Anyone know a quick work around this?
]]>Can it import social posts as wp posts?
]]>At the begining widget was preserved, after I removed it and tried to add again, It did not work.
]]>No matter what I do the lifestream widget will not display. I tried changing themes, but that did not work. I also tried installing wp-lifestream2, which also did not work.
Any advice?
]]>The Tumblr feed is completely broken. I cannot add GetGlue or iTunes because the instructions to find the RSS feeds are not correct. This used to be a reliable plugin but not anymore. So sad.
]]>I tried to add the twitter feed but it uses some old authentication, it requests the user and password when it should be asking just for the user name.
It fails after inputting the user and password in any case.
]]>This post shows you how to to show your public Facebook status updates in a list on your blog together with your activity on other web services (like this): How to export your public Facebook updates to your blog.
]]>I used to use the lifestream plugin before its development stopped. I now see that a few people are updating it but am not sure which one to use. Are you working in tandem with the others at https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-lifestream2/ ?
]]>Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Theme is not valid.’
All jQuery plugins are broken now.
]]>hope you are fixing this
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Lifestream_WordPressCodexFeed in /home6/cygnoirn/public_html/wp-content/plugins/lifestream/extensions/wpcodex/extension.inc.php on line 34
]]>I get the following error message when trying to activate the plugin:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Lifestream_AmazonFeed in C:\HostingSpaces\jonnycarroll\jonnycarroll.co.uk\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\lifestream\extensions\amazon\extension.inc.php on line 18
]]>when I tried to activate the plugin it broke my admin interface – only way I could get back into wordpress was to uninstall through my ftp. If this happens to you then remember that the plugin will also have created a page which you will have to manually delete.
]]>Links to YouTube are double html-encoded so they’re all broken. https://www.pjswesey.com
]]>Since updating to WP3.1 i cant access LifeStream Settings or Maintainance Settings i get following error “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
]]>Please see my blog for a slightly more indepth version of this https://www.robmcghee.com/programming/twitter-for-lifestream-fix/
Simply adding .’&source=twitterandroid’ to the end of line 72 in the Extensions/Twitter/extension.inc.php file allows you to carry on receiving status updates without having to resort to OAuth
]]>Using a theme from Press 75 called Social Life which has a few social features that Lifestream does. But it lacks many, so I’m trying to create separate streams via multiple instances of the widget. The Social Life theme is 100% widget based.
So, for example, I add one Lifestream widget and rename it Facebook and put the RSS feed for my status updates in there. Then I add another Lifestream widget, rename it Foursquare and put the Foursquare updates in that widget. Only problem is that it doesn’t quite work. At the bottom of the widget setup, there’s an option to show only certain feeds (“Feeds to show (optional)”). I highlight the facebook feed, for example, in the one that i only want foursquare to show up in, and click the “clear selection” link. But it doesn’t clear. The link points to a javascript call: void();
How can i fix this?
]]>The daily digest posting is stuck. It keeps reposting items from previous days, each day the digest post is getting longer. I have run all the maintenance tasks in that tab with no luck.
example from my blog.
Also another issue I am noticing is that the timezone appears to be quite off when Lifestream produces the time when compared to just the WordPress installation.
I use Lifestream on my blog. And i have tumblr blog.(i am sharing music.) But Lifestream give me error like this: Warning: Missing argument 2 for Lifestream::get_anchor_html(), called in
That problem is only for my tumblr music blog. how fix it?
]]>Lifestream doesn’t work at all.
When set up, it looks cluttered and will only display youtube.com feeds if downloaded from your website. If downloaded from wordpress, it will display feeds from facebook and dailybooth, but not twitter or twitpic. It will not, however, show any icons or pictures from those feeds. It will show thumbnails from the youtube videos, but the text and thumbnails are undersized and do not look good. I tried to use ibox with it to show the icons, but if ibox and lifestream are activated at the same time, lifestream shuts down.
Please fix this plugin, the help board for lifestream gets longer and longer everyday.
I’m going to try one of the earlier versions to see if that one works better because this version of it is just terrible.
Thanks for your time.
I just set up Lifestream last night and as I’m adding feeds I noticed that YouTube and Twitter feeds won’t work. Something about the client accessing it too often. Here are the errors…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.</error>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><errors><error><domain>yt:quota</domain><code>too_many_recent_calls</code></error></errors>
The feeds are there but it says they can’t access them. Is this an issue that is going to be ironed out any time soon? I somehow got one YouTube to go through last night but now each time it checks it there’s an error.
These appear to work just fine for at least some people because I just went to someone’s site last night that uses lifestream and they have updates from their Twitter and YouTube showing up.
Let me know if there’s a way to fix this.
]]>Ever since Sept. 2010 when Twitter updated it’s login method, this plug-in’s method of pulling in twitter updates (via authenticated RSS) doesn’t work.
just want to make the creator of this plugin aware (if he/she’s not already know about this):
1. To format dates in other languages, you should use the setlocale() and strftime() functions instead of date(). … “October 18th” does not fly in Swedish…
2. There were several languages included, however the
load_plugin_textdomain(‘lifestream’, false, ‘lifestream/locales’);
..does not seem to work/being loaded… leaving you with no translation…
Would be happy to see some actions about this. Otherwise a nice plugin..
]]>Can someone help me?
I’m wondering if I’ve missed something, Lifstream is not creating any posts?
I know I can create a page that list everything, but wondering if Lifestream cannot simply post the “blurbs” as they’re created elsewhere.
]]>Fatal error: Call to a member function get_option() on a non-object in E:\Inetpub\htdocs\clintandrobin\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\lifestream\inc\widget.php on line 187
Is there a possibility to disable logging? Why do I ask.
BEcause the logging is very unsecure. When an error occurs for example in fetching a twitterfeed from my userstatus in the error logs the username and plaintext password is visible in the error. Not aproblem if it is only visible to me.
BUT, when another user logs in (a subscriber or author) the lifestream errors are visible. And my twitter username AND PASSWORD is visible to everyone…
Asking to be hacked I would say.
Is there a solution to this?
]]>My lifestream contains a feed of blog posts from within my blog. Now if I edit the title of one of my blog posts that change is not shown on my Lifestream, which keeps the original title. I have tried using the ‘wipe events’ button within lifestream, which seems to do nothing. Is there anyway of doing updating my lifestream to contain the updated post title?