Is it possibile to move the button to BELOW the UPDATE button? Is there another meta box hook to move the button into?
]]>Common, stop this idiocy and put in plugin description that plugin is abandonned and looking for new maintainer.
I do understand that not everyone has time and lust for GPL scripts, but then put an end on it, and remove it from WP repository.
I have made a small little hack to suit a particular use case I have. I have a custom post type with a meta box that allows you to link to dependent posts. After saving the child post (I’m using Pods) then I want Save and Close to return to the parent edit form.
I have made the following changes. I added a force param so that it would not interfere with existing functionality:
function add_button() {
<div id="major-publishing-actions" style="overflow:hidden">
<div id="publishing-action">
//////// BEGIN MOD ////////
<input type="hidden" name="saveclose_referer_force" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['saveclose_referer_force'] ?>">
//////// END MOD ////////
<input type="hidden" name="saveclose_referer" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?>">
<input type="submit" tabindex="5" value="<?php echo $button_label ?>" class="button-primary" id="custom" name="save-close">
function redirect() {
wp_update_post(array('ID' => $_POST['post_ID'], 'post_status' => $post_status));
//////// BEGIN MOD ////////
//has the calling page explicitly asked that we return to it?
$force_referer = false;
if (isset($_POST['saveclose_referer_force'])) {
$force_referer = $_POST['saveclose_referer_force'];
// if we have an HTTP referer saved, and it's a post listing page (or referer explicitly set the force param), redirect back to that (maintains pagination, filters, etc.)
if (isset($_POST['saveclose_referer']) && ($force_referer || strstr($_POST['saveclose_referer'], 'edit.php') !== false)) {
//////// END MOD ////////
Good Day, I want to say that this plugin is great. But I have a small concern When I creating a New Page into my custom made post_type my page is only saving as draft.
]]>This plugin is simply great!!! You saved me so much time, as clients often just close the browser and keep all posts they have been editing opened.
An idea would be to have an option to disable the other button, as it creates confusion. Would that be possible.
While editing a post, if I am on Page 2 on the screen, or if I have filtered any post, after clicking on update and close, it returns back to the initial first screen. I have to again browse to the next page or filter the post again.
Any fix for this ?
]]>Would love to see this plugin extended to add a second button for Save and Add New. Thanks for great functionality with this one!
]]>Thank you for this plugin! i’ve been eager for this functionality for quite a while. Thanks for providing it.
i have noticed that when i ‘Save and Close’ a post that was marked as ‘Private’, it auto-reverts to ‘Public’. Would appreciate a fix for this in the next version, in order ensure the security of our content. Thanks, again!