How can I make this plugin load async so it would not affect Google page speed?
Thank you,
]]>I can’t activate the plugin. It throws following message back at me:
PHP Fatal error occured: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /wp-content/plugins/like-button-plugin-for-wordpress/include/fb_meta.php on line 169.
]]>I have updated php from 5.3 to 5.4 and now I am getting white screen. Below is the error which I am getting.
PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in wp-content/plugins/like-button-plugin-for-wordpress/include/fb_meta.php on line 169
I have tried updating the plugin to latest version but its still having the issue.
]]>To the developers:
Can you please review line 105 in the following file and let me know if that is an issue?
]]>i lost all my likes when i rewrite permalinks url
]]>Hi, first of all i think the plug in is great and thanks for your time and effort for putting this together.
I am having a few issues when the user presses like and from there the iframe goes a little bonkers by loosing its position as well as cutting off a major portion of the text window.
How am i able to fix this?
Thanks in advanced john
]]>Has any support for Nextgen galleries been added? Would be nice sine its the most used gallery plugin and facebook can’t find an image to share.
thank you very much for your plugin. It is a complete plugin that gives plenty of customization!
However, I am trying to change the background of the button which is set to the following div:
<div class="pluginButton pluginButtonSmall pluginButtonPressed pluginButtonInline pluginButtonX pluginConnectButtonConnected" title="">
I would also like to change the facebook icon with the thumb-up icon (also from facebook).
I have created the following css in the css of my theme:
.pluginSkinDark, .pluginButtonPressed, .pluginSkinDark .pluginButtonPressed:hover { background-color: #D7D7D7 !important; color: #333333 !important; display:none; }
But it does not work. When I check in Firebug what is going on, I cannot see my css definitions, although the css file is properly linked, and any other definition related to any other element is properly displayed. In addition to this, what I see in firebug is a definition from: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php
How can I customize my button?
Another question that I have is that in the admin panel of the plugin I select:
Like-Button usage:XFBML
however, when I check the code with the firebug, I can see the button is in an iFrame anyway. Is it correct or does it mean that I am doing something wrong? If I select XFBML there should not be any iframe at all, shouldn’t it?
Thank you very much in advanced for your time and help,
]]>Hi there
Our website has recently lost nearly 80% of the likes it had accrued since we first set it up. We had some server issues at one point and unsure whether that was the direct cause of this or maybe due to something with the plugin itself.
The main question is, is there anyway that we can recover these likes and if so how.
Sorry for being vague and will try to be more specific to any direct questions if you can help
]]>I’m using your plugin on a website that uses SSL certificate and your plugin is the only one that causes following warning, that pops up in certain browsers:
"[blocked] The page at https://www.acompalia.org/ ran insecure content from https://js.gb-world.net/lib/ga_social_tracking.js?ver=0.1."
What can be done about that?
]]>When it tallies likes for me, it shows one or two names then “and (x) others like this”
How can we see who those others are?
The Like button is a great plugin, but it stopped working a while back.
I kept getting an “error” and upon further investigation found that I was missing some code in the Header of my WordPress theme. For example, <meta property=”og:title”…etc.
Once I added that back, no more error. But, now my Likes in Facebook do not match the number on my site next to the Like button. Are they gone permanently? Can I get them back? or How do I get them to match? The site is https://ericalmeida.com/.
I’ve installed the tweet and like button plugin by Kurt Polinar – https://kurtpolinar.com
After tweeking the CSS i have the buttons displying fine at the top of my posts, but I want them to appear in the meta when extracts of my posts are published on the index/home page.
The plug offers up a short code [tweetandlike_buttons]
and says “You can copy this shortcode and place it anywhere on your site, you can also put it in widgets.”
I’ve added this to the meta section, but it’s not displaying the buttons, instead its just showing the shortcode as text.
]]>Does it work on 3.3.1?
]]>Hi there,
thank you for great plugin! Unfortunately after some new updates it became to show FB button at every post on the blog page. Another words it appear about 10 times on main page! I found this a lot of annoying and would very much like to show the buttons if the post is opened (only on post pages). I untick the “Main page” option on position settings but anyway I see 10 buttons on my blog (main) page.
Is any way to disable this enormous exposition?
After going through the procedure to migrate from single site to network site, WordPress asks for deactivation of all plugins before setting up, and then reactivate once installed. I know that likes do not disappear if you simply deactivate and reactivate without the networking, so can this be fixed?
Luckily this happened was on a test site, however the site I need to move to the network setup has a LOT of likes that cannot be deleted so any help to ensure they will not be wiped when moving to the network setup would be much appreciated. (e.g. finding the database file that logs the likes..)
Many thanks.
]]>hi all,
I’ve just updated the like button from a previous version and I must admin I’m impressed by upgrades!
Very nice job, great plugin!
There’s just one thing I cannot understand if it’s a bug or something I cannot figure out how to configure:
Facebook debugger (ex linter) https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
tells me that there’s one thing that should be fixed:
Inferred Property: The og:locale property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
I could surely add this manually in head, but maybe plugin alredy does this and I’m not able to set it up.
]]>Let me know if you’re interested in having your plugin translated to another language still. I’m fluent in Spanish & my friend is fluent in Croatian-Serbian.
]]>How can I get rid of the plugin using FTP????
Walter Roller
]]>Ok, I might look like a complete idiot now, but I find it strange that the “Like”-update (which is generated when a person clicks the Facebook button under a post on my blog) only appears on the person′s Wall, not in the news feed of his or her friends? Is this something to do with the way I set up the plugin, or how my FB is set up, or is it simply the way it′s intended?
Thanks for an otherwise great plugin!
]]>With the plugin activated (that’s the ONLY thing I changed), I get this error message on a ‘single’ post:
Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in …edited…out…/functions/breadcrumbs.php on line 32
The conflicting function: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/get_category_parents
This is the ‘line 32’:
echo '<li> ? '. get_category_parents( $category_id, TRUE, " ? " );
If I change it to this, with the Plugin activated, it displays ‘Home > 1’ but at least the ‘single’ post doesn’t break:
echo '<li> ? '. 1/* get_category_parents( $category_id, TRUE, " ? " ) */;
]]>I get these errors all day when using google analytics or WP stats plugin. It also has killed my RSS feed and is slowing down traffic.
First this plugin ruined our SEO…now its killing us slowly from within. Please…test your product before you release it.
FYI: I informed the plugin developer about this defect two months ago. Both in a thread here and on Facebook. Nothing has been done. Deactivating this plugin.
Fatal error: Internal Zend error - Missing class information for in /home/hairwego/public_html/wp-content/plugins/like-button-plugin-for-wordpress/include/gb_generate.php on line 22
1) I love the idea of the Social Button Analysis (QuickEdit), but would like to turn off some of the buttons that are analysed, as I don’t use them and they increase the loading time of the Psots/Pages list. For example, I only want to use Facebook’s Like, Tweet, and Google’s +1, and so I want to turn off Digg and StumbleUpon. [Feature request]
2) The count on the Tweets is showing as all 0, but when I view the page itself then I can see the number of times it has been tweeted. [Bug report]
]]>Hi, I recently was moving a site from a apache/mod_php server to a newer nginx/php-fpm server and after the move the site would not load due to getting an error in the admin/gb_design.php. I didn’t save the specific message, but it was an unexpected $end on the last line of the file.
After a little digging, I’m led to believe it’s because you had a php class defined throughout multiple <?php … ?> tags, which is not allowed. Not sure why the old PHP wasn’t throwing errors and why the new one was. (The old was either 5.1 or 5.2, the new server runs 5.3.)
To fix it, I just rewrote that file to use all echo statements instead of putting html content outside the php tags while still inside the class declaration.
My fix will be overwritten next time your plugin updates though, so I’d be much obliged if you would implement the GBDesignContent class in admin/gb_design.php within one set of php tags.
Thanks much,
]]>I’m getting all kinda of apache error from the ‘like’ plugin. The weird part is that they display on the dashboards of other plugins like WP-stats and google analytic. Why is this happening? Please help me to resolve. I have an apache error log available if the developer tells me where to send it.
Fatal error: Internal Zend error - Missing class information for in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/wp-content/plugins/like-button-plugin-for-wordpress/include/gb_generate.php on line 22
After installing the new version of the plugin I found our robots.txt to be populated with this. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
It’s ruining our SEO. Please help us troubleshoot.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="de-DE" xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" xmlns:og="https://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:og="https://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"><head profile="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://www.gb-world.net/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="https://www.gb-world.net/images/logo/logo.jpg" /><title>Like-Button-Plugin-For-WordPress | GB-World</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.gb-world.net/blog/wp-content/themes/gbworld/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /><style type="text/css">body{}</style><link rel="pingback" href="https://www.gb-world.net/blog/xmlrpc.php" /> <!--[if lt IE 8]><script src="https://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.0(beta3)/IE8.js" type="text/javascript"></script><![endif]--><!--[if IE 6]><script src="https://www.gb-world.net/blog/wp-content/themes/gbworld/core/js/belatedpng.js"></script><script>DD_belatedPNG.fix('.pngbg, a.home, #nav,.searchform .left, .searchform .right, .searchform .s, .fcol_pad img, .fbox img, #respond h3, #cred.pagelines a, .post .date, .headerimage, #sidebar div ul li a');</script><style>#header #blogtitle
https://i52.tinypic.com/25kokcg.png is what it did to my dashboard layout (it is in RTL language), and i think i saw somewhere a php warning, but i can recreate it.
please fix this “layout takeover”. thanks
Hello, I may be mistaken but isn’t the plugin also supposed to automatically add Facebook members to our fan page when they like a url? I thought this was possible when we setup our application. Was I mistaken?
Again I assumed that non fan page members would be automatically added when they like a post on our website.
I have the plugin installed on https://hairwegoproducts.com
]]>I created a fb app to enable the xml option after the most recent update, added the 2 lines of code to my head.php file, and everything seems to be in order…
…except for the fact that when you actually click the like button it acts as if it has worked for half a second and then resets as if the click did not register. Checking my fb profile confirms that the like did not register.
can you provide some support on this matter?
EcoSnobberySucks.com is my site, and you can see the issue on this post
]]>I’m trying to make sure I have the plugin configured properly. Exacrly where is the FB connect-url located at when i’m editing my Facebook application