Are you still looking for someone to commit to this plugin? I would be interested. Guillaumev please add me as a maintainer to this plugin, if you are still available.
]]>I had to make a couple of changes to the code to make this work (devs / please let me know if you’re interested in including these in the core, and I’ll help update).
edit linkedin-sc.php
Line 270: Change
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://platform.linkedin.com/in.js”>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://platform.linkedin.com/in.js”>
Then just below that, add a scope to allow access to the full profile from linkedin (otherwise you will only be able to display the public details)
api_key: <?php echo $api_config[‘consumer_key’].”\n”; ?>
credentials_cookie: true
api_key: <?php echo $api_config[‘consumer_key’].”\n”; ?>
scope: r_fullprofile
credentials_cookie: true
I tried to install the LinkedIn plugin but it does not appear in the list of the widgets. There is a warning that the current plugin version is not tested with WP3.5 (in my case hosted on Yahoo Small Business) and indeed there seems to be an issue.
]]>I have created Linkedin API,
Set the key and secret, used the shortcode but still I don’t see anything what might be the problem? Please help
Hi I would like to know if i could make an automated script using this plugin to automatically update my website with the changes of the profiles for the employees there, i update that manually and interested in knowing if this plugin could solve the issue i have
I am the current maintainer of the LinkedIn SC module and I’ve seen various messages in the forum and in my emails about issues with the plugin. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to work on this plugin at the moment, so I would be really glad if someone wants to become the new maintainer of this plugin…
Feel free to leave me a message on this topic or in my mailbox if you would like me to add you as a committer to this plugin…
]]>I’ve successfully installed the LinkedIn SC plugin and activated it with the necessary LinkedIn API info. However, on the user profile pages, I see the following error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [ABSOLUTE PATH HERE]/html/wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/linkedin-sc.php on line 284
(Note: I’ve typed “[ABSOLUTE PATH HERE]
” in lieu of my server’s actual absolute path. In the error message, the actual absolute server path is displayed.)
Similar issues have been reported in the WordPress forum, and elsewhere, all suggesting this error is a php.ini
issue. However, I’ve turned on allow_url_fopen
(allow_url_fopen = On
) in my server’s php.ini
file, and I’m still getting an error.
Are there any other fixes available?
]]>Is it not possible to show Organizations and courses with this plugin?
At https://martinrijlaarsdam.nl/website/?page_id=234 I display my CV via your plugin. Until some time ago this worked fine. I use the syntax below, but the positions do not show up while all other info displays fine.
Any idea?
‘[linkedinsc profile=”martinrijlaarsdam” lang=”en”]
<div style=”margin-top: 2px; float: right; width: 95px; margin-right: 0px;”><img src=”[linkedinsc_photo]” alt=”” align=”right” /></div>
[expand title=Experience tag=”h3″][linkedinsc_positions]
<div style=”float: left; width: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_position_start_date] – [linkedinsc_position_end_date]</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_position_title], [linkedinsc_position_company_name]
[expand title=Education tag=”h3″][linkedinsc_edu]
<div style=”float: left; width: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_edu_start] – [linkedinsc_edu_end]</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_edu_title]
[linkedinsc_edu_degree] in [linkedinsc_edu_major]
[expand title=”Publications” tag=”h3″]
Please see the publication page for a list of publications and links[/expand]
[expand title=”Interests and Honors” tag=”h3″]
<div style=”float: left; width: 150px;”>Honors</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_honors]</div>
<div style=”float: left; width: 150px;”>Interests</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_interests]</div>
I installed the plugin and try with the sample code and i rcieve this errors:
URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/lib/linkedin_profile/linkedin_public_profile.php on line 117
Warning: simplexml_import_dom() [function.simplexml-import-dom]: Invalid Nodetype to import in wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/lib/linkedin_profile/linkedin_public_profile.php on line 122
Is the problem about “allow_url_fopen enabled” config?
Excellent plugin, Thank You. But It’s not possible to catch Total Connections [linkedinsc_connections], isn’t right ?
I am seeing the following warning in the profile page during first time use and before I have authorized access. Is this something I should be worried about?
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /[detail removed]/wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/linkedin-sc.php on line 284
]]>The positions from LinkedIn are not displayed. I use 1.1.9 on WP 3.2.1. without LinkedIn login (no HTTPS available).
The following code does not generate a list of positions. It was working in previous versions, although I’m not sure in which version it broke.
<div style=”float: left; width: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_position_start_date] – [linkedinsc_position_end_date]</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 150px;”>
[linkedinsc_position_title], [linkedinsc_position_company_name] ([linkedinsc_position_company_industry])
You’re plugin is really great and I hope the problem can be fixed.
]]>I have a mutli site running wp3.1.1 im placing this in the header.
$LIURL = the_author_meta('linkedinurl');
echo do_shortcode('[linkedinsc profile=".$LIURL." lang="en"]');
echo do_shortcode('[linkedinsc_summary]');
the user_meta field is ‘linkedinurl’
the point is to be able to have each person who signs up for a blog to be able to display their linkedin summery
any idea why this wont work?
]]>Hi, thanks for the great plugin.
I noticed today that the plugin does not retrieve the [linkedinsc_position_summary] (version 1.1.8).
Is this a bug in the plugin or problem elsewhere?
Grt, Bart
]]>Hi, great plug-in!!!
While testing my site on IE8 I got the below error related to LinkedIn SC.
Grt, Bart
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; MAAU)
Timestamp: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 07:17:26 UTC
Message: Expected identifier, string or number
Line: 7
Char: 3
Code: 0
URI: https://www.stepscout.com/wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/js/linkedin_sc.js?ver=3.1
i have followed the example and have the plugin working on my site. great job and many thanks.
i am not very good at coding, but fine with following instructions. is there a way to show more than just one current position? i hold two current positions, and wish to display my past positions also.
right now the code for my positions looks like this:
<div style=”float: left; width: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_position_start_date] – [linkedinsc_position_end_date]</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 150px;”>[linkedinsc_position_title], [linkedinsc_position_company_name]
this only displays one of my current positions and none of my previous experience.
please advise,
Please take a look at my CV here:
Areas such as [linkedinsc_skills] are not working. I have put in my API codes etc – but the tags arent being processed by WP (they show as text).
Also – could this be modified so that we can do recommendations also?
]]>Dear list,
I’ve just tried this plugin and works like a charm – thank you for developing it.
My question: is it possible to show the “extra” fields also form linkedin, e.g.: publications, languages etc. ?
That would be really great!
Best regards,
I’m not sure how to explain this.
I using this plugin with simple facebook connect plugin.
When I added the “like” module
the data is not showing correct for school and experinces
When I debug, I notice that the “like” module re-read the content and add the “like” button after that
therefore $linkedin_sc_exp_num running number will start at 4 instead of 0
i added a code $linkedin_sc_edu_num = 0; into linkedin_sc_edu_handler and it works out fine not.
I’m not sure would it screw up your design. Please advice.
]]>function linkedin_sc_edu_handler($atts, $content = null) {
global $linkedin_sc_profile;
global $linkedin_sc_edu_num;
$educations = $linkedin_sc_profile->education;
$out = ”;
$linkedin_sc_edu_num = 0;
foreach($educations as $education) {
$out .= do_shortcode($content);
return $out;
Not everybody has a vanity username in linkedin, so the url to the public profile is not always
It can be:
So maybe it would be best to be able to use the full url in:
linkedinsc profile=
Would be great if the “headline title” could be imported as well
]]>I did some tests and all the lines breaks in between paragraphs are gone.
I would be great if the formatting could be kept when importing a “section”
I get this warnings.
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/lib/linkedin_profile/linkedin_profile.php on line 145
Warning: file_get_contents(https://www.linkedin.com/in/kramerchristian/) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/lib/linkedin_profile/linkedin_profile.php on line 145
Warning: simplexml_import_dom() [function.simplexml-import-dom]: Invalid Nodetype to import in /wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/lib/linkedin_profile/linkedin_profile.php on line 149
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/inc/linkedin-sc-experiences.php on line 36
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/linkedin-sc/inc/linkedin-sc-education.php on line 42