I’m setting up linker to track some redirects and would like to remove the /go/. The FAQs just say to use the linker_prefix_slug
?filter. But not how to use that filter. Please help.
A clicks reset option? Would be nice to not remove and re-create links.
Thank you!
This plugin is amazing and thank you for that!
I just want to mention that it has tons of vulnerability problems, please fix it.
Thank you!
I’m looking to replace my link shortner plugin because they disappeared & I wanted all the features they have.
Yours doesn’t have the WP option to create categories?
And I wanted to be able to search easily for ones I already created & see how many links are are in each category, just like on WP with post categories.
]]>Just recently it seems like Linker stopped working. Whenever I try to use a shortened link, I get a 404 Error. This occurs for every page that I have including older pages. Any thoughts on how to debug?
]]>I am not the plugin author, however, I created the following code that others may find useful.
It will simply display the number/integer of how many clicks the link has received.
Place the following code in functions.php:
function linker_return_count($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => 'id' ), $atts ); $result = get_post_meta(esc_attr( $atts['id'] ), '_linker_count', true); return $result; } add_shortcode('linker_click_count_display', 'linker_return_count');
Then add this shortcode wherever you want the number to display:
[linker_click_count_display id="1234yournumberhere"]
Where 1234yournumberhere is replaced by the ID of the linker link you created. (Find this number by clicking “Edit” on your linker link and looking at the “?post=”)
Eg, for me my shortcode looks like:
[linker_click_count_display id="241"]]]>
This isn’t for any local url or custom post type, nor old posts/pages. There’s no box for redirecting on page editors.
]]>Hi, is it possible with using a shortcode or some html to show the amount of clicks on a page next to the Link/button ?
And for each link seperatly ?
Thank you
]]>Hi, I created a new custom link for my affiliate referral link. But I don’t see any option within Linker to set 301 or 302 redirect for this new link.
In description of this plugin, it is mentioned that “manage your 301 redirects” but I don’t see any such option.
]]>I try to write a front widget, I try to get posts with this query but return
no post found
new WP_Query( apply_filters( 'widget_posts_args',
['posts_per_page' => $number,
'no_found_rows' => true,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'linker',
], $instance))
if ( ! $surl_query->have_posts() ) {
echo "no post found";
Hi there,
I hope you are doing well.
One of our common user found that if you are using your plugin alongside Advanced Ads the search function on the ad overview page under Advanced Ads > Ads is not working anymore.
You can reproduce this by installing Linker and Advanced Ads on a test page, creating two ads, and using the search function on the upper right corner to sort them. The search won’t display a result. I assume a manipulation of a WP Query in the backend we are looking for here.
Please try to reproduce it locally or reach out to our customer support if you need help reproducing this, a test page or additional information.
Best regards,
when updating a post 3 points are added to the psot links
]]>When I try to edit a post’s permalink, the /go/some-link becomes /go-some-link.
How do I get WordPress to accept the “/” without sanitizing it to “-” ?
]]>Where/how do you add this to change the link structure
]]>I don’t see the settings you specify (Outbound Links) in my yoast setup.
Do I need Yoast premium?
The Plugin “Linker” appears to be abandoned (updated 26 May 2016, tested to WP 4.5.13).
Type: Plugin Abandoned
If nothing needs to be changed – version bump should be enough
]]>I have just established an agreement between me and a company.
This company does not have an affiliate program, but I want to create banners/links to link to this company’s website to have potential customers make a purchase, but if they do make a purchase, I want to be able to have that tracked so I receive the commission.
How can I do this?
I just installed linker but i think i did something wrong.
I changed this link https://goo.gl/WfYFDK into beecore campaign but the premalink i get is this https://www.dutch-rc.nl/?post_type=linker&p=199 instead of what it shows on the edit link screen
Permalink: https://www.dutch-rc.nl/go/beecore-campaign/
Can you tell me what i did wrong?
On settings > premalink i use https://www.dutch-rc.nl/example-message/
Best regards,
Dutch RC
]]>Hi there
1. Does url shortening as Linker does can affect my rankings SEO wise?
2. What happen if I install the plugin, work whith it for a while, and then uninstall it? does all my links go back to what they were before Linker?
Is it possible to add Google Analytics Click Event code onto your links?
]]>I’m running 1.2.0
I have several links setup, but all have /go/ in the url.
This the way it is currently working.
This is the way is needs to work.
In the admin, the permalink has /go/ in it and I can’t get it out.
There are many reason ps this is not a good idea, but the top two is clumsy urls to send to people, use in ads and sharing – but it’s really bad practice for SEO – a site can actually be penalized for using them.
Please advise.
Warm regards,
Chris Sgaraglino
I get this error message:
Opps… the requested link does not exist.
I cleared cached and also re-saved permalinks. Not working. Am I missing something?
]]>Hi! Pretty cool and lightweight plugin by the way. ??
But all these links show up in the search results like these where posts. These links ain’t supposed to show up, it’s just unnecessary for visitors. Have you got a code snippet for me to exclude all the /go/-links? Or could you include it in the plugin?
Thanks for your quick response.
]]>Hi there,
I’m just wondering if this will work with alternative analytic plugins, preferably ones what work with Piwik.
]]>Your FAQ could use a little more info. Please provide the full script or better instructions so we can set linker_prefix_slug filter. If this is a script we can add to our functions.php then please reply with an example so instead of /go/ we have /links/ or something like that. Or maybe you have (or can add) a setting for this somewhere in your plugin, if so please explain where that is.
]]>Thankyou for this great plugin. I’m using it for displaying custom ads and tracking them, so I’d love if it could, in future, allow determining unique clicks to a certain degree of accuracy.
]]>Hey guys,
First off, excellent work on the plugin, really does the job well.
I was wondering whether I might be able to put in a ‘feature’ request for future versions?
– The ability to reset the link count would be nice
– Being able to view number of clicks over a given period of time via wp-admin, perhaps visually too? Clicks today, yesturday, past week, past month etc…?
That’s it really,
keep up the good work!
Can you create more than one custom prefix slug (instead of /go/)?
So some links could be /stop/ and some could be /pause/ ?
I have now made two redirect links. But in Analytics they are not seperated ?? They all get smashed in one.
And one more thing: is it possible to see the links, not the label text of the link?
]]>I see the plugin is installed, and activated, however it (“Linker, Add New”) does not appear in the Admin panel:
As displayed in your screenshot (your product image).
It appears nowhere but as installed and activated in “Plugins” = All = Active.