]]>How does this work? Are all emails sent by a manual click or are some automatically sent? Does status play a factor?
Any plans to send an email notification when the client clicks/views the invoice or estimate?
]]>I know PHP notices aren’t a big deal, but I like to eradicate them if possible. Currently, I see the following if I trash an invoice and then go the list of trashed invoices in the WP back-end:
Notice: Undefined index: trash in ~/wp-content/plugins/littlebot-invoices/includes/class-lbi-columns.php on line 49
I get an analogous notice when looking at trashed estimates, but this time referring to line 51.
What seems to solve this — although I recognize that your superior expertise may find a better solution — is to replace the following lines in class-lbi-columns.php
if ( $current_screen->post_type == 'lb_invoice' ) {
echo LBI()->invoice_statuses[$status_slug]['label'];
} else {
echo LBI()->estimate_statuses[$status_slug]['label'];
with this:
echo $status_slug;
Deactivating and reactivating the plugin causes (on the Business tab) the Business Logo and Address to be reset to blank.
The same thing happens with the PayPal Email on the Payments tab.
It’s possible that other fields are reset too; I just haven’t tried them all.
]]>If I go back to an Estimate or Invoice, the line items cannot be viewed from the back-end. The total remains correct, and the line items can be viewed from the front-end, but they are not visible (and thus, of course, not editable) from the back-end.
]]>I think your design for the Estimates and Invoices is beautiful. The one thing that isn’t quite right is the alignment of the sub-total, tax, and total, which don’t line up with the line items above.
It seems that adding padding-right: 15px;
to .lb-totals .vals
on line 242 of little-bot-public.css
sorts out the sub-total and total, but the tax entry is then aligned to the left instead of to the right.
I can make it line up by giving the tax value its own CSS class, val-tax
, and then adding padding-left: 18px;
to that, but I don’t know whether that will work for every tax value. Though, now I look, I don’t see how to set a tax rate anyway.
I use the Query Monitor plugin to help monitor my sites. Unfortunately, when I go to view a Littlebot Invoice or Estimate from the front-end, it appends all the QM data to the foot of the page.
I am not sure what the problem is, but this might provide a clue. If I deactivate Query Monitor, I then get the following PHP warning at the top of the page: Warning: Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset in ~/wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php on line 447
Just come across this. It looks beautifully simple, and I’d really like to use it. I have found a few problems, though. To avoid confusion, I’ll report each one a separate thread.
The first is that, on PHP 7.1 (though I think it will be the case for PHP 7.0.14 and above), when going to the Add New Invoice or Add New Estimate screen, I get this:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in ~/wp-content/plugins/littlebot-invoices/views/html-admin-invoice-line-items.php:12 Stack trace: #0 ~/wp-content/plugins/littlebot-invoices/includes/class-lbi-post-line-items.php(62): require_once() #1 ~/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1048): LBI_Line_Items->render_line_items(Object(WP_Post), Array) #2 ~/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(703): do_meta_boxes(Object(WP_Screen), 'normal', Object(WP_Post)) #3 ~/wp-admin/post-new.php(85): include('/var/www/html/n...') #4 {main} thrown in ~/wp-content/plugins/littlebot-invoices/views/html-admin-invoice-line-items.php on line 12
This seems to be resolved by just making the following change to the file html-admin-invoice-line-items.php
. Add $line_items = array();
to line 3. Then I think you can also delete the following code that currently appears just below:
if ( !is_array( $line_items ) ) {
$item = array();
$item['item_title'] = '';
$item['item_desc'] = '';
$item['item_qty'] = '';
$item['item_rate'] = '';
$item['item_percent'] = '';
$item['item_amount'] = '';
$line_items[] = $item;
We are seeking an invoice creation app and found yours, so far no issue has occurred in our testing but as we are located in Sweden we want to translate all into Swedish. But the .pot file seems to be empty. Can you send us correct filled English .pot file so we can translate headings etc on invoice template to Swedish?
Edit: When we check the template files and also for admin pages it seems that your plugin is not prepared for translation so this might be a future feature?
Also that Paypal might not be suitable for all users (we don’t use that for invoices), so a future feature might be to have other options available, like bank, cash etc?
Best regards Per