Hello Team,
Thanks for updating original plugin but there is some bug until you refresh the page it’s not updating any content on the page it self.
i.e. If I am sharing the live updates under one section it’s not refreshing that section automatically or not showing the new feed automatically
Good Example: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/live-updates-bharat-bandh-over-rising-fuel-prices/liveblog/65747670.cms
To show the new data user/visitor have to refresh full page which is not good for live update kind blog/website.
Can you please let me know how to show all the live post without refreshing the page it’ll only refresh the live blog section and add top update if there’s new update
]]>Please change the following code (line 1511-1524) in the file live-blogging-plus.php
$q = new WP_Query(array(
'post_type' => 'liveblog_entry',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'liveblog',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $id,
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post_status' => 'publish',
$q = new WP_Query(array(
'post_type' => 'liveblog_entry',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'liveblog',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $liveblog_id,
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post_status' => 'publish',
to get AJAX polling working! This is true for at least V1.3. I hope it will get fixed in the plugin soon.
]]>After a long search I’ve found the right plugin for my task to have a live blog for a sports event. It works fine inside a post, however, we want to set up a separate page for our visitors to follow the live blog.
Is there any way to put the liveblog directly on a page? I can make a new page template, if including makes a PHP function necessary.
Or do you know a way how to put a single specific post onto a page, which would also help?
Thanks for you answer.
]]>When the live-blog gets tweeted out, it takes it to /liveblog_entry/ URL that should be for that entry post only, but it comes up “Page Not Found”.
]]>Just like $DATE, I need $MOD that posts the last modified date.
How can I do this?
]]>I noticed that microblogs are not returned in the search results. Any help?
]]>I have a function that sorts posts by last modified date:
function custom_query_vars_filter($vars) {
$vars[] = 'sortby';
//$vars[] .= 'another';
return $vars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'custom_query_vars_filter' );
function techslides_alter_query($query){
$sortby = get_query_var( 'sortby' );
if( $sortby=="modified" && !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ){
$query->set( 'orderby', 'modified' );
A ?sortbymodified gets added to the URL to return the sort order.
How can I modify the sort order of the posts to be by which post has the newest microblog post OR update?
]]>When adding a new post, I get the following error:
Notice: Undefined index: post_type in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/live-blogging-plus/live-blogging-plus.php on line 733
To fix, change line 733 from:
elseif (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'post-new.php') !== false && 'liveblog_entry' == $_GET['post_type'])
elseif (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'post-new.php') !== false && isset($_GET['post_type']) && 'liveblog_entry' == $_GET['post_type'])
Since the latest version of WordPress, all entries have been showing up in all live blog posts. This is because of a change in how WP_Query queries taxonomies. To fix this, replace:
'liveblog' => $id,
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'liveblog',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $id,
How does this plugin work with an old live blog entries database from the Chris Norwood original version of this plugin ?
]]>There’s a bracket missing in the Javascript for the full page refresh option.
To fix, replace line 1165 of live-blogging-plus.php
. esc_attr(get_option('liveblogging_timed_update_freq', 25)) * 1000 . ';
. esc_attr(get_option('liveblogging_timed_update_freq', 25)) * 1000 . ');
I have the plugin installed on a site I am working on AND also tested it in a fresh install of WordPress,
AJAX polling is not working at all.
Neither is auto refresh the page.
Simply put, the live blog will not auto-refresh or auto-update no matter what I do.
]]>Hi there,
I’m using Live Blogging Plus Plugin, and its works perfect, but if I post something with more than 100 – 150 Caracteres, they don’t send the tweet. If I use just few caracteres its go. I think its happen because 140 caracteres twitter, so the text (120) more link(20). There’s a way to shortener the link and like with a post a 200 caracteres post its just grab the limit and put (…)?
Thanks for your attention and your plugin.
]]>Greetings. I’m currently using this plugin and it works fine, save for the following issue:
I have installed the WordPress Social Plugin in my site (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wordpress-social-login/), and apparently both use the same OAuth libraries. Is there a way to make both work together? Or at least deactivate the Twitter posting on Live Blogging, since I don’t use it? I noticed there’s a section where I can deactivate hooks.
]]>how to hook my custom post types?thank you
]]>I love this plugin as it’s the only useful live blogging plugin. But I’m also in deep trouble really using it …
On my website I’m adding Facebook Open Graph Protocol tags to the source code so Facebook will grab the right thumbnail images and description when a posting be being shared.
But this doesn’t work with Live Blog entries as it seams the plugin puts (for this purpose, if not in generally speaking) the wrong content in some database fields. i.e. post_name and post_title doesn’t have useful content.
In the old plugin’s version (Live Blogging without “Plus”) post_name had the posts ID (which was good) and post_title was empty (not good).
Now in this new version, post_name and post_title has values generated through the permalink settings of WordPress which makes no sense because per definition the Live Blog entries do noch have a title, hence the permalink is something like “auto saved draft” or “auto-saved-draft-2”
So eventually these values end up in the Open Graph Procotol tags, e.g. the og:url becomes “https://mywebsite.com/auto-saved-draft-2” … Yes, this URL works, but it’s not supposed to be used anyway … and even wirse, the og:title becomes “Auto Saved Draft” which is the same title that Facebook then grabs and shows with every single Live Blogging entry shared there …
Any idea on how to solve this ussue easily?
My suggestion is giving the post_name the post’s ID as in earlier versions of this plugin an put some kind of excerpt of the live blog entry’s content (stripped by html tags and shortcode) as post_title.
Thanks for considering and kind regards
Just wondering if it works on pages too?
first of all, thanks a lot for the great plugin.
Nevertheless, not every new entry will be tweeted. Some entries from several users will be tweeted, other entries from another group of users will not be tweeted. I checked the roles, and there is no correlation between role and the fact if an entry is tweeted.
Do you have any idea what could be the problem?
]]>I have placed the live blog on a shell page and connected it to twitter; however, the url that gets tweeted brings them to a page other than the one where the live blog lives. I am working on a multi-site network so making changes to the plugin origin would have to widespread of an effect. Is there a way to change the link default for a specific site? Is there a way to remove the link completely?
]]>Hi Vidyut, Does this version support custom field (can work alongside with custom filed template)? what i try to implement is to show special offers to visitor by using custom field function and will expire it once offer is finished. Any suggestions?
]]>When I install this and try to activate it with the install-provided link, it fails with the following error message.
Warning: require(../../../wp-blog-header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/production/tpn.tv/wp-content/plugins/live-blogging-plus/twittercallback.php on line 36 Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘../../../wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear’) in /home/production/HIDDEN/wp-content/plugins/live-blogging-plus/twittercallback.php on line 36
Then when I go to the Plugins listing, I see Live Blogging Plus listed twice. Activating the first one gives the above error, activating the second seems to work.