I’ve installed the plugin, and it seem to work fine for regular blogposts:
But when I try to do the same for regular pages, it doesn’t seem to work:
Furthermore, I can’t seem to get thumbnail to show (flickr_show_thumbnail value=1)…
Btw. this is the picture I’m trying to link to:
]]>What about the same for 500px??? That would be awesome!!
When imported a Flickr comment to the blog, over the text leaves a thumbnail of the image that has been said. How I can remove that image for future comments?
A greeting.
Tengo instalado el plugin “Live Flickr Comment Importer”, pero a pesar de tener marcada en su configuracion la opcion de que se muestren los avatares en los comentarios, no se muestran. Unicamente se muestran en el panel de control de WordPress en la seccion “Comentarios recientes”.
No se si tiene algo que ver con la plantilla, pero tengo instalada la “Fontella” (https://granimpetu.com/fontella/). Y por si tambien sirviera de algo tengo el plugin “Gravatars” instalado.
?Alguien sabria como solucionarlo?
Un saludo y gracias.
This seems like a great plugin but it’s broken in wp 3.0. Or am I doing something wrong? I was just wondering if there is a way to make it work in wp 3.0 or if there is an update coming?
Great work on a very much needed plugin!