Upon attempting to update my site from PHP7.4 to PHP8.0, I got an error on line 455 of the file localendar.php. It was a graceful error…the site didn’t crash, the only issue was the calendar stopped appearing.
By Googling for the error, I found what I believe is the proper syntax to update this. By modifying the single line of code, I have successfully upgraded to 8.0 and the calendar is still appearing on the site.
I thought I’d share this here in the event someone else is looking for a solution. No guarantees, but it seems to have worked for me.
The new line 455:
$calendar = (new TGM_Localendar_Widget())->build_calendar( $username, $type, $style, $hide_events, $link_text, $iframe_width, $iframe_height, $query, $bg_events, $bg_balloon );
@griffinjt, there is a map on this page via WP Google Maps (premium) but it is not showing — WPGM’s support response was this:
“I was able to login and do some further debugging and was able to fix the jQuery issue, however, I noticed that there is another JavaScript error on the page which is coming from this file and it seems that the jQuery.bt() function is being used which I believe is the Beauty Tooltips plugin for jQuery: https://www.localendar.com/public/madison2?include=Y&style=M5 ”
Can you help me troubleshoot this issue please? Thanks in advance!
Steve C.
Hoe to Remove the day and month links at bottom of week calendar.
I have the Premium subscription.
I had a problem with another plugin, after fixing that I installed your plugin and boom, fatal error, will you please help me?
Since 2 days the calendar is not working at my site and as i saw, the localender.com website is offline.
When will this plugin work again?
]]>Hi there,
I have your calendar embedded on 2 different sites. On both sites, with different themes, the calendar is generating code or something because, below the calendar, there’s 2 really skinny columns of text. The text runs down to the bottom of the page and breaks the whole footer section of both completely different themes.
Please see both sites:
How can I prevent the dynamic embed of your calendar from doing this? Please help. Thanks.
]]>This is more of a general info question rather than a troubleshooting question- does localendar support ie7. right now we are having an issue with google calendar embed not showing in ie7 and was wondering of localendar can help. Thanks
]]>Could someone explain what has happened to this plugin?
It seems to have completely disappeared from the website and the link to the plugin site won’t load either.
]]>Hi, i’m using this beautiful calendar on my site.
Unfortunally i’ve got the ‘balloon cut off’ problem like discribed in this forum (just click at the 4é april and you will see it)
I’ve read the post about the <DIV and overflow topics but diden’t fix it yet.
Anybody who can help me ?
]]>Hi, just wondering if this works with WordPress 4.0.1 or 4.1 – just tried to install it on both versions but I can’t find the settings pane anywhere. Where should it be?
]]>My calendar shows on the left of the web page and the month shows on the left side of the calendar: FYC.
How do I center the calendar as well as the name of the month.
Thanks – Ken
]]>In Plugins > Updates, I’m being encouraged to update to 1.1.9, but when I click to “View version 1.1.9 details”, it takes me to: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/localendar-for-wordpress/changelog/ — where the latest info is on 1.1.8 — I’ve had localendar ‘break’ in past updates, so I would like to know what has gone into the latest iteration. Just FYI… please update that info?
]]>I have a page where I would like to have 2 calendars running. I get it all set up and they look great but when hitting the arrow to forward to the next month (on the 2nd calendar), it kicks off the animation for the 1st calendar and neither calendar advances. The top calendar works fine by the way. Thanks in advance for any help. Great plugin.
]]>I’m a potential Localendar user, but my question is, from what I gather, the events are not stored as a custom post type in WordPress. They are created and stored on the Localendar website, is that right?
Are there any plans to move the event data to the WordPress database as CPTs? This would make creating/editing/manipulating/moving event data much easier.
]]>I added my calendar as an interactive mini-calendar with pop-up event balloons. When I view the full event there is a section at the bottom that says Save to: google, icalendar, outlook, and yahoo that I would like to remove. Can I do this on my localendar.com account or by editing
localendar-for-wordpress/localendar.php ?
]]>When I go to the Widget option, I put my hex color in to customize a “day of event” color but it will not save. It did save a previous color, but it no longer saves at all.
The “day of event” color should be #7b121, which is red.
]]>We recently installed the localendar plugin on our website. It looks great when we view the site on Internet Explorer, but the calendar doesn’t appear at all when the page is viewed in Chrome or Firefox. Just out of curiosity, I tried both browsers just now changing the https to http, and that actually did work. I’m not a professional developer or anything; I’m just trying to help my wife put together a site for her business. She deals with children, so I always assumed we’d want everything about the site to be as safe as possible for the peace of mind of parents. Is it going to get in the way for us to use the more secure protocol, or can localendar be made to work with https? Again, the https does seem to work fine in IE, oddly enough. We’d appreciate it if you could take a peek at the page and let us know what (if anything) we’re doing wrong – thanks!
]]>I cannot customize the calendar. The color pallete does not show up. Thank you for your help.
]]>I use localendar in my wordpress site. i use this short code to show the event in list –
[localendar username=”abcradio” type=”static” style=”ml” hide_events=”false” ]
it shows all the events of this month. but problem is it shows also past events.
Suppose today is 3 february. i want to show all next events from today. but it shows 1 february event.
how i can solve this problem?
]]>Hello Thomas,
Thanks for the hard work in creating this plugin to work with LOCALENDAR. This helps a lot of people who do not know wordpress and can use this simple way to show the calendar. Myself, I use it directly on a page with my IFRAME. I do not get the overhead from PLUGIN. I need to save memory as I have other areas that will fail.
However, I would like to ask if you can create an ADMIN setting that can load calendars to LOCALENDAR. You will need an API from LOCALENDAR to link into their website and upload the ICAL or GOOGLE or Spreadsheet. IF you can do this feature, then this would be the plugin for all.
Right now the extra benefit is the widget from what I can see. I will keep it inactive until you can get someway to upload from the ADMIN or FRONTEND to Localendar directly.
]]>First of all let me say what an awesome plug-in! My calendar doesn’t seem to display the Month between the 2 navigational arrows.
]]>Could you provide the CSS that will center the localendar widget in my sidebar? I have other tables in the site that have styles that may be overriding the localendar styles. Is there a line that could go in these brackets that would center it? If not, what do you suggest?
.localendar_container {}
]]>This script in a widget conflicts with WP now. The error is:
blockUI requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later! You are using v1.10.2
The widget using the mini calendar is causing the issue. Please use WP jQuery library instead of one for the plugin. That should fix the issue.
]]>Hi, I tried installing the calendar and while it shows installed. I can’t find it in the dashboard to use it. please advice
is it possible with this plugin calendar that visitors can create their events on the calendar itself?
If so? How do you adjust it?
Thank you
]]>I have installed the “localendar” widget as I have use Lo Calendar for years.
I followed the instructions, but the color scheme I had selected in localendar.com did not work well with the default for the localendar widget.
I have tried a couple different ways to get the background on the bubble to come up with color #FF6600 so that the background on the bubble would be dark enough to contrast with the light colored text. but I cannot get the Hex color above to engage. It is still coming up with the color of the bubble which was the default when I installed localendar widget.
I am brand new to WordPress. Is there something I am not doing?
I am loving the calender and how it all works is fantastic and ideal for what I need.
I have recently added this to my site https://www.rave-archive.com but have noticed that when I view it on safari on my phone it widens the calender and does not resize it to the size of my site making the rest of the size shrink to enable the calender to fit in the page width ways.
Is there a way of controlling this and making it universally fit the site so when it is viewed on my mobile it fits.
[email protected]
]]>Hey There,
Your plugin is working great for my needs but I have two issues:
1. In IE9, the calendar completely breaks my theme! (Chameleon theme from Elegantthemes.com). Go to the “Events” page to see the issue. Any clue why this happens? It seems fine in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
2. On mobile (iPhone) the calendar doesn’t resize to fit the mobile screen. Can I get the calendar to resize according to the screen size or could I force it to show the event listing instead of the block month calendar view?
Here is my site for you to see the problems yourself:
]]>How do I get it back? Thanks!
]]>I’m using the Month view on my calendar page, with the categories legend. The categories are all individually selectable/de-selectable.
Just wondered if there’s a way I’m missing that would allow a user to deselect all categories before choosing a single one?
We have fourteen categories but a given user is most likely only interested in one or two (they’re region-based categories), like Ontario and National. Currently a user needs to go through and deselect the unwanted twelve or thirteen categories to narrow the calendar down to the one or two they’re only interested.
Any suggestions? Possible? Or is this going to be a “future enhancement request”?