I’m trying your plugin in front page not single page.
so, there are several posts and several comments..
unfortunately, i’m not handy at javascript…^^;;
expecially, when clicking emoticon, the emoticon is displayed in first comment form….T.T
Would you see my code?
this is what i customizing.
function scut(){
global $KEReplace;
$opt = get_option(‘Locco_Ro_emoticons’);
echo “<div style=\”cursor:pointer;margin:2px\” ><span id=’loccoEmoticonslink’ class=’loccoEmoticonslink’>Afiseaza emoticoanele</span>”;
if ( isset($opt[‘backlink’]) && $opt[‘backlink’] ) echo ” Locco.Ro“;
else {
if( !isset($opt[‘backlink’]) ) echo ” Locco.Ro“;
echo “</div>”;
echo “<div class=’loccoEmoticonscontent’ id=’loccoEmoticonscontent’ style=\”display:none\”>”;
foreach($KEReplace as $k=>$v){
if(isset($opt[‘stat’]) && isset($opt[‘stat’][$k])){}
else echo ““.$v.”“;
echo “</div>”;
at this point..
firstly, i fixed attached position like below.
$(‘.loccoEmoticonslink’).click(function () {
i need second work..
when clicking emoticon, the emoticon is attached to closest comment form.
it doesn’t work now
i’m using class not id…
var loccoEmoticonsclick = function(tag){
var d = $(this).closest(‘.comment-form’).find(‘.comment’);
var b = d.selectionStart, a = d.selectionEnd;
d.value = d.value.substring(0, b) + ” ” + tag + ” ” + d.value.substring(a, d.value.length);